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"Jin Yi!"

"Jin Yi's daughter!"

"Jin Yi's woman!"

"The Kinichi Pirates!"

"Why are all of them Jin Yi!"

"Where on earth did this guy come from and what is he doing?"

"Boom boom boom……"

Marshal Sengoku of the Navy Headquarters angrily slammed the intelligence information in his hand on the table.

Every slap made the table chanchan. His anger can be fully imagined.

Admiral Aokiji of the Navy had just been defeated by Jinyi, and brought back the news that eight little ones had awakened their fruit abilities and a bunch of fierce beauties were following them.

As a result, before the Navy had fully digested the news, the incident of the Demon Slayer Order came one after another.

During this period of time, Jinyi's name repeatedly appeared in the Navy's internal intelligence, like a chaos maker that fell from the sky, which made people feel terrified and headache.

The wrong judgment of Jinyi made Sengoku mistakenly believe that recruiting the Seven Warlords of the Sea could solve the problem.

Who knew that Jinyi's appetite was completely unpredictable, and he didn't care at all.���Navy set

"'s really a troublesome matter. There's no way to deal with it now."

"Damn stinky kid……"

Garp sat next to Sengoku, wearing a dog head mask and picking his nose.

Just looking at Garp's expression and behavior, you can't tell that he is also worried.

"You old man, can you be serious!"

Zhan Guo roared angrily

"There's no point getting so angry, I'm serious."

Garp just took his finger out of his nostril and immediately patted Zhan Guo's shoulder.


"You, hand!"

Zhan Guo immediately dodged to the side.


While the two were fooling around, Staff Officer Crane slapped the conference table with a loud slap, and the two old children were startled.

Normally, Staff Officer Crane was always the calmest one and never lost his temper during meetings.

He learned that Momosa, whom he treated as his own sister, had also joined the Kinichi Pirates and was likely to have given birth to a child for Kinichi. This made it difficult for Staff Officer Crane to stay rational.


""Xiao He... Ugh!"

Zhan Guo and Garp murmured.

Seeing the murderous look in the eyes of the Crane Staff, the two of them immediately sat up straight and showed the demeanor of an officer.

"Anyway, there are more important things to do now."

"The Navy Headquarters has no time, and no time for that kid who is fooling around."

"At the moment, the big things are more important. Am I right?

The last question of Chief of Staff He was lowered.


""Yes, yes, no problem at all!"

Sengoku and Garp agreed, not daring to say a word of rebuttal.

Although Jinyi rejected the invitation of the Seven Warlords of the Sea, during this period, Blackbeard Teach used Ace as a bargaining chip and successfully reached a consensus with the navy's top brass.

During this period, the navy's reputation around the world has been declining again and again, and there is even a trend of pirates suppressing the prestige of the navy.

What does the captured Ace represent? The top brass of the navy understands it very well.

The largest military operation in the history of the navy is about to come. Elites and powerful navies from all over the world are being urgently recalled.


Late at night, on the route to the next destination.

Jin Yi separated himself from his little daughter's team early and came to Robin's room as agreed.

In the ultra-luxury pirate group, each wife has her own independent large bedroom, which is no worse than the conditions of the resort outside.

After collecting so many treasures, Jin Yi also knows how to enjoy it and has repeatedly upgraded the environment inside.

If you travel to another world and just kill and fight blindly, you will be no different from a salted fish


As the master of the pirate ship, Jin Yi could easily open any door on the ship.

He deliberately slowed down his pace, trying not to make any noise, and prepared to give Robin a surprise.




As soon as he put half of his body into the room, three arms quickly grew out of the wall at the door.


"Ahhh... Hey!"

When Jin Yi wasn't paying attention, he grabbed Jin Yi with his arm and threw him to the floor.

In front of his wife, Jin Yi would not use the ability to nullify, and could only let Robin do whatever he wanted to him.



When Jin Yi was about to land, a row of arms appeared on the ground, holding him up with gentle flesh, and moving him towards the room little by little.

The ability of the Flower-Flower Fruit is used on one's own man, which is a special feeling.

"Mr. Jin Yi, you came here so late. Are there too many choices and you are overwhelmed?"

When the arm stopped moving, Jin Yi was also brought to the large sofa that was several people wide.

Next to him, Robin, wearing a loose and elegant nightgown, holding a history book in her hand, said with a bit of blame:

"It's not that there are many choices, but that there are many daughters."

Jin Yi complained helplessly.

Because he came from another world, every story Jin Yi told was extremely fresh.

Not to mention the little daughters, even the mothers were very interested in his stories.

Over time, if the daughters didn't listen to stories before bedtime, they would not want to fall asleep at all.


"It's not that you are too greedy……"

Robin put the book aside and gently placed his hand on Jin Yi's shoulder.

Following Robin's force, Jin Yi easily fell on the sofa.

"The massage we agreed to start now, but if it's not good, you'll have to pay for it."

Jin Yi said meaningfully.



Robin crossed his hands, his face flushed.

Several slender arms jumped out of Jin Yi's body and lifted up his shirt.

"How do you expect me to compensate a villain like you?"

Robin slowed down his voice, and his already sensual voice sounded even more moving.

At the same time, his slightly cool palms brushed against Jin Yi's back, relaxing the muscles on his back with varying degrees of force. With so many palms working together, it felt like having hired multiple technicians, making people feel indescribably comfortable.

Robin, who was sitting on the sofa, could feel the temperature transmitted back from each palm very clearly, and his mood also slowly became intoxicated and relaxed.

……_To read the ununderlined version of the novel, please download Faloo

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