Over the ice palace, one of the dark cracks suddenly opened, and each and everyone of Shinigami, wearing Shihakushō, appeared in the hidden space of Wandenreich.

Standing in midair, Shinigami in the forefront is simply Captain Yamamoto Yuan Liaozhai.

The Shinigami of his behind is Captain of the Huten XIII team.

Mop City Kenpachi and Aizen plus medical treatment, 胛 胛, 胛, 胛, 驹, 匀, 匀, 皇, 皇, 皇 (皇), 喜 (喜), 喜 (喜), ね ⑹ (乃), ね ⑹ (乃), ね ⑹ (乃), 穸 (嵬 瓯), 偷 (偷), 偷 (偷), 偷 (偷), 簧 (簧), 簧 (词) Mou Shen

Yamamoto Yuan Liao Zhai Zhongguo left Soi Fon and the others and informed Zero Squad of Spirit Royal Palace about Aizen and Yhwach.

Both of them are working on the idea of ​​Spirit King, and Yhwach has acted 2 years ago. This time, Yhwach and his remnants have revived. They will never give up attacking Spirit Royal Palace.

And this matter is related to the comfort of Spirit King, and members of Zero Squad will never let it go.

Zero Squad responded, and Yamamoto Yuan Liao Zhai Zhongguo was relieved to lead the team to Wandenreich.

Ice Palace!

Perceived the sudden spiritual pressure, members of the Sternritter stepped out of the room and stared at Shinigami tightly.

“That’s Shihakushō … Damn it, it’s Shinigami of the Tenth Guard Team 3!”, Seeing a group of Shinigami in the sky densely packed, said Minina’s facial expression grave.

“But how did they find us!” Gatis asked, confused.

The annihilation division has been hidden in this space for more than 1000 years. The Shinigamis of Hu Thirteenth Team have not found their traces. Why now they suddenly know they are here.

“Does this need to be said? It must be because of the guy from the last time! He made such a big movement here, and it’s no wonder that the Thirteen Team Hut can’t find it!” Royd coldly said.

Shinigami of Huting XIII team suddenly appeared in Wandenreich, members of the Sternritter facial expression grave.

Now Wandenreich’s strength is not as good as before. Yhwach disappeared. The members of the Sternritter fell by more than half. How can they fight with the Huten XIII team?

“Take them down …”, shouting in the sky, the Shinigamis of Huten XIII attacked the members of Sternritter and the Soldiers of Wandenreich.

The war is on the verge!

On the battlefield, Tōshirō Hitsugaya came to Loyd. As the peak military strength of Shinigami, Toushiro naturally met a member of the Sternritter.

Strangely, as Toushiro stepped closer to Loyd, Loyd’s entire person suddenly changed strangely, his clothes were gradually covered by white Captain haori, the third eye of forehead disappeared, and a Zanpakuto exactly like Hyōrinmaru appeared in his hand … …

Loyd turned out to be exactly the same as Toushiro!

“63 of Hadō Raikōhō cannon!” Ignoring Toushiro’s surprise, Loyd became Toushiro, the pump light flickered, and the reaction was very quick.

immediately one electromagnetic gun, moved towards Toushiro galloping away.

Loyd imitated Toushiro. Not only did Toushiro’s appearance, but even Kido in Toushiro’s possession was imitated together.

Seeing this, Toushiro’s gaze sank, and the cold air on his body instantly surged up. One icicle appeared in front of him, which was the frozen Raikōhō cannon.

“D 解 ・ Daiguren Hyōrinmaru!”

Toushiro’s gaze was frozen, a touch of indifference appeared on his face, and a sudden burst of Extreme Cold’s spiritual pressure broke out in Hyōrinmaru in his hand, which spread instantly.

Kāchā ! Kāchā !

The ice layer on his body, with speed visible by naked eye, suddenly spread all directions.

The air froze suddenly, making a kāchā kāchā sound, and the cold moved the entire moved towards Loyd.

However, to Toshiro’s surprise, the enemies in front of him even imitated his Zanpakuto Ability, and also opened Daiguren Hyōrinmaru.

Clang! clang! clang!

There was a loud noise in the distance,

2 torrents of 10000 1000 Cherry Blossoms blades in midair continuously collide together.

Standing in front of Kuchiki Byakuya, Loyd transformed into Kuchiki Byakuya.


Soul Society, the lowest level of Zhenyang Prison.

After the instructions were given, Soi Fon took the members of the Second Division to visit the entire Soul Society. If she had changed it before, she would not care about these broken things. She would have gone to the Wandenreich Destroyer.

However, she discovered it, and she was responsible for patrolling Shinigami, the Shinigami of their Onmitsukidō, and she was responsible for it.

On a street, Soi Fon walked ahead, and Soi Fon behind was Deputy Captain Ōmaeda Marechiyo.

According to body type, a Ōmaeda is worth at least 3 Soi Fon, but the round strength, Ōmaeda does not match Soi Fon’s shoes.

Knowing that they were looking for prisoners who escaped from the endless hell, Ōmaeda hid behind Soi Fon’s behind, with trembling with fear and great depression in her heart, and secretly prayed not to touch Aizen and Kenpachi.

Obviously they are going to fight against the extinct division, but why suddenly it became a hunting prisoner, UU reads www.uukanshu.com and these two prisoners are not ordinary prisoners.

Rather than hunting down Aizen and Mop City Kenpachi, he is more willing to go to the persecution division, after all, the large forces of the Hu Ting XIII team are all there!

Thinking of the possibility of encountering Aizen and Moe Kenpachi 2 people, Ōmaeda forehead cold sweat kept overflowing.

Soi Fon glanced at Ōmaeda’s counseling, and there was a look of contempt in her eyes. Every time she saw this look of Ōmaeda, she was furious.

“Captain, will the people of Zero Squad really come? Captain of Zero Squad, why not come!” Ōmaeda asked weakly.

Hearing this, Soi Fon gave Ōmaeda a glance, ignored Ōmaeda, the entire way Ōmaeda didn’t know how many times she had asked her, she was a little impatient.


Hueco Mundo! soul orchard!

Jiang Feng sits under a towering tree, and several people surround him around Jiang Feng.

Ichimaru Gin, Ulquiorra, Nilu, and her two deputies have been in the soul orchard and are not planning to return to Las Noches.

As a matter of fact, Las Noches has nothing to do, and it is worth their nostalgia.

Now there is another Yhwach in the soul orchard. The other three people are handsome guys and pretty girls, except for Yhwach’s beard.

However, with another soul, the gloomy face on Yhwach’s face disappeared and became kind.

To be honest, this kind of Yhwach, Jiang Feng was a bit uncomfortable at first.

Just as Jiang Feng was thinking about the problem, two spiritual pressures suddenly appeared in Hueco Mundo in the distance, which attracted Jiang Feng’s attention.

“This is … the spiritual pressure of Aizen, and one more?” Jiang Feng murmured with a look of surprise.

Jiang Feng felt that the two spiritual pressures in the distance were approaching the soul orchard, one of which was Aizen’s spiritual pressure, and the other was very strange.

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