“This is … Tia …”, Ulquiorra looked at scaly wounds in the distance, and Tia Harribel, who was tied to a cross, flashed a surprising color in her eyes.

How can Tia Harribel be the new king of Las Noches? This is too ugly. Is the enemy really so strong?

Ulquiorra’s gaze was directed at Kiruj Oz, whose spiritual pressure was the strongest among the soldiers.

“I’ll leave it to you, I’m going to a place …” Jiang Feng said casually, with a thought, his silhouette disappeared in front of everyone.

Wandenreich’s invasion of Hueco Mundo was also by no means Las Noches’ enemy. Las Noches was defeated. Wandenreich’s next target was the soul forest, and sooner or later they would face each other.

And Nilu and Ulquiorra are both Arrancar. Although they have been separated from Las Noches, they will never let Wandenreich massacre and destroy in Hueco Mundo.


Jiang Feng flashed, and the silhouette moved from Hueco Mundo to the Ice Palace. Sure enough, everything here is the same as what I saw through the perception of Ability.

In front of it is a huge old palace, which stands in the center of the entire small world. Jiang Feng did not hesitate to move the body again to enter the palace of ice, and wanted to find out.

In a blink of an eye, Jiang Feng came to a room, the room was very spacious, and there was a delicate large bed in the center. The bed was covered with pink mattresses, and a pink dress. It looked like women’s clothing.

The entire room is based on pink. Pink beads are hanging on the windows. There are also light pink wallpapers on the walls all around. The whole room looks very elegant and is obviously a girl’s room.

Thinking of this, Jiang Feng’s brain in the sea could not help but surface, several female members of Wandenreich Sternritter!

Litoto Lampardo, Katisse Catnip, Bambi Aita Basta, or Minina McCarron?

Jiang Feng’s perception Ability opened, and it quickly spread throughout the ice palace. He could perceive that this ice palace is actually similar to the Soul Society.

The richness of Reishi in both places is not much different, the only difference is that it is very deserted.

And just when Jiang Feng spread his own perception outwards, and wanted to learn more about the Ice Palace and this small space, the owner of the room appeared in front of him.

Jiang Feng’s gaze was stunned, and a young girl with pink and wavy hair appeared in Jiang Feng’s field of vision.

The girl was wrapped in a snow-white bath towel, her hair was wet, and she had just finished bathing.

“You … are a man …”, the girl noticed Jiang Feng, and immediately impatiently stared at Jiang Feng. The brain’s reaction speed became slow for a while.

Jiang Feng’s corner of the mouth could not help but twitch a few times, secretly said in one’s heart, this woman’s appearance really is not the time.

Jiang Feng’s thoughts moved, and the dress on the bed flew into the girl’s arms. “Come on, get dressed! Get dressed and talk!”


The girl wrapped in a bath towel took over the clothes, and after she was stunned, she showed a shameful expression on her face. She didn’t say a word at all, and a terrifying spiritual pressure suddenly burst from the whole body.

Chi! chi! chi!

A huge spiritual pressure struck all directions. The girl pressed the clothes in front of her chest with one hand, and grasped the corner of the wall of the room with one hand, and then suddenly pressed hard. The wall of the room was torn off by the girl.

Seemingly ordinary girls, the spiritual pressure and Strength that erupted at this moment were not inferior to the Captain of the Hu Ting X3 team, and even stronger than some Captain of the Fan team.

The girl’s movement could not help but make Jiang Feng slightly surprised. This strange power reminded Jiang Feng of his own woman, Tsunade.

The girl picked up Ikkaku, which had been torn from the wall, and smashed fiercely at Jiang Feng.


speed is very fast.

Seeing this, Jiang Feng’s face flashed a surprised look, and he suddenly reached out and grabbed the oncoming wall Ikkaku in his hands.

“You … hurry … let me go …”, the girl’s complexion turned red, and shouted shyly.

Jiang Feng clutched the wall of Ikkaku. The girl couldn’t break free with any effort. The girl was even more angry for a while.

“I said, you should hurry up and put on your clothes! After a while, the bath towel was dropped, and I saw what should not be seen. I’m not responsible!

Jiang Feng let go of his hand and teased the girl in front of him.

“You … wait …”, the girl turned red, fly into a rage out of humiliation, but the girl not at all shot immediately, but went to the bathroom with her clothes.

Before entering the bathroom, the girl turned back and gave Jiang Feng a glance.

At this time, the girl ’s eyes flashed a surprised look, her Ability was “Strength”, and she had always been very confident in her Strength, and no one in Wandenreich’s Sternritter could speak to her on equal terms.

This is the first time that someone can make her suffer in Strength!

After a while, the girl walked out of the bathroom again. She had long, wavy pink hair, a military cap with a Wandenreich mark, and a red bow tie with a star emblem around her neck. Short-sleeve breasted dress set with wavy edges on the hem and boots. UU reading books www. uukanshu. com

Minina McCarron is a member of Sternritter in Wandenreich. The codename is P, which means that Ability is “Strength (Power)”.

looked at Minina Mccarron in front of her, Jiang Feng looked at it seriously.

Perhaps the first impression was not good. Facing the eyes of Jiang Feng’s inspection, the girl’s face showed shame. With a rage, she directly waved the white fist and moved towards Jiang Feng’s face.

“Thief, I know your Strength is strong, try me this fist!”

Girl’s Strength Under the implementation of spiritual power, lifting a high-rise building with one hand is not a problem. The strength of this fist can be imagined.

Apparently, Minina McCarron had completely disregarded the destruction of her room.

On the white fist, Level 1’s weird white substance was instantly wrapped, and the surrounding Reishi came together to bloom dazzling rays of light.

Jiang Feng’s eyes sank slightly, and he suddenly raised his hand, pinching Minina McCarron’s fair white fist. He only felt that a mass of terrifying energy suddenly exploded in the center of his palm, and a violent impact came from the gap between Jiang Feng’s fingers. Strike 4 places.

However, terrifying spiritual pressure struck 4 places in the room, and cobweb-like cracks appeared on the floor, roof, and walls of the room.

The pink curtains, bedding and beds were shattered into pieces, but Jiang Feng stood completely motionless.

It was as if a ball hit the indestructible rock, the ball was bombed, and the rock was intact.

“Very good Strength, you wait for Strength to be among the top 3 among the people I met!” Jiang Feng Qian shallow Issho said.

“You, you …”, Minina McAron sputtered into her mouth for a moment.

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