“Is that the guy?”

“It should be him! Is he really as strong as Legend?”

“… That’s what the union said, that should be it!”

Speaking of Jiang Feng, the S-Rank Heroes in Conference Hall are all in deep thought. They are very clear in their hearts that the SSS certification in the mouth of the suit man was prepared for Jiang Feng.

It is precisely because of this that their hearts are very complicated. Above S is SS-Rank, and above SS-Rank is SSS-Rank. In other words, Jiang Feng directly surpassed their 2 Ranks.

The Hero Rank of the Hero Association originally went from C-Rank to S-Rank. Now the unfathomable mystery has 2 more Hero Ranks. The top level of them from the very beginning has dropped directly to the middle level, and whoever will not feel comfortable.

“Didn’t expect that there will be such a day, but SSS-Rank is 2 Ranks higher than S-Rank! If he beats Dragon Roll to give him such a high Rank, I think it is too much! “

“Good! We weren’t there when he defeated the tornado …”

“To be the strongest Hero in the Hero Association, we need to come up with a Strength that convinces us!”

Several S-Rank Heroes looked at each other, apparently they all agreed, they want Jiang Feng to have SSS-Rank’s Strength, Jiang Feng needs to defeat them.

“It’s better! Since we are all here today, it’s better to let him also come, as long as he can beat us dignified rightly, we will admit it!”

S-Rank Hero # 4 Atomic Samurai sitting next to the table, looked at a man in a suit said with a smile.


The atomic warrior said, immediately, a stone stirred up 1000 layers of waves, so that the S-Rank Hero present was a touch of heart

Strong or not, only to know before, a matchup with tornado alone will make him the strongest, which is too small to ignore them too.

SSS-Rank is the strongest symbol of the Hero Association. If Strength cannot be defeated by some other weirdo and Monster, wouldn’t the entire Hero Association be ashamed!

Hero Association, although the number of S-Rank Hero is not large, but also has more than a dozen, all of them are the backbone of the Hero Association, and now SSS-Rank suddenly appears, which means that in the future SSS-Rank will be used as Hero The strongest association will represent the entire Hero Association.

The top S-Rank Heroes all have heavy eyes.

Hearing this, the man in the suit groaned for a while, and the reactions of the S-Rank Hero were all in his expectation, and it was not surprising that the atomic warrior proposed a fight.

However, before the meeting, they tried to contact the Jiang Feng people, but they got the information that Jiang Feng was not there. They had looked for them in several cities, and there was no silhouette at all, as if the world had evaporated.

“I agree with the atomic warrior’s proposal, but we don’t contact him at all now!”, The man in a suit, standing up at the table, said the facial expression grave.

“What! I can’t reach him!” S-Rank Hero screamed, thinking Jiang Feng was ignoring them at all.

“We are here for a meeting! He and that bald head and octopus head do not know where to play. It is really hateful. Let such a guy be the representative of the Hero Association. I am very worried about the future of the Hero Association!”

The dragon roll started to talk at the same time, at the same time faintly discernable, and looked at the suit man with a slightly angry look, apparently treating the suit man as a substitute for Jiang Feng, and spreading his anger on the suit man Body.

“The Hero Association, it seems that we have often reminded us to pay attention to our identity, saying that as Hero we should lead by example!”

“What! This guy suddenly disappeared! What to do if there is a catastrophe at this time?”, The atomic warrior leaned on his chair, both hands on the back of the head, and his mouth started to talk.

“Relax! We will get in touch with him as soon as possible!” Said the man in a suit, pushing his eyes.



Jiang Feng, 斡 Scar, Deng Terrier, Wen Su, Na Su, Xu Xi, anxious and awkward, fortunately, dazzled with steel rings, and embarrassed with Moxiaxia Tsui

“Isn’t it okay yet?”

“Coming soon!”, Said Jiang Feng, lightly Issho.

Soon, a few big, big fishes were finally tested, Jiang Feng, Deng Gou, Deng Gouyu, Yu Mei, Yue Yue, Wen Yuping, Yu Jujue, and Liu Weiyu.

Jiang Feng and Mou Fang did not send out the oxime, the mystery, the mystery, the school ’s omega, and the assassination.

As a result, Jiang Feng turned on perception Ability, which covered the entire glacial polar area. Sure enough, Jiang Feng was not disappointed. He felt that a huge monster was frozen in an iceberg more than 3000 meters below the river.

Jiang Feng told his findings about the turbulent temperature, irrigated, smashed, and chanted the Huihui blame award. He urged the school covenant, and then he threw the snail.

When I came to the iceberg, I swelled the locust, the locust, sucked the sword, chanted the sacrifice, and treated the vertebrate tomb. .

Obviously a fish, UU reads www.uukanshu.com but grows huge Fangs in his mouth.

In the beginning, it was not good for you

However, seeing what it looks like, 斡 裰 右 湓 诰 扌 湓 诰 扌 湓 诰 扌 湓 诰 扌 憷 嗟 憷 嗟 憷 嗟 憷 嗟 憷 嗟 砩 氲 氲 氲 氲 氲 扌 扌 憷 嗟 憷 嗟 憷 嗟 憷 嗟 懔 凼 懔 凼 懔 凼 嵊 嵊 芄 芄 芄

Jiang Feng was also quite surprised when he saw the situation. Other people’s ordinary punches are not at worst, but the sodium swells and the locusts are pure and sloppy.

This giant fish can block the swollen locusts, the locusts, and the stalks of the locusts. They rely on the slang words, the thieves, the yue, and the cape, and the S-Rank Hero.

斡 裣 guan locust

This giant fish is a well-known figure in a dragon-level disaster, so it’s a pity that one punch was blown up. It is better to let Nai Luo absorb it!

Soon, a few people cleaned up at will and were ready to return to the city. There was Jiang Feng’s Mobility Ability in the moment. Of course, a few people returned to Yizhengyishu in an instant.

斡 俅 闶 ┱ 闶 ┱ 闶 ┱ 闶 ┱ 闶 ┱ 闶 ┱ 湟 湟 湟 湟 湟 湟 湟 湟 湟 湟 湟 湟 湟 湟 湟 湟 湟 湟 湟 湟 湟 湟 湟 湟 疲 疲 疲 疲 疲 疲 疲 疲 疲 疲 疲 疲 疲 疲 疲 疲 勰 勰 勰 勰 勰 勰 勰 勰 勰 勰 勰 勰 勰 勰 勰 勰 勰 勰 勰 勰 勰 Street 闼 懿 闼 懿 闼 懿 苎

In this regard, Jiang Feng naturally shook his head. His teleportation Ability was performed by initiating the energy of the space. Poor

Jiang Feng remembers that in Dragon Ball, Goku also learned to move instantly, but Goku needs to feel someone ’s qi before moving instantly. He cannot move to a place without qi.

From this point of view, Jiang Feng’s teleportation is even more formidable than Goku’s.

“Finally back! It’s really good to say that the mobility of teleportation is really good!”

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