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【The Kinichi Pirates!】

【Captain Jin Yi】

【Reward amount: 800 million】


【The eldest daughter is sweet】

【Reward amount: 240 million】


【The second daughter, Lolo】

【Reward amount: 150 million】


【The third daughter, Qiqi】

【Reward amount: 150 million】


【Fourth daughter Yanyan】

【Reward amount: NT$220 million】


【Fifth daughter Huahua】

【Reward amount: 140 million】


【Sixth Daughter Year】

【Reward amount: 140 million】


【Seventh daughter Shasha】

【Reward amount: 200 million】


【Eighth Daughter Rongrong】

【Reward amount: 120 million】


Perhaps it was because there were too many female navy officers in the mothers' group, and former Shichibukai like Hancock had joined.

So in the bounty order, their bounties have not yet been announced.

Even so, the total bounty for the father and daughter combined has exceeded 2 billion, which is absolutely a terrifying and sky-high figure for the forces in the Grand Line.

Considering that this is the first bounty, in order to avoid unnecessary panic, the bounty amount for the younger daughters has been compressed to the extreme. With so many awakened devil fruit users, any one of them is an extremely terrifying existence.

If this news were known directly to the public, it would cause a lot of trouble.

"Only 800 million?"

"After all, a general was wasted. The navy is really stingy."

Jin Yi shook his hand with a little dissatisfaction and handed the reward order to the little girls who were watching.

"Sister Tiantian is so awesome!"

"It’s actually as high as 240 million?"

"Tsk! I envy sister Tiantian so much. Qiqi will also beat them up next time!"

"Hoho? You can ask for it by beating them up? Then I want it too!"

"Me too, me too, I can't be left behind by my sisters!

The little girls gathered together and decided on their own what they would do in the future.

"Hee hee hee!"

"I’m the big sister, so of course I have to be the strongest!"

"Sisters, Sister Tiantian will protect you from now on!"

Tiantian, who was praised, put her hands on her waist and raised her head proudly.

The mothers seemed to have expected such a reward. No one was overly shocked and they continued to do their own things as usual.

On the contrary, other expectant mothers who were far away were all upset after seeing such news.


Deep Sea Prison Advance City

"What did you say?"

"Domino didn’t show up for the meeting again today?"

""Oh my, you are getting bolder and bolder!"

A man who looks like an Egyptian pharaoh was knocking his weapon in the hall on the ground floor.

Domino has not appeared for a long time in the past two days, citing health complaints.

Being in such a position, it is obviously not an easy thing to wait mysteriously until the child is born.

Fortunately, Domino has an equally beautiful sister!

"Um... Director Hannibal!"

"Are all sisters so serious when they are sick?"

"Can't she be given a few more days off?"

As soon as the hot-tempered little Sadie showed up, she immediately became the focus of the jailers' attention.


"Yeah, even though I've wanted to replace Magellan for a long time, I can't be too hasty now."


""Oops! I accidentally told the truth!"

Hannibal covered his mouth with a stupid look on his face.

Little Sadie just showed up and did not disturb the meeting. He continued to walk towards Domino's residence deep in the corridor.

"Ding ding ding!"

"Who?"Donino's voice came from the room.

""I'm here to see you!"

Domino was very cautious. She would ask the identity of every person who came to visit her.

After hearing the familiar voice of little Sadie, the door was slightly opened.


After little Sadie entered, the door closed quickly.

"Hmm, hmm?"

"I haven't seen you for two days, how come your belly is already so big?"

Little Sadie looked at Domino's bulging belly in surprise and said in disbelief.

"Who knows how she grows so fast?"

"Isn't it normal to be pregnant for ten months?……"

"It looks like she's about to give birth!"

Domino walked to the sofa with difficulty and sat down, her face looking very bad.

Little Sadie followed her to the sofa and found the latest information on the table, which naturally included the bounty order that had been flipped through.

" seems like you've already seen it without me telling you."

"Xiao Nuonuo, you are so lucky to be pregnant with such a handsome man's child!"

While saying this, Xiao Sadie took out Jin Yi's bounty order and waved it in front of Domino.



"Stop joking about this. If you are envious, forget about the opportunity!"

"It's really... damn it!"

Domino was furious just thinking about the fact that she had never even been in a relationship and was probably pregnant with Jin Yi's child.

"Well, if it were me, I would probably be so happy."

"The one in your belly... should also be a cute little one who is so strong that it is frightening, right?"

The two women have a good relationship, and little Sadie has no scruples and directly puts her hand on Domino's belly. The little guy seems to be particularly comfortable today, so little Sadie did not feel any irritable energy.

Domino has also thought about what little Sadie said.

Even after seeing the bounty order of her daughter's group, she immediately thought of this problem.

She herself was confused about how she should stay in the city of advancement in the future, and whether she could give birth to the child smoothly.

However, there is one thing that coincides with the mothers who have never met Jin Yi, that is, they hold an inexplicable resentment towards Jin Yi, the husband they have never met!

"Don't look so sad. At worst, I can arrange a supply ship to send you out safely.

Seeing the good sister's look, little Sadie comforted her.

"I can't leave now. If I have the chance to meet this big bastard in the future... I will definitely lock him up in the deep sea prison with my own hands!"

"" Bang!"

Domino slapped the table again.

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