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"Let me down!"

"Why? Why am I the only one tied up here!"


Spandam was hung on the high wall of the tower closest to the port, his body was tied tightly with iron bars, and there was no possibility of him struggling.

Just as he said, none of the agents captured by Jin Yi had such an experience, but he was the only one who was hung high.

In another place in the port, Khalifa adjusted her glasses, no longer with the previous aggression, and bowed to Jin Yi at a 90-degree angle in a completely pleading manner.

"Mr. Jin Yi, please!"

"Please let them go, they have lost their fruit abilities. I can guarantee that they will never become pawns of any force in the future!"

"As long as you release them, I will fulfill my promise and follow you wherever you go!

During the time they were captured, the treatment of several male agents was the same as that of normal people.���There is no difference between being a prisoner and a thief.

Kalifa, on the other hand, was just like a canary being rubbed, and was not treated with any disrespect.

It was from this point that Kalifa saw another side of Jin Yi. After losing to Jin Yi, who was powerful and knew how to respect women, Kalifa did not complain too much except lamenting that everyone was unlucky.

Listening to Kalifa's respectful words, and then personally feeling Kalifa's favorability towards him, which increased from the twenties to fifty, just crossing the edge of joining the group, Jin Yi knew that she was not just exaggerating for a moment.

At least in Kalifa's heart, that's exactly what she thought.

In the final analysis, the only one who had a grudge against Robin was Spandam on the wall, and the rest of the people had too short a time in CP9.

"If you don't want to be a pao ash, leave here immediately"

"If you want to leave, you can leave with them."

Jin Yi said this, playing hard to get, and Kalifa felt a little lost.

"Jinyi...Kalifa, come with us!"

"The Demon Slayer Order has been launched. It will be dangerous if we don't leave now."

""Zhababa, I thought Jin Yi was a big devil, but I didn't expect him to be so kind."

The companions half-knelt on the ground, with scars of varying sizes still on their bodies.

"Take care, everyone."

"If we meet on the sea in the future, let's have a meal together."

Kalifa looked back, then turned around and walked towards Jin Yi.

She had already made the decision to follow him in her heart, and she would not change it so easily.

Moreover, this powerful and impressive man in front of her had never appeared on the sea before.


Soon, in front of Spandam's horrified eyes, the figures of several naval warships slowly appeared above the sea level.

"Don't fire, I'm still here, I'm still...uh!"



The white candle solution easily wrapped Spandam.

From a distance, it looked like a tasteless wax figure, and you couldn't tell there was a person here.

Five vice admirals stood on their respective seats, using Den Den Mushi to communicate and constantly observe the situation around Judicial Island.

In order to make the performance more realistic and effective, the huge golden carriage has been stored in the system.

The little girls also used the huge rocks on the beach as a cover, as if they were playing a game, and did not reveal their whereabouts for the time being.

"Lieutenant Generals, are you sure our information is correct?"

"There doesn't seem to be any fighting on Judicial Island!"

Ghost Spider said into the speaker with a frown while holding a telescope.

"Anyway, just follow the orders... indiscriminate attack"

"That's right, ten heavy-duty warships are firing at the same time, there's no way they'll miss anything."

The voices of Doberman and Burning Mountain rang out in the Den Den Mushi at the same time.

Jin held the megaphone bug in Judicial Island in one hand, watching the warships approaching at a slower speed, still waiting for the show to begin.






When all ten warships arrived at the designated location, the five lieutenant generals issued orders to the warships under their respective jurisdiction.

More than forty cannons rained down cannon bullets at the same time.

At the same time as the cannons sounded, Jin Yi took out the megaphone on the island and shouted to his daughters who had been ambushed early:"Little princesses! It's time to perform!"

"Swish swish swish……"

The eight little figures all landed on the port in unison, and within a second they had determined the location where the cannon was coming from.

"Leave the left side to me and Lolo!"

"Kiki in the middle is with sister Yanyan!"

"Wow, my sister Nian Nian and I will go this way!"

"Sister Rongrong, follow me, let's go to the right!"

The eight little ones quickly divided into teams and rushed towards the location where the bombs came from without hesitation.

Pink sweet energy mist... smoke all over the sky... raging sand and dust... solid black iron fence...

The port that was still calm a moment ago suddenly flashed with frightening energy all around.


"Oh no! I've been tricked. This time I've been ambushed by someone else!"

"Can you really see who the other person is?"

"What can you see with this kind of visibility? Just use up all the ammunition on your ships!"

"You are right. I don't believe that anyone can stop them all. We have nearly a thousand rounds in stock!"

"If the bombs can't end it, the five of us will go to the island together to finish them off!"

The five leading lieutenant generals who couldn't see the situation clearly were still thinking about how to win.

However, just a few seconds later, the bombers on their respective ships who were responsible for long-range bombing, one after another, shouted heartbreakingly.

"What's going on? Something terrible has happened! The missiles are coming back!"

"This side is the same, uh ah! All the bombs that were fired are flying back!"

""Hurry up and turn around, dodge the bombs!"

The shouts of the accompanying naval soldiers also rang out one after another. The lieutenant generals of the headquarters were originally very strong, and if they had prepared in advance, they could at least withstand most of the bombs.

But everything happened too suddenly, and even if the five lieutenant generals of the headquarters wanted to help, they were simply unable to do so.


"Uh ah... run away, run away……"


"Be careful, get out of the way……"


"Uh ang……"

The screams were getting louder and louder, causing the originally powerful Demon Slayer Army to panic.

Just as the five vice admirals were responding urgently, a huge pirate ship suddenly appeared on the sea.

Twenty heavy cannons were set up on one side of the ship, locking the direction of the warship.

Tiantian took the lead and stood on the bow, shouting loudly:"Hey, our navy friends on the other side...robbery!"

……_To read the ununderlined version of the novel, please download Faloo

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