Jiang Feng only glanced at his chest, his skin was reddish, but not even a trace of the skin was scratched, and the spiritual pressure showed no signs of weakening, and his eyes showed a touch of disappointment.

“Attack ignoring distance, is that so …”

Jiang Feng shook his shook head. The red dot on his chest disappeared in a breath. With the hardness of his body today, I am afraid that the entire World would explode to hurt him.

But even if his body is explodes into waste, he can recover from nothing.

“How come … good hard skin, Vastod-level Menos Grande, body strength is not so abnormal!”

I thought I could pierce the heart of Jiang Feng and kill Lijie Barrow of Jiang Feng directly. Seeing this scene, I immediately startedled.

Jiang Feng laughed, looked at Li Jie Barrow slowly start to talk: “Your Ability is very suitable to be a sniper, but the spiritual pressure bullet you made is too weak!”

Jiang Feng looking thoughtful looking at Lijie Barrow, Lijie Baw Law’s Ability is indeed very formidable, but his spiritual pressure is too weak. If you change yourself, it is estimated that you can blow away Aizen

“One of the Hadō in bulk, Ling Shan Shigan!”

Regarding Lijeba Law’s attack, Jiang Feng didn’t say much, and his backhand was a Shigan poking out.

The ordinary Shigan gathers the strength of the whole body on the finger, and stabs between Kōka’s finger electro-optic flint. The finger has a bullet-like Attack Power, which is strong enough without even touching the enemy’s body. Attack Power, you can hit the enemy’s body through the air.

The Shigan of Jiang Feng’s blow, the Reishi gathered, is like the spiritual pressure bullet fired by Lijie Barrow, but the Reishi energy contained in it is by no means comparable to Lijie Baw Law’s bullets.

Legget Baro’s 10000 thing is really strong in Ability. It can be said that even if it is Genryūsai Shigekuni Yamamoto, one can accidentally burst his head, but even though Legget Baro can run through everything, he cannot hide from Jiang Feng. Shigan.


One bright light spot flashed in mid-air, and it directly penetrated several dozen meters away, and Law’s Heart!

Lijie Barrow looked at the bullet that came suddenly. The body seemed to be locked by some kind of strength. Unable to move even a little bit, he could only let the spiritual pressure bullet penetrate his chest.

Lawyer’s corner of the mouth overflowed with blood, and his eyes were a little unbelievable. The body eventually lost Strength and fell to the ground.

“Lijie Barrow!” Haschwalth’s face changed slightly in the face of sudden changes.

Haschwalth came forward in front of Jiang Feng, and the long sword swept in front of him, chopped across Jiang Feng’s arm, and Jiang Feng’s arm bloomed with strange spiritual power rays of light, erupting a strong Strength , Haschwalth took a few steps back.

A brief confrontation, Haschwalth made a little clearer about Jiang Feng’s Strength, and Jiang Feng also made a judgment on Haschwalth’s Strength. On the strength of spiritual pressure alone, Haschwalth’s spiritual pressure is definitely the strongest in Sternritter!

Jiang Feng’s fingertips were facing Haschwalth, and one spiritual pressure light bomb suddenly burst out and hit Haschwalth.

Haschwalth glanced at the spiritual pressure light blazing and said in a calm voice: “It’s formidable destructive power, but this misfortune of strikes should come to you.”

Chi! chi! chi!

The voice fell, and the spiritual pressure light bounced, suddenly reflecting from Haschwalth’s body, and directly hit Jiang Feng not far away.

Seeing his spiritual pressure light bomb, he was bounced back. Jiang Feng suddenly raised his hand and flew the spiritual pressure light bomb. There was a roar and a building burst suddenly.

Cold light flashed in Haschwalth eyes, one step closer to Jiang Feng, right hand holding a sword, stabbed out with a sword, want to run through Jiang Feng’s head.

However, Jiang Feng, who was shocked by his own spiritual pressure and had a tingling arm, was not affected much, and his backhand blocked Haschwalth’s Attack.

In this confrontation, Jiang Feng was still at level a, while Haschwalth used his holy text Ability.

Jiang Feng’s gaze was condensed, and a punch suddenly blasted at Haschwalth. Haschwalth raised his sword to resist, and his face was in pain. Under Jiang Feng’s blow, Haschwalth’s arm was numb and his body was smashed out.

Haschwalth is by no means Strength type destroyer, Jiang Feng has not exhausted full power, Haschwalth felt a burst of pressure!

Although Haschwalth felt Jiang Feng’s Strength, there was a kind of extremely terrifying, which seemed to be able to destroy all the Strength, but he could not read it concretely. This Strength seemed to be completely beyond his cognition.

“Strength is very terrifying, but it can still be reconciled!”, Blocking Jiang Feng’s punch, a trace of grave expression flashed in Haschwalth eyes.

If it weren’t for his World reconciliation Ability, his body had just broken under the fierce punch.

Jiang Feng’s eyes flashed a surprising color. Haschwalth changed from his behind to a giant weighing pan. The bottom of the weighing pan was engraved with the emblem of the destroyer. When the scale was tilted on that day, the enemy’s Strength and Ability would be reduced. UU Reading Book www.uukanshu.com

Just a punch of his own, although not a full power blow, killing Haschwalth is more than enough.

However, at the crucial moment, Haschwalth used World’s blended Ability to reconcile his Strength to the range he can afford.

However, even with that punch, Haschwalth was uncomfortable with his body.

Jiang Feng is not surprised that Haschwalth blocked his punch. If Yhwach’s half body can’t stop his random punch, then Yhwach, he is not necessary to meet.

“Reconciliation Ability? With this kind of Ability, you can indeed be invincible on the battlefield, but unfortunately, my Strength is far beyond the range you can reconcile!”

Jiang Feng looked at Haschwalth, and there was a flash of contempt in his eyes.

The next moment, Jiang Feng flashed in front of Haschwalth, punched out suddenly, and banged firmly on Haschwalth’s face.


blood 4 splash!

Haschwalth’s all-knowing and all-powerful, although he can foresee Jiang Feng’s attack and avoid Jiang Feng’s attack, Jiang Feng can also Foreseeing Future.

2 people who can Foreseeing Future together, of course, who predicts that Ability is more formidable, who will control the future.

Haschwalth’s body was severely damaged, and the body was smashed into the distance.

“Head of Haschwalth!”

Seeing Haschwalth injured, the members of Sternritter in the distance shuddered.

Haschwalth is a Number One Person under Yhwach. In the previous confrontation, Haschwalth has always been in a disadvantage. Now Haschwalth has been injured. The members of the Sternritter present are at the bottom of the valley.

Isn’t even Haschwalth an opponent of this man?

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