Jiang Feng ignored Sternritter. In his eyes, these people were just a group of ordinary people that’s all, not even one of whom he paid much attention to.

But Haschwalth has Yhwach’s Strength, which can bring him a little fun.

Jiang Feng’s gaze looked deep into the Ice Palace, and he felt faintly. All members of the Sternritter that he killed, Strength was not dissipated in the air, but absorbed by a strange and strange Strength. Eventually flowed into the deepest part of the Ice Palace.

There is no doubt that the person who absorbed these Strength is Yhwach.

Jiang Feng remembered a scene in the original work. Yhwach asked his subordinates for Strength. The members of each and everyone Sternritter were sucked away and the body shrank and turned into ashes.

Jiang Feng’s eyes turned to Haschwalth again.

These Strengths flow to Yhwach, but have not been absorbed by Haschwalth, because almost all of the Strength of the Destroyed Division are derived from Yhwach, and Yhwach is the source of all Strength.

Even the Strength of Haschwalth was given by Yhwach.

If Haschwalth wants, the strength of these dead Sternritter members needs to return Strength to Yhwach, and then exchange Strength with Yhwach again.

Haschwalth stepped forward, behind followed several members of Sternritter.

Among the Sternritters under Yhwach, the highest status person is Haschwalth. Haschwalth’s appearance means that this is the last wave of Attack.

If they can’t solve the enemy, they have to wake up the sleeping Yhwach.

However, this will be a shame for their Sternritter, which can never be washed away!

At this time, one silhouette came galloping from a distance and appeared beside Haschwalth. Seeing the sudden arrival of the silhouette, several members around Haschwalth, the members of Sternritter’s face changed and changed.

Obviously they are very afraid to come to the silhouette!

This is a teenager who only looks like a teenager. He squinted his eyes and smiled strangely, “Haschwalth, is this guy? As long as you kill this guy, you will help me to plead in front of Your Majesty and lift my right. My captivity? “

The teenager said with a smile to Haschwalth.

“I can plead for you and kill him, and you’ve made up for it!” Said Haschwalth indifferent expression.

Hearing this, the boy’s face has a weird smile. Although he feels that he is a Sternritter strongest person, he also knows that Yhwach’s real serious person is Haschwalth.

Haschwalth start to talk, maybe he can really restore his freedom.

“How did Haschwalth release this guy …”

“I don’t know, maybe this time the opponent is too formidable, and Haschwalth also found it very difficult …”

“Maybe this abnormal guy can really defeat the enemy …”

The members of the Sternritter around began to whisper, and from their words, it can be inferred that the teenager was very unusual.

Minina, Cartis and the others, seeing this boy, her face changed drastically, and there was even a bit of fear in the depths of her eyes.

In the field, the boy stared at Jiang Feng carefully and observed, not at all fear in the eyes, but a curious expression, “Strange, strange, completely unable to sense the spiritual pressure, that is, he killed Atkins, Jella Are they theirs? “

“Although I don’t think their Strength is good, they haven’t been killed by someone without spiritual pressure …”

The teenagers whispered a few words in each minding of their own business, at the same time eyes continued to look at Jiang Feng.

Sternritter, the holy text is V, symbolizes the fantasy of Ability, and possesses the ability to turn the imagination in your mind into reality … Gremmy! Myth!

Looking at the boy in front of him, there was a surprise color flashing in the eyes of Jiang Feng. He knew that Gremmy, because Ability was too abnormal, claimed to be a Sternritter strongest person, and he was very crazy in doing things.

So he was imprisoned by Yhwach,

It was not released until Wandenreich’s full invasion of the Soul Society.

didn’t expect, this time to deal with himself, Haschwalth released Gremmy.

Gremmy’s Ability is very abnormal, but Jiang Feng is not worried at all. As for the ability to turn fantasy into reality, which is almost stepped into the realm of God, Jiang Feng also has a solution.

Gremmy can let his brain in the sea, those things imagined, appear in the real world, some like creating things with Reishi.

Jiang Feng can also create objects constructed by Reishi, and things in Naruto World ’s soul World are created by Jiang Feng a little bit.

It is equivalent to the evolution between matter, and evolves Reishi, the most foundation in soul World, into concrete things.

However, Gremmy’s Ability is a little different from Jiang Feng’s.

Gremmy: That’s pure fantasy. Imagine what you can directly turn it into reality, just like the creator of a World.

“Aiya! Didn’t expect the situation has evolved to this point, Haschwalth, you even released Gremmy, but if the guy Gremmy can kill the enemy, it would be a good thing!”

Lizie Barrow around Haschwalth, UU Reading www.uukanshu.com, was very helplessly said. Just being an enemy, all members of Sternritter were in panic. This was the first time this happened.

Leader Barrow, the holy text is x, symbolizing Ability is 10000 things through, is also one of Yhwach’s 4 guards!

“Gremmy, don’t you always claim to be a Sternritter strongest person? Now you have the opportunity to perform, kill him, I will admit that you are the strongest!”, Lizie Barrow looked at Gremmy with a smile, start to talk stimulates Gremmy.

The interior of the Sternritter is also by means of peace, and it is common for members to fight each other.

However, Yhwach prohibits internal strife between members of the Sternritter, so few Sternritters have fallen before.

“Gremmy, it’s up to you! Kill him and we will admit you are the best!”

“Yes, Gremmy, if you want to be the strongest, hurry up and kill him!”

There were sounds in the distance, and members of Sternritter had great expectations for Gremmy’s Ability.

Gremmy glanced at Lizzy Barrow and said, “Litzy Barrow doesn’t need you to talk, and I’ll dump this guy 8 yuan!”

Hearing this, Lije Barrow reveals a theater expression!

Reishi surged on Gremmy, and the same doppelgänger appeared around each and everyone.

Gremmy needed huge imagination when creating formidable Attack, and these imaginations simply cannot be provided by one person, so until then, Gremmy will create many doppelgänger.

Later, in the battlefield center, I saw a dark wheel cover facing Jiang Feng. After a while, Jiang Feng seemed to be in the space of the universe.

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