Xiu! xiu! xiu!

In the air, countless bullets moved towards the Mosquito Girl galloping away, and the Mosquito Girl looked gloomy, determined to wait for Strength to upgrade again, and must unload Genos 8 blocks.

“The inhabitants of the city are hiding and can’t suck any more blood, but the forest and the animals in nature are different!”

The mosquito glanced at the street and found that there were almost no people on the street because of the radio, which meant that she could not find food in the city.

However, her mind fluctuates and can give instructions to mosquitoes within 5ten thousand meters. She can go to the surrounding forest to draw animal blood, and she is not picky.

quickly! The densely packed mosquitoes moved towards the surrounding forest, and when they returned again, there was almost no life in the surrounding forest, and the animals were sucked up by their flat bodies.

The mosquito woman absorbed the blood, and the body had a huge change. The leg that had just been torn off grew miraculously, and the damage on her body was completely recovered.

Jenos looked at the mosquito with a gaze, and there was a bad hunch in her heart.

Sure enough, after the mosquito woman Evolution was completed, she looked at Jenos with a playful look at the next moment, and the mosquito woman swooped towards Jenos.

Seeing this, Jenos’s pump suddenly shrank, and he quickly turned on the ejector to speed up the dodge, and Jenos escaped the attack with no surprise.

Genos avoided, and the mosquito-like limbs of the mosquito speared directly into the ground.

There was a huge pothole on the ground, which made Jenos scared for a while. This Attack, even if its body is made of steel and iron, will definitely be penetrated!

“Haha! It’s quite fast to hide, but the hit was just to make you play!” When the blow didn’t hit, the mosquito girl didn’t feel the slightest urgency, just laughed softly in her mouth.

From the perspective of the mosquito woman, with her current Strength, Genos is completely in her pocket. Just now she felt the oppression from Genos, and now she naturally plays with Genos.

boom! boom! boom!

Under the mosquito woman’s attack, Jenos responded in a panic. Sometimes, the mosquito woman didn’t even deliberately hit Jenos in order to play with him.

In order to revenge on the broken leg, the mosquito woman also broke the legs of Genos, looked at the ugly complexion of Genos. The mosquito woman seemed to have found some kind of fun, and her mouth made a crazy laugh.

“This guy ’s Strength has become very powerful. Sure enough, drawing her blood will make her Stronger. She ca n’t go on like this, leaving her here with unthinkable consequences!”, Janos ugly complexion looked at the mosquito, and she already hugged With the determination to die, she was perish with the mosquito woman.

As a semi-mechanical body transformer, Strength of Jenos is still very powerful. Most of the body is transformed from a mechanical body. A variety of hot weapons are emerging endlessly, with a big fire force, compared with Marvel World. The steel and iron man is even stronger.

However, at this time, Jenos was almost about to be beaten into a pile of scrap iron by the mosquito woman.

At this time, 斡 裉 sauce, flying toe stuffiness, humiliation, test, scoring value, Lang Xi, blowing the car door, holding soil, and walking.

“Hey! Go and take refuge! There is a guy who is very difficult to entangle!”, Jennos slammed his whistle and drew his sentence to Deng Goumu.

“Damn! I’ve confirmed it, who’s not at all around here! What’s going on with this guy?” Genos started to talk and complained.

“Haha! Here comes food again!”, The mosquito woman looked greedily at 斡 瘛

In the state of red, all aspects of the Mosquito Attribute have been greatly improved, whether it is Strength, speed, or reaction and defense.

After fighting again, the semi-mechanical modified Jenos is not a mosquito woman’s opponent at all, and it ’s difficult for the door to swell and to swell.

A large part of Jenos’s body was destroyed by the mosquito woman. It looks horrible to see, but fortunately he is a semi-machined body after the transformation.

Otherwise, even this huge amount of blood loss is fatal.

“Are you still here like this? Hurry up!” Jenos, who was badly injured, saw Chi You changing his aunt and waving Xinxiong Beach.

In this case, I ’m going to change 嶙 撸 岷 ε 鹿 rank Song door class Ω magnesium 迮 filter oh bath

In addition, I am very sad, I ’m sorry, I ’m going to retreat, I ’m going to expose it, and I ’m dead.

“Are you a robot, or a human?”, Xin Wei, Deng Gou, Mu Yana case, quietly resisting sullen eyes Deng

“It’s this time, and you still care about other people, you still care about yourself!”

“However, you’re just a piece of iron that’s all, or the bald head around you has more blood, which is more delicious!”, The mosquito woman’s eyes fell on 斡 竦 纳 砩 希 凵 裰 write Oh Yun 恃 恃 释 档

Hearing the words of a mosquito woman, she said, “Suck my blood? You really look like a big mosquito!”


The mosquito woman was coldly snorted, and moved very fast towards the Huaiwei UU reading book www.uukanshu.com The mosquito woman’s speed was fully open, and the speed was several times faster than when she first played against Genos.

Jenos’s pump suddenly shrank. When he found the silhouette of the mosquito woman, the mosquito woman had arrived.

I saw a spike on the mosquito’s head, suddenly stabbed to the keloid, Deng Hang, and accepted it. He created a neon bake word.

“This is … how is that possible!”, Jennose looked at incredulously at 斡 瘛

This spike could break the ground and pierce his mechanical body, but was blocked by the flesh and blood of the man in front of him, it was incredible.

However, at the next moment, something happened that made Jenos even more shocked.

“This … it’s gone, it’s over!” Jenos’s tone began to rest.

The enemy who forced himself into a desperate situation, almost with whom he was about to perish, was solved by this ugly man in front of him?

What level of strength is this? It is simply the difference between God and mortals.

“What! It ’s so fierce to speak, I thought she was strong! The result is still such a disable to withstand a single blow!”

In the distance, on a tall building, Jiang Feng looked at

As early as in this city, when a large group of mosquitoes appeared, Jiang Feng thought of the mosquito woman in the original work, so Jiang Feng took a look at the shepherd αjun through the mosquito woman

Although the locusts and locusts of the Song dynasty and the imperial emperor of the Song dynasty were stunned, they licked their scars.

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