When Uchiha Madara shot Jiang Feng, Jiang Feng was noticed by the 2nd generation.

The people who can stop Uchiha Madara Attack are ordinary people? And Uchiha Madara, such a self-righteous person, would not target an ordinary shinobi.

The start to talk in the 2nd generation of Megumi was full of command. The shinobi of Konoha Hidden Village naturally did not dare to conceal, and told the 5 Hokages about Jiang Feng in one to ten.

Hokage of 2 Konoha Hidden Villages, when they heard what Jiang Feng was doing, were sometimes astonished, sometimes inconceivable, sometimes angry, and sometimes surprised.

“Putting it that way, you are a little Tsunade …, you are dead, isn’t that little Tsunade …”, said the looked at Jiang Feng with regret in the first generation of Muzhu.

And between the 2nd generations, even when they heard the relationship between Jiang Feng and Tsunade, they did not dispel the vigilance against Jiang Feng.

The reason is very simple. Jiang Feng once shot on Konoha Hidden Village. Even though Jiang Feng was passive at that time, it was an indisputable fact that he started on Konoha Hidden Village.

“Master Daime, rest assured that I didn’t die at all, I came here just to deal with some things that’s all, and Tsunade is also very happy!”, Said Jiang Feng Qian Qian Issho.

Hearing this, the first generation of Muzhu and the second generation of Muyan looked incredible at Jiang Feng.

How could a living person appear in such a place? This is the place where only the dead can come!

Jiang Feng didn’t say much. If he wanted to make this matter clear, it would take several days.

“You’re a living person, what’s the purpose of coming here!”, The relationship between understood Jiang Feng and Tsunade, not at all between the 2 generations of Megumi, gave Jiang Feng a good look.

What Jiang Feng did, he felt that he was an extremely dangerous person, and the danger was more than that of Uchiha Madara. Jiang Feng obviously came here with a purpose.

Hearing this, Jiang Feng’s corner of the mouth raised a radian, and his thoughts moved. Immediately the entire Soul existed space began to shake.


Pirate World, Kingdom of the Sky!

In the magnificent palace, Jiang Feng approached one by one Great Hall, and the crystal lights of rays of light 4 illuminated the entire Great Hall.

Jiang Feng stepped towards the Great Hall center, surrounded by dazzling bubbles around each and everyone, and the 10000-like scene was mapped on the outer wall of the bubbles.

His Zanpakuto dark moon, Ability named Space Domination, Shikai can dominate the surrounding Space, and after d solution, the dominating Space range expands infinitely, and can dominate the entire World’s Space.

Previously, several Worlds that Jiang Feng had visited were taken down by him to Pirate World, which is the each and everyone bubble around him.

Jiang Feng controlled each and everyone World, floating in the center of Great Hall, and suddenly a small silhouette ran over from behind.

“Master Father, when did you come back! You haven’t played with me for a long time, let’s go play!” Said Xiao Binai, looking at Jiang Feng with anticipation.

Jiang Feng laughed, a complex expression flashed in his eyes, and he left for a long time, and has not been with his family for a long time.

For the next period of time, I have to accompany my family …

Jiang Feng’s thoughts floated the last Naruto World bubble in the midst of the Great Hall center.

Shrinking Naruto World slightly delayed some of his time. He first went to the shinobi souls’ resting place, and married this soul Space into the 2nd World …

Now, the soul bodies of those who died before have the opportunity to enter the 2nd World.

However, unlike Human World World who entered the 2nd World, they have no body and cannot return to Human World World.


A light sound, a crack appeared in Space, Jiang Feng stepped out of the crack in Space, and for some reason, a feeling of emotion emerged.

I don’t know if this is the first time he has crossed over Space. He is too lazy to count. After leaving Shinigami World, Jiang Feng stayed in Pirate World for about a year, and accompanied the girls for nearly a year.

After that, Jiang Feng embarked on a journey again. He went to many Worlds. When he was interested in the World, he stayed for a few days. He experienced the customs and customs there, and when he encountered the World that he was not interested in, he would not stay too much.

Jiang Feng was almost alone traveling around the Dimension World. During this period, he also met people who wanted to follow him and wanted to worship him as a teacher, but he did not accept it alone.

Although occasionally give pointers, those who want to worship him as a teacher, but never accept disciple.

Dimensional World is like the stars in the sky, countless. Jiang Feng has traveled for many years. The Worlds that have been visited over the years add up to nothing but Ikkaku that’s all of the dimensional universe.

This time the Space crossed over, I don’t know how long it has been Jiang Feng. Once again, the random crossed over, which broke through the crack of one Space, can be crossed over where and where.

Out of the crack in the space, he first took a deep breath, and Jiang Feng felt a strange freshness in the air. Immediately, Jiang Feng took a good look at the surrounding environment.

Jiang Feng found that where he appeared this time, he happened to be on the top of a mountain, and he was able to see a big city in the distance. UU Reading Book www.uukanshu.com

It seems that this time I came to a world with a modern society as the background.

“Is it a modern World? Interesting, I haven’t eaten the food in the city for a long time.”, Jiang Feng looked at the metropolis not far below, with some secretly thought in his mind.

Turn on your own perception Ability, and perceive the surroundings, who does not at all exist in this mountain, and if you want to come for a while, you will not know the information of this World.

Jiang Feng not at all covers Perceived Ability throughout the World, and it would be boring to do that.

After thinking about it for a moment, Jiang Feng left the mountain directly, silhouetted a glittering, and entered the city.

Explore everything in a World a little bit so you have fun!

The background of a modern city? I wonder if there is a supernatural Ability User? What kind of Strength system exists in this World?

Supernatural Ability User like Marvel? Or will Martial Dao appear Martial God? Or is it a future world with advanced technology?

With curiosity in his heart, Jiang Feng came to this metropolis.

Overall, Jiang Feng found that these people’s lives looked calm.

After walking in this metropolis for a long time, there are no special scenes that are enough for Jiang Feng to determine whether this World is a World that he is familiar with.

“Be careful!” Jiang Feng looked around and immersed himself in his thinking. Suddenly, a loud scream caught Jiang Feng’s attention.

In the distance, one strange tentacle suddenly attacked Jiang Feng, and the giant tentacle looked like a vine.

The tentacles wrapped around Jiang Feng’s body, but Jiang Feng’s body stood here and motionless As Mountains. The owner of the tentacles wanted to pull Jiang Feng’s body away, but Jiang Feng was completely motionless.

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