Meteorites are about to fall, and the city is quite chaotic.

It didn’t take long for Jiang Feng and Tong Dou to yell and cough, lonely, stubborn, ridiculous, erroneous, ergonomic, ergonomic, and sturdy. Sincerely

Janos facial expression grave looked at a menacing meteorite. The day of the tornado pulled a meteorite from the universe with force, Jiang Feng threw him into a powder with one punch, although this meteorite was pulled by the original tornado. It came down much bigger and much stronger, but with Jiang Feng’s Strength, I think it can resist this meteorite!

However, he also wanted to try this meteorite!

A firm gaze flashed in his eyes, and Jenos opened his suitcase, took out Metal equipment, and started to assemble it. Now the city of Z is in chaos. The big meteorite in the sky is resolved as soon as possible, and the order in the city can be Recover as soon as possible.

Therefore, time is very urgent.

Soon, the meteorite in the sky was approaching and dropped directly in the direction of City Z. This meteorite was very huge. From a diameter perspective, it was equivalent to a spherical meteorite with a diameter of 1000 meters.

This meteorite is also mixed with many solid meteorite. Even Metal Knight’s robot can hardly damage this meteorite.

Silver Fangs, although it is the 3rd-ranked Hero, Strength formidable, but after all, he is just a martial artist that’s all. The tricks have little effect on this huge meteorite.

And Banggu is a martial arts Grandmaster, but also does not fly, and does not have super Ability!

Genos’s weapon is still very strong. From the perspective of destructive power, Genos’s Strength deserves the status of s-class Hero.

However, the fire strikes of Jenoss went to the meteorite, but it was also very difficult to cause damage to the meteorite.

This falling meteorite is exceptionally strong. Of course, if it is not strong, the heat generated by friction with the atmosphere will be enough to burn it out.

“I … really still can’t do it?”, Looked at at his own firepower, there was no way to destroy the meteorite, and Jenos’ face was very ugly.

From this point of view, myself and Jiang Feng and 鏂?绔?鐗?伪伪

However, although I can’t break up this meteorite, some people here can, and Jenos’ eyes can’t help but turn to Jiang Feng and 鏂?鐦?/p>

He knew that if Jiang Feng and Qian Huan Ai Huan were to be crippled slowly, then 8 cities would be really over.

This whole city can have hundreds or even 100 inhabitants!

“Let me come …”, when Jennos worked hard for a long time and couldn’t damage this solid meteorite, the neon end slope and Deng Gou raised thin

Wearing tight clothes in yellow and wearing white cloak, I am so timid and embarrassed.

“Fresh fresh A vinegar protection, keloids, anti-caries, diarrhea, mucus, Deng terrier, brother marsh, breeding, barren picking

鏂?绐?椴?蠂Marsh 璋?閸?to Temple 绌?/p>

When the Hero Association saw Jiang Feng smashing the meteorite, Genos told himself that he would kill the sword 鈶?/p>

Maybe it 鈥檚 because I 鈥檓 left with my brain.

I can see that the horse and the pong are very similar to the phoenix and the vertebrae, and the vertebrae are quite similar to those of the brilliant hand.


鏂?绔?鐗?伪 璋?璋?缁?缁?缁?缂?铔?缂?铔?The existence of the bug generally exists, although this meteorite is very large and very strong, but in the tomb of the tomb rushed to step on the bulge of the bulge 菛 neon 姗?/p>

I am annoyed, i.e., stealing, letting go, eating, eating, eating, eating, eating, eating, 桅

“Okay, it’s awesome. It actually broke this meteorite with one punch …”

silver Fangs Banggu, looked at

At the same time, Bangu also glanced at Jiang Feng. At that time, he was at the Hero Association, and the Hero Association’s evaluation of Jiang Feng, naturally, he also heard about it, it was a god! There is no better explanation of Jiang Feng Strength than these two words!

And how strong this meteorite is, Bangu knows, Metal Knight and Genos have no way to take him, but did n鈥檛 expect, not Jiang Feng, but the locust buckets and the training of the color and Glutamate

A bold idea suddenly flashed in Bangu’s mind and lingering.

“It’s just that although the meteorite was broken, these broken rocks …

Banggu shook his head, looked at in the sky These pieces of meteorite fragments that splashed out, his heart was inwardly shouted.

If the meteorite is directly dropped, there will be no doubt that the entire city of Z and the surrounding area will be destroyed, and there will be countless deaths and injuries. Although the meteorite is now broken, the damage caused by these fragments will be greatly reduced. is still a terrifying disaster!

“It’s over, it’s over. Hurry up …”

Although the meteorite was shattered, these fragmented meteorites fell down, and looked at the meteorites that fell like raindrops, and the residents of the city were shocked.

“I think the 鏂?绔?鐗?伪 娴?is to 鎭?鎭?璋?缁?缁?/p>

Jiang Feng is standing on the top of the building and looked at 鏂?鐧?閸?閮?濠?璋€ 鍓?濠?璋€ 鍓?/p>

鏂?瑜?钀?纭?鏂?瑜?钀?纭?澧?杈?澧?杈?澧?杈?鐨?鐨?鐨?鐨?鐨?鐨?渚?渚?渚?渚?渚?鐨?渚?渚?渚?渚?鐨?鐨?渚?鐨?鐨?鐨?鐨?鐨?渚?鐨?鐨?鐨?鐨?鐨?鐨?鐨?鐨?鐨?鐨?鐨?鐨?鐨?渚?渚?渚?鐨?鐨?鐨?鐨?鐨?鐨?渚?渚?鐨?渚?閮?閮?閮?閮?閮?璋?閮?璋?璋?璋?璋?school 璋?铔?铔?铔?铔?铔?钀?纭?钀?纭?澧?鍫?澧?鍫?鐣?鐣?鐣?鐣?鐣?鐣?鐣?鐣?鐣?鐣?铓?姒?姒?姒?铓╖heng Huanzhen

Now it 鈥檚 time for melon breeding

looked at in the sky 4 The meteorites that splashed out were enough to reduce more than half of the city of Z to ruins. Jiang Feng secretly sighed, watching the city be destroyed and killing many people here. This is not his character.

Jiang Feng squeezed the fist tight, and the spiritual power of the body emerged to converge on the fist, his eyes sinking slightly, and he suddenly punched.

I saw the atmosphere in front of Jiang Feng producing invisible ripples, the impact of one after another terrifying, like a wave moved towards the sky.

The destructive power of formidable spreads out, just like the airborne earthquake of Whitebeard, the atmosphere of the sky is distorted, like a mirror about Shatter.

With the punch of Jiang Feng, the shattered gravel from the Shatter 4 in the sky were shattered into powder. This scene saw countless residents stunned.

In the distance, the blown straw that has fallen on the ground has been frightened and foolishly foolishly stunned. 4 Youyuan read the corpse, demolish the capital, steal the vinegar, and drop it.

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