Sure enough, although Aizen was lying on the ground with ugly complexion, the spiritual pressure on his body did not decrease at all, but there were signs of rampage.

the next moment, Aizen shouted, his spiritual power was completely rampage, terrifying spiritual power went straight to the sky like a beam of light, terrifying deterrence spread all directions.

The hole in Aizen’s chest was also recovering at the speed seen by naked eye.

“So what!”

“How can I know?”

“Hurry away from here, otherwise everyone will die!”

In the distance, a few students who had just been treated as little mice by Aizen could not help but swallowed saliva and said, and moved panic farther away.

Seeing this scene, Ichimaru Gin’s face shows grave expression. Although he can’t sense the spiritual pressure of Aizen, but according to the vibration of the surrounding atmosphere, it can be seen that Aizen has become more troublesome.

“I won, silver, Hōgyoku you took even if it wasn’t in my body, he belongs to me!”, In the sky Aizen The voice of self-confidence sounded again, and as soon as he thought, Hōgyoku bloomed bright rays of light.

A glittering silhouette of Aizen appeared in front of Ichimaru Gin. Hōgyoku in Ichimaru Gin’s hands was like a naughty child who found his family and suddenly broke off Ichimaru Gin’s palm and set it in Aizen’s chest.

Aizen’s eyes were coldly looked at Ichimaru Gin. Ichimaru Gin has made a betrayal. Aizen will definitely not let Ichimaru Gin go.


One knife drew across, and Aizen’s speed was almost invisible, and Ichimaru Gin’s one blood mark appeared on his body. The next moment, Aizen lifted Zanpakuto again and penetrated Ichimaru Gin’s chest.

“Silver, thank you, thank you, I have finally transcended the boundaries of Shinigami and Hollow, and reached another level!” Aizen said coldly.

“Did you fail?”, Ichimaru Gin’s body fell to the ground, and there was an unwilling expression in his eyes.

Ichimaru Gin was cut by Aizen fiercely, and Aizen pierced his chest. Ichimaru Gin did not have Hōgyoku, and there was no possibility of surviving.

looked at Ichimaru Gin was close to death, Aizen ignored Ichimaru Gin no longer, but set his sights on Jiang Feng on the tall building.

“Already able to sense my spiritual pressure? It seems that the soul of Aizen’s guy has also broken through to that level!” Upon seeing this, Jiang Feng’s corner of the mouth raised a touch of radian.

Previously, Aizen’s soul intensity was one level lower than himself. Aizen couldn’t sense his spiritual pressure at all. He used Hōgyoku’s Strength breakthrough to achieve this level, and Aizen was able to find himself.

Jiang Feng and Aizen looked at each other, and saw that Aizen had found himself, and with a change of heart, the silhouette appeared in front of Aizen.

Aizen’s Zanpakuto and Kyōka Suigetsu’s Ability are of course formidable, but in front of them, Aizen does not even have the opportunity to use Zanpakuto Ability. In the formidable Ability, it is not possible to use it.

Sure enough, when Jiang Feng appeared, Aizen quickly lifted Zanpakuto and wanted Shikai, but Aizen’s arm stopped in midair, as if he had been stopped.

The soul intensity of Aizen was lower than himself. Jiang Feng didn’t have to worry about Aizen’s Kyōka Suigetsu Ability affecting him, but Aizen had broken through that level and was hypnotized by Kyōka Suigetsu, even he would find it very troublesome.

Therefore, Jiang Feng directly controls the Ability with time, which controls the surrounding time, making Aizen’s movement extremely slow.

Originally, Aizen only needed a moment to complete the liberation of Zanpakuto, but Jiang Feng changed the flow of time around him, which could be accomplished in an instant, now it takes 100 moments, 1000 moments.

This time is enough for Jiang Feng to kill Aizen 100 times!

Aizen looked at Jiang Feng with solemn eyes, he only felt that there was a strange and strange Strength bound himself, the enemy was in front of himself but could not take any action, this was the most terrible!

At this time, two figures appeared in the battlefield center, one was Kurosaki Ichigo, and the other was Father Kurosaki Isshin of Kurosaki Ichigo.

Jiang Feng’s eyes looked at Kurosaki Ichigo in front of him. Kurosaki Ichigo looked like a person. He grew taller and his hair became longer. The main thing was that his eyes became extremely deep and confident.

Jiang Feng released Perceived Ability and wanted to sense how much the spiritual pressure of Kurosaki Ichigo has increased, but found that he could not sense the spiritual pressure on Kurosaki Ichigo at all.

Just as the Shinigamis of the Huten XIII team cannot sense their spiritual pressure, the spiritual pressure on Kurosaki Ichigo is undoubtedly a higher level than himself.

Jiang Feng’s eyes flashed a clear color, he remembered that in original work, Kurosaki Ichigo practiced in the boundary for a while, and the soul level broke through several levels, which is higher than Aizen!

The boundary is a space surrounded by several layers of severed space. The space density surrounded by the rapids of time is overwhelmingly high compared with the outside world. After one year in the outside world, it passes through the boundary. Year 2000.

Kurosaki Ichigo’s Strength can have such a breakout in just a few hours, relying entirely on the special Time Flow Speed ​​in the boundary. UU Reading Books

However, Jiang Feng remembered that this strength of Kurosaki Ichigo was a short-lived, thriving moment. After defeating Aizen, the Shinigami Strength of Kurosaki Ichigo gradually disappeared and became an ordinary people.

Thinking of this, Jiang Feng’s complexion couldn’t help but sink. He didn’t want this ephemeral Strength. He wanted his soul level to completely break through without leaving any repercussions.

“This is … Kurosaki?”

“・ ・ ・ Is it really Kurosaki? It feels like a big change!”

Kurosaki Ichigo appeared, and Arisawa Tatsuki and other Kurosaki Ichigo students looked surprised at Kurosaki Ichigo.

The change of Kurosaki Ichigo is too big, and there have been huge changes from the inside out. For a time, even the classmates who often met with Kurosaki Ichigo also wondered if this guy in front of him was the familiar Kurosaki Ichigo .

Kurosaki Ichigo’s gaze glanced at all around, and he knew roughly what happened!

“Mr. Feng, Aizen, leave it to me!” Kurosaki Ichigo stared at Aizen tightly, said moved towards Jiang Feng start to talk.

Hearing this, Jiang Feng, shallow Issho, naturally he will not refuse the request of Kurosaki Ichigo, he is also trying to see how destructive this level of Kurosaki Ichigo is!

“It’s up to you!” Jiang Feng lightly saying.

Tone barely fell, and Kurosaki Ichigo’s eyes sank. A flash appeared in front of Aizen, raising his hand to grab Aizen’s head, and the silhouette flew into the sky.

“Kurosaki ・ ・ ・ Be careful!”, Arisawa Tatsuki and Kurosaki Ichigo’s classmates looked worried at the far away Kurosaki Ichigo.

In the sky, Kurosaki Ichigo’s spiritual power sensed a glance around, and instantly took Aizen to an open space outside ten thousand meters.

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