One Piece Navy’s Tyrant

Chapter 824: Invisible empire

"What do you have to do with the destroyer!" Ichiro Kurosaki asked solemnly.

"Hahaha! Ichigo Kurosaki, you really became interested in my history, but if you want to know, win me first!"

A smirk smile appeared on the face of the man in military uniform, and the white substance on his body appeared. In front of the man in military uniform, it became a huge semicircular weapon.

The inner side of the semi-circular weapon blocked the body of the uniformed man and protected the uniformed man, while there were several raised circular spouts on the outside.

In mid-air, the man in military uniform looked at Ichiro Kurosaki with a look of excitement, his mind moved, and the surrounding spirits began to converge to the raised part on the outside of the semicircular weapon.

next moment!

A beam of spirits burst out from the outside of the weapon, galloping towards Kurosaki Ichigo.

"This is ..." Seeing this, Ichiro Kurosaki's pupils suddenly shrank, and they evaded in the air.

In some places on the man in military uniform, although very similar to the masked face, his attack was more like a destroyer.

Kurosaki felt that the uniformed man in front of him had a great connection with the destroyer division.


Corpse Soul World!

"Really, how could there be no one, and obviously received a report that some strange guys appeared in the corpse soul!"

In an open space on Liuhun Street, Gongqin and Bianmu received a report, looking for suspicious characters who appeared in the corpse soul world, which made a village disappear.

But when they came here, they only saw some messy footprints, and did not see suspicious characters.

The footprints here are very messy, and they are all gathered in one place. There are no traces of other places, as if a group of people suddenly appeared here for a while, and then suddenly left.

"It looks like things are going to get worse! These guys are like disappearing out of thin air!" Dianmu said solemnly, "Did you notice? Gongqin, these footprints are strange!"

"Yeah! There are only two traces of bare feet and straw shoes, so this thing was not done by creatures like virtual ... They also took away some residents of Liuhun Street!"

Gongqin looked around and said slowly: "A corner, let's go back and report to it! There are no other clues here, so let's apply to the captain to expand the search scope!"

"Banmu, Gongqin, I've searched in every corner of the place, but I can't find even a child!" At this moment, Dai Maeda hurried over.

Hearing that the corner of Banmu and Gongqin looked at each other, they felt that things were not easy.


Ling Lingting! In the team's house!

Shanben Yuan Liaozhai Zhongguo held a crutch in his hand, and stood in front of the room in a dignified color.

A moment later, Yamamoto Yuan Liaozhai Zhongguo said to a death **** who was kneeling on the floor behind him on one knee: "To notify the captains of various teams, expand the search range, be sure to find the thieves who invaded Wu Lingting and disappear Those residents! "

"Yes, Captain!"

Yamamoto Yuan Liaozhai Zhongguo opened his mouth, the death **** behind him answered, and one left and left the room.

Recently, residents of some villages often disappeared strangely in Liuhun Street, but the 13th team of Huting did not have any clues. Yamamoto Yuan Liaozhai Zhongguo knows that there is another enemy's idea of ​​fighting the dead soul!

Death didn't leave the room for long, and Yamamoto Motoyo's Liaozhai's heavy country suddenly had more figures behind him.

All of them were wearing strange white military uniforms. The uniforms were covered with white short cloaks of annihilation divisions. They all wore a black mask on their faces, and they couldn't see what they looked like.

"When you meet for the first time, you are the captain of the 13th team of Huting.

"I'm here to fight the 13th team of Huting ... But it's really surprising!

This is the service room of the captain of the 13th team of Huting!

It was so easy to be hacked! The awareness of the 13 guards of the court is too low! "Said the man in the uniform, headed slowly.

"This is no trouble for Your Excellency, there is old age here, there is no need for any vigilant death!", Yamamoto Yuan Liaozhai heavy country slowly turned around, staring coldly at the uniformed man said.

Yamamoto Yuan Liaozhai has lived for thousands of years. His life is almost equivalent to the history of the dead soul world, and it is also the strongest death in the dead soul world.

Does Yamamoto Yuan Liao Zhai heavy country need guarding? So is the guard protecting him, or is he protecting the guard?

"Ahem! Lord Yamamoto Motoyaki! Beware of these guys!" At this time, the long-scarred **** bird Minister Jiro dragged his wobbly body into the room from outside the room and said in a difficult tone to Yamamoto Motoyaki.

"The bird department ...", seeing the **** bird minister Jiro, Yamamoto Motozaka's eyes flickered in the eyes.

"Are you alive? Vitality is really tenacious! In the end, you will despair and die!"

The eyes of the man in military uniform glanced slightly at Minister Jiji and Yamamoto Motozaka, and said coldly: "Yamamoto Motozaka is a great country. Five days later, the army of the invisible empire will come to the corpse soul world. Will be destroyed by the invisible empire! "

"Huh! It's arrogant! Who the **** are you?" Wen Yan ~ ~ Yamamoto Yuan Liaozhai Zhongguo gave a cold hum, and pulled out the besieged sword hidden in a cane.

"Your Excellency Yamamoto Liaozhai, do you think we will answer this question?

However, our identity is a bit strange to others, but you should be very clear!

I think you already have the answer in your heart! See you in five days! "

The man in military uniform said something lightly, the words had already hinted that he was leaving, after all, they came to the Lingling Palace today only to issue the war books.

Hearing that Yamamoto's Liaozhai Zhongguo's gaze suddenly sank, and he suddenly waved his beheaded sword in full swing, and suddenly, a fiery curtain of fire hit a group of men in uniform.

boom! boom! boom!

The flames suddenly burned in the room, there was a roar of noise in the air, and the floor was directly melted by burning, but the men in military uniform were long gone.

Seeing this scene, Yamamoto's Liaozhai heavy country looked ugly. "... Let them run away, Wu Lingting no longer has their pressure!"

For the people of the invisible empire, how they left the room, Yamamoto's Liaozhai heavy country is very strange, as if it were a space move, ignoring the Ling Lingting's cover film directly, there is no trace of it.

Yamamoto Yuan Liaozhai heavy country has been able to determine that those residents who disappeared in Liuhun Street were plundered by these guys.

"Yamamoto ... Yuan Liaozhai ... Master! I have something to report to you, and they can take away our eunuchs ...", Minister Jijirou stood up and said in a deep voice.

I heard that the pupils of Yamamoto Yuan Liaozhai's heavy country suddenly shrank. Who are these guys who already have their own hearts in mind ... they are friends of Habach!

However, these guys are obviously more difficult to deal with than a thousand years ago ...

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