at last!

The surrounding movements gradually subsided, and Aizen dragged the injured body to the ground, and the spiritual pressure of his body fell to the bottom.

Apparently, Aizen could not bear the knife of Kurosaki Ichigo just now. However, under the influence of H艒gyoku, the wound on Aizen’s body was regenerated with the speed seen by naked eye.

“Aizen, aren’t you going to give up yet?” Kurosaki Ichigo said coldly.

the next moment, the expression of Kurosaki Ichigo became ugly, and the Shinigami Strength on him was gradually disappearing. It didn’t take long for the Shinigami Strength on Kurosaki Ichigo to disappear, and he became an ordinary people.

“You lost, Kurosaki Ichigo! H艒gyoku has sensed my heart, and I will evolve again!”

“You should also see that my Zanpakuto is disappearing. It won’t be long before I become one with Zanpakuto and Evolution is at your level!”

“And you seem to have no Shinigami’s Strength. I can finally sense the spiritual pressure on you. It’s really fragile! Kurosaki Ichigo!” Zanpakuto in Aizen’s hands gradually dissipated, and Aizen’s face looked proudly at Kurosaki Ichigo .

However, it didn’t take long for Aizen to be proud. One after another scarlet-red rays of light suddenly broke out from Aizen’s body!

“This is Kido, when?” Aizen’s facial expression grave looked at his body.

“Is it finally launched?” At this point, Kisuke Urahara set foot on the battlefield.

“Kisuke Urahara, I knew it was your ghost!” Aizen’s eyes turned to Kisuke Urahara.

“That Kido was the time when I was the most slack body before you completely evolved, and I broke into your body through another Kido!”

“I know that your body is almost merged with H艒gyoku, and it is almost impossible to kill you! So, I developed a new kind of Kido and intend to completely seal you!” Kisuke Urahara said slowly.

“Kisuke Urahara, do you think Kido can seal me up? That’s a shame!

My body is going to another higher level Evolution!

At your level of Kido, I want to seal me like a dream! “Aizen said coldly.

The low-level spiritual pressure cannot interfere with the high-level spiritual pressure, just as it is difficult for a mortal’s Strength to hurt God, because the Strength between them differs by one dimension!

However, Aizen tone barely fell, his expression became ugly, and the strange white substance attached to Aizen’s body turned into a little bit of debris and slowly dissipated.

At the same time, the scarlet-red rays of light in the Aizen body became more and more dazzling, and the light spot of one after another scarlet-red suddenly turned into a long sword and was inserted into Aizen’s body.

“Kisuke Urahara, you have this kind of mind and Strength, why should you succumb to that kind of thing, and Spirit King would subvert him just fine!”

“I despise you, Kisuke Urahara!”

Aizen was swallowed a little by scarlet-red rays of light in the reluctance and roar …

The moment before Aizen was completely sealed, Jiang Feng’s silhouette suddenly appeared, and with a thought, he forcibly took H艒gyoku embedded in Aizen’s chest.

“It’s you …” Seeing this, Kisuke Urahara’s facial expression grave got up, secretly said in one’s heart, just sealed off an Aizen, and here comes another difficult guy!

The purpose of Jiang Feng, Kisuke Urahara can also guess a few points, just like Aizen, want to break through another level.

“I know your purpose, but I don’t think H艒gyoku’s Strength can help you!”, Kisuke Urahara lightly saying.

Hearing this, Jiang Feng, shallow Issho, H艒gyoku’s true Strength is to transform the state of hope in the person’s heart according to the development of the user’s own heart, thereby turning the user’s own heart into reality.

H艒gyoku can not only break through the boundary between Shinigami and Hollow, but also protect the owner who does not die and extinguish, and fully regenerate, but only if he has the Strength to realize this wish.

Jiang Feng also knows that H艒gyoku can help Aizen Evolution to this level, which is almost the limit of H艒gyoku’s Ability. However, Jiang Feng has a way to raise H艒gyoku’s Ability to another level.

In the early years, Kisuke Urahara invented H艒gyoku and found that using H艒gyoku Awakening would produce a level of strength higher than the Captain-level spiritual pressure.

Later, Aizen sacrificed 10000 of Rukongai’s potential to become Elite Shinigami’s soul, and also created a H艒gyoku, and this H艒gyoku in his own hand was a fusion of those 2 H艒gyoku.

H艒gyoku’s Strength is derived from the fusion of souls. Aizen gathered several 10000 souls to build H艒gyoku. He himself used the soul energy of 100 and 1000000. Can’t he raise H艒gyoku’s Ability to a higher level?

“It’s not laborious! Kisuke Urahara, H艒gyoku will not appear in this World again!” Jiang Feng held H艒gyoku in his hand, and said Issho.

Hearing this, Kisuke Urahara’s eyes were lost, but Kisuke Urahara didn’t move. He knew that Jiang Feng could not be stopped by his Strength, and Kurosaki Ichigo used the final Getsuga Tensho. Shinigami’s Strength gradually dissipated, and Kisuke Urahara could not be helped. .

Jiang Feng set his sights on Aizen aside, looking thoughtful in his heart, Aizen’s medical doctor Hao Huang Huang Cangcang’s tomb was greedy. UU reading books www.uukanshu. Com is completely the will of H艒gyoku.

Into Kisuke Urahara, enter Aizen’s medical office, where the tomb is, and how to do it.

Ever since!

Aizen was banned and sentenced to nearly 20 years in prison!

Aizen was sealed by Kisuke Urahara. The Aizen incident can be said to have come to an end!

Soul Society!

In the sky, the crack of one black suddenly opened, and several silhouettes came out of the crack and fell on the streets of Seireitei Court. It was Kuchiki Byakuya, Zaraki Kenpachi and 8,000 streams.

“Cut! It’s boring. I thought Aizen was in the Soul Society! Didn’t expect all these little fishes and shrimps!” Zaraki Kenpachi complained with start to talk disappointed, carrying the broken Zanpakuto.

Zaraki Kenpachi and Kuchiki Byakuya, the second team Captain, not at all went to Human World World, but went to Hueco Mundo.

However, to the disappointment of Zaraki Kenpachi, Arrancar of Strength formidable in Hueco Mundo has gone to Human World World. The strongest Arrancar left in Las Noches are the original Espada eliminated by Aizen.

Zaraki Kenpachi cut down the entire Las Noches, and returned to the Soul Society very boring!

“Kenki Captain, Kuchiki Captain, welcome back!”, Shinigami of the tenth team of Huting on the street, seeing the return of the two Captain teams, all shouted with respect from one-knee kneels.

“And me, and me!”, The 8,000 stream lying behind Zaraki Kenpachi, seeing Shinigami neglecting herself, pouting with dissatisfaction.

Hearing this, a look of panic flashed over Shinigami’s face, and start to talk again and again, “Welcome … Welcome back, Vice Captain Yachiru!”

Everyone around Shinigami knows that he was followed by 8,000 streams. Although not too miserable, a fat meal is absolutely indispensable!

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