However, Dragon Scroll came back to his senses from shock, and did not dare to keep his hand. All the motivation was covered by Jiang Feng. The intangible thought of terrifying almost completely engulfed Jiang Feng’s body.

Such a formidable mentality, let alone a fleshy body, even a large mountain can make him instantly collapse. Tornado wants to completely squeeze Jiang Feng’s body into a meat slurry.

However, the spiritual power of Jiang Feng’s within the body formidable emerged. These motivations acting on Jiang Feng seemed to have no effect at all. Jiang Feng’s body stood against the absolutely uniform power, but still stood proudly in midair.

“Okay … very powerful Strength …”, feeling the strength contained in the Jiang Feng body, his own mental power could not stop him, and the tornado was terrifying.

In this way, Jiang Feng strolled towards the tornado in a leisurely manner. The tornado looked surprised, like a fawn frightened, and moved towards the distance, but when the tornado wanted to leave, it was too late.

Jiang Feng raised his hand fiercely and pinched the dragon roll, and the delicate and cute face turned.

The dragon scroll struggled desperately, but it was difficult to break away from the palm of Jiang Feng. He launched the formidable mind to stop Jiang Feng, but it was also difficult to stop Jiang Feng’s action.

Finally, dragon roll both hands clasping her chest, revealing an air of bulging, piercing fiercely looked at Jiang Feng, apparently she has given up struggling!

Long Juan is also very heart-shocked by Jiang Feng’s Strength. Although Dragon’s heart can’t wait to unload Jiang Feng by 8 pieces, she also has to admit that Jiang Feng’s Strength is really very strong. She is in front of Jiang Feng. There was almost no fight back.

“Forget it! You’re so fierce, you really made my daughter, I can’t take it …” Jiang Feng completely ignored the angry look of Dragon Roll, with a smile on his face, and gently pats his head, said with a smile.

“Hateful, you, you …, one day, I will make you pay!”

The tornado was shameless, silver teeth clenched, and fiercely glanced at Jiang Feng.

“Well, little demon, if you want to play, you can come to me at any time …”, Jiang Feng said with a disapproval of the evil fiercely words of tornado.

Dragon scroll originally wanted to teach Jiang Feng a few people, but now, he ca n’t beat Jiang Feng again, he has been taught a little, and he has lost face. In desperation, Dragon Curse moved towards Hero Association Great Hall flew away.

The strength of the tornado is actually not weak. What really surprised Jiang Feng was that strength like the tornado was ranked second in the S-Rank Hero. So how many blasts can make the tornado willingly rank at the second? Strong.

His Strength is definitely not the same as the dragon roll both equally excellent, otherwise he won’t let the dragon roll willingly succumb to the second place.

A tornado is already formidable. How strong is Poros, which is stronger than a dragon disaster? Are there monsters and weirdos better than Poros?

The World of One-Punch Superman is very big, and the World that Jiang Feng learned from the original work is only the iceberg Ikkaku. Jiang Feng believes that there are definitely some formidable Monsters or weirdoes in this world ’s harsh climate.

There is also the main character of this World, the Scar Thief, the Unloading, the Tempest, the naive, the charming, the light, and the twilight.

After the tornado, 斡 窆 シ 鲎 沤 芘 邓 芘

Jiang Feng teased the scroll several times, the speed was strange and unpredictable, but not at all brought him much shock. I saw that the meteorite pulled by the tornado was directly blown into a powder by Jiang Feng, and this scene was really shocked. Arrived at Genos.

“Fresh, fresh, fresh, fresh, and fresh, the Ministry of Animal Husbandry has stirred up taxes and quietly, so Jun Jun Bao, Deng Gu’s sorrowful feedback,

“En! I have n’t played it! I do n’t know!”

The strength displayed by Jiang Feng, the uniformity of the gray-catching tactics, the Liao 抟 晌 style, the shell pulling, the drop, and seeing Na Nashu

In the sky, he can also smash a big meteorite with a punch, but he must blow a big meteorite into a powder, and he will stun the first meteorite.

“This …”, the stern actress, Deng Gua, the prostitute, the wicked ape, Yue Chun, the soil, the fresh peacock, the locust fan, and the locust fan, consumed about

“Hey! Jenos, I want to play against him, but I don’t know how to start to talk!”

Hearing this, Jennos looked complex, secretly said in one’s heart, 斡 窭 鲜 斡 窭 surname 庋 南 敕 ā

As the Hero Association ’s ranked second-ranked S-Rank Hero, the dragon roll was defeated unclearly, and there was silence in the Great Hall of the Hero Association headquarters!

The scene that just happened, is by no means, the scene imagined in their hearts, they thought that the Dragon’s Strength was no longer good, and they could fight against Jiang Feng for a few hundred rounds. Although they saw the scene of destroying the Heavens and extinguish the Earth, However, he also realized the Strength gap between Dragon Roll and Jiang Feng.

The Strength gap between two people is like an adult and a child.

“The tornado is the second-ranked Hero in the s-class. UU reads, but that guy ’s Strength exceeds the tornado too much. The tornado is like a naughty child in front of him. As long as he wants, he can almost Trick to defeat the dragon roll! “

“Such a person is willing to become a member of the Hero Association … I think his Strength should be a god!” Said the great expression of the suit man headed by Great Hall in Great Hall.

“God level!”

“God! That’s the thing in Legend. Is that guy really god?”

The men in suits started to talk. There was an uproar in the Great Hall. The staff of each and everyone looked at each other. Although they all felt shocked and incredible, no one questioned the words of the men in suits.

The thought of Jiang Feng being so powerful and easily defeating Dragon Scroll’s Strength, everyone in the Great Hall was shocked.

“Sir, do we want to change his Hero Rank?” At this moment, a staff member suddenly said in front of the big screen in Great Hall.

Hearing this, several executives groaned, lost their thoughts and didn’t answer immediately, and the atmosphere of Great Hall fell into silence.

Hero Association’s Hero Rank has always been C-Rank, B-Rank, A-Rank, S-Rank. If they have to give Jiang Feng a clear position, they need to change the entire Rank system.

Of course, it is not so troublesome, just add another Rank after the S-Rank. In the past, the S-Rank symbolized the peak military strength of the Hero Association. In the future, the peak military strength of the Hero Association will be god-level.

However, this change will be a stir for the entire Hero Association.

“This matter is very involved, it is not something we can decide, and if we want to add another Rank, we need to seek the consent of other S-Rank Heroes …”

“Give me all his battle strength assessments … hold a plenary session!”, The head of the suit man stared at the big screen tightly, said start to talk in a deep voice.

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