Hueco Mundo! Deep in the soul orchard!

Jiang Feng sat under a big tree, holding Hōgyoku from Aizen in his hand, his eyes lost in thought.

Hōgyoku is a very strange soul crystal in Shinigami World. According to Aizen in original work, both Shinigami and Hollow have their own limits.

Like Shinigami’s Way of Sword, Baida, Shunpo, and Kido, the four Skills also have their own limits, as is Hollow, but the existence of Hōgyoku can allow Shinigami and Hollow to break through such limits with their respective strengths. .

Shinigami’s Hollowization, or Hollow’s Shinigamiization, is such a purpose. Yin and yang combine rigidity and softness, and let this opposite Strength aggregate to break their respective limits and then obtain a stronger Strength, or in other words, It is moved towards a higher level of evolution …

It ’s a very simple analogy. Take the game, whether it is Shinigami or Hollow, it is 10Level 0 full level. At this limit, you can no longer upgrade, and Hōgyoku is a link. Using Hōgyoku’s Strength can break through the limit of 10Level 0. .

That’s why Aizen has spent many years secretly planning Hōgyoku.

However, for players like Jiang Feng who are close to 20Level 0, this hang seems not enough. Jiang Feng wants to upgrade with Hōgyoku, he needs to upgrade Hōgyoku first!

“Aizen, he failed at the last minute!” Jiang Feng groaned, whispering casually.

The spiritual pressure Talent of Aizen is definitely the spiritual pressure Talent of Shinigami World Peak, and his Strength is beyond doubt. Since Hōgyoku can realize the user’s wishes, why did Aizen lose Strength?

Is it true that at some moment in Aizen’s mind, he really wanted to be an ordinary Shinigami?

Compare yourself and go from Pirate World to other different worlds in order to find people who are more formidable than yourself and let them stimulate their growth.

I have some similarities with Aizen, both standing at the top of a World and seeing the scenery of this World.

I own Space Ability and can go to other Worlds to find opportunities for breakthroughs. Aizen’s Ability is limited. I can only seek my own breakthroughs in Shinigami World.

Putting it that way, if I stand on top one day, will I also feel very boring, and I also want to be an ordinary people!

After thinking about it, Jiang Feng decided not to want it anymore. Although he now has some Strength, he is still far from the real top, there is always someone stronger, he still understands this truth.

Jiang Feng got up and walked towards Uchiha Obito and Uchiha Itachi, saying lightly: “Obito, Itachi, we should go!”

Hearing this, Uchiha Obito and Uchiha Itachi’s eyes were a little stunned. They came to Shinigami World to solve the problem of 2nd World. Jiang Feng started to talk and said to go back, have we found a solution to the problem?

Thinking of this, Uchiha Obito and Uchiha Itachi look so happy, they just came to Shinigami World, and both of them are curious about Shinigami World, but after a long time, they feel that way, and both of them miss Naruto World!

When Jiang Feng’s thoughts moved, a Space channel suddenly appeared in front of him, saying goodbye to Nelliel and the others. Jiang Feng stepped into the Space channel, followed by Obito and Itachi.

The other end of the Space channel is naturally Naruto World. It didn’t take long for 3 people to appear in the hidden village of Konoha. The surrounding air was assaults the senses, and everyone felt a long absence.

Looking at the familiar World, Obito and Itachi’s long-awaited smiles appeared on the faces. Several people casually exchanged a few words. Jiang Feng asked both Obito and Itachi to go back, and he went to Divine Tree himself.

In the center of the 5 major shadow nations, the Divine Tree stands tall on the ground. Now the shinobi and residents of the major shadow nations have come out of the fear brought by Divine Tree.

Most people are already familiar with the life of 2nd World, although they don’t know yet, they just live in a Hollow fake, fantasy World that’s all!

Divine Tree’s soul Space, here is a blank World,

There is a big tree in the center area of ​​World.

Soul tree one after another pole is criss-crossed across the soul space, and the end of the pole of each one soul tree is connected to a soul body.

These souls were killed in battles with the Akatsuki Organization, as well as the Shinobi of the major ninja nations who died in the 4th Ninja War.

With the appearance of these soul bodies, it is not difficult to recognize which shinobi they are.

There was a noise in the suddenly quiet soul World, and Jiang Feng’s idea body appeared in this soul Space.

“Nothing has really changed here!” Jiang Feng looked at everything around him, muttering casually.

The soul bodies of the densely packed shinobi are all sleeping in the soul space, and Ōtsutsuki Kaguya is also tied to the soul tree.

“It’s you … let me out!”

Ōtsutsuki Kaguya slowly opened her eyes. When her eyes saw Jiang Feng, her eyes were full of hatred, and her eyes stared ferociously on Jiang Feng.

Ōtsutsuki Kaguya has been trapped in soul Space by Jiang Feng. There is a dead silence in soul Space. No one can communicate with her at UU reading

These soul bodies in soul Space are in a state of complete hypnosis. Ōtsutsuki Kaguya has been a long time and has not communicated with other people. For a long time, Ōtsutsuki Kaguya’s mood has become very irritable.

Seeing that Ōtsutsuki Kaguya was still full of Spirit, Jiang Feng’s corner of the mouth raised a radian, and said slowly, “Don’t worry, let you come out later!”

Jiang Feng did not pay attention to Ōtsutsuki Kaguya, but instead set his sight on the soul fruit under the tree, staring at the soul fruit sharply, and during the time when he left Naruto World, the soul tree produced several appearances. Nice soul fruit.

With these soul fruits, I can also upgrade Hōgyoku myself, but I have one more thing to do before that.

Jiang Feng thought, he took out a small space at hand. This small space was a space that Jiang Feng cut from Hueco Mundo and compressed it. The small space seemed small, but it really covered the range. Very wide.

Under the control of Jiang Feng, a small space is like an expanding bubble. It quickly expands and moves towards all directions. It quickly covers the entire soul space ….

1000 meters, ten thousand meters, 100 meters …

In fact, the space that Jiang Feng cut from Hueco Mundo covers only a dozen ten thousand meters.

However, as the coverage range of Space continues to expand, the content of Reishi does not change, which has led to Jiang Feng’s creation of Naruto World, which has a very low level of Reishi.

This level of richness of Reishi, let alone Spirit Royal Palace and Hueco Mundo, is not even comparable to the Seireitei court, but it is completely sufficient for these soul bodies of Naruto World!

Moreover, this is only preliminary construction!

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