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Four cannons at the main entrance of Judicial Island fired at the same time, aiming at Jin Yi's huge pirate ship. It was very easy to aim at such a large area, but whether or not you could hit it was completely different.





"Boom boom boom……"

Without waiting for Jin Yi's order, the little guys jumped high from the boat one after another, and easily shot all the bombs aimed at them into the sea.

It was simply a pipe dream to use such a small trick to deal with Jin Yi and his gang.

Jin Yi pinched Tian Tian's little head, lifted her up on his shoulder, and pointed at the masked man twenty miles away.

"My dear daughter, do you see that masked face?"

"Go with the little sisters, no need to wait for the boat to dock"

"Remember... Don't let him make any calls!"

Jin Yi ordered with a playful look on his face.

��This was the first time that Jin Yi had taken action. Before he had caused enough trouble, he did not want to see any other forces intervene in this matter.

"Hee hee hee!"

"Don't worry, Daddy, Tiantian will definitely do it properly!"

As long as they can move freely, it's no different from playing a game. Tiantian is very happy.

For the Judicial Island, which was originally used to punish crimes, this is the first time since its establishment that it has been treated as a criminal by pirates and a large-scale cleansing has been carried out.


"Damn it! What a joke!"

"He actually threw the bomb back with his bare hands?"

"How can you possibly beat this kind of person?"

"You three, stand guard at the door and don't go anywhere!"

""Bang... Ugh!"

Spandam stumbled back to the office and accidentally slipped in front of his desk.

This kind of opponent was clearly not something that the Judicial Island could handle. Apart from calling for help, Spandam could not think of any way to escape unscathed.

Compared to any official title and status, life was obviously more important!


"Warring States Marshal!"

"Call him, call him now……"

Spandam muttered as he caught the Den Den Mushi.


As soon as the receiver of the Den Den Mushi was picked up, a series of insects from outside the window slowly flew in and clung to the Den Den Mushi.


The Den Den Mushi made two miserable sounds and turned into a dried up dead insect in front of Spandam.

"what happened!"

"In the end what happened!"

"This sand... could it be?"

Spandam suddenly thought of something, and cold sweat broke out on his back.

The little girls are now dozens of miles away. Even if they sail faster, they can't reach the shore every ten minutes!

Even if he kept telling himself this in his heart, Spandam still had concerns.

"You three, follow me to another office immediately. The Den Den Mushi here……"

Spandam walked out of the office with a shaky step. When he called the agents guarding the door, he found that the agents were half-kneeling on the ground, looking at the few small figures in the corridor in horror.

"Hey! Masked uncle, I've been looking for you for a long time, and now you're here!"

"The masked uncle looks really weird, and so do these thugs!"

"Hungry, hungry, hungry. Look, such long hair. This fat uncle actually has a zipper on his mouth?"

"Uncles, are you waiting for us sisters to take action? Or are you just going to surrender?"


The little girls were talking to each other, and their voices sounded very ignorant, but the words they said made people feel cold in their hearts!


Spandam looked at the little creatures that appeared out of nowhere and stepped back to the other side of the corridor.

"What are you idiots still standing there for?"

""Stop these little brats for me, or just shoot them away!"

Spandam shouted loudly.

Shoot them away?

It would be easier to let the agents commit suicide.

Perhaps Spandam's fighting power was too low, and he couldn't feel the aura released by the little girls at all.

Just watching them coming towards him, the domineering deterrent force made the agents unable to move.



Tiantian jumped out from the group of little sisters, threw a punch in the air, and aimed at the side wall of the office.

Obviously, there was no contact between the fist and the wall, but with the air wave that was casually blasted out, it easily penetrated from one end of the wall to the other end more than ten meters away. The loud sound was particularly real, and it also shattered all of Spandam's psychological defenses.

"Uncle Mask, are you ready to continue playing cat and mouse with us?"

"If we really catch him, he will be like this wall!"

Tiantian, the eldest sister among the sisters, who often follows Jin Yi, has also learned a lot of threatening skills.

In front of a coward like Spandam, these words are very useful and easily calm the situation.


Spandam knelt on one knee in despair, shaking his head in fear.

"Do not fight……"

"No more running……"

"Not running anywhere!"


Ten minutes later.

The gate of Judicial Island, which symbolizes absolute justice, slowly opened, and Jin Yi's pirate ship swaggered into the ocean current port and entered the island that never sleeps!

Right in front of the steps after going down the port, the little daughters had ended the battle within ten minutes, and tied up the bruised Spandam and the other three senior agents under the steps.

Robin followed Jin Yi, looking at the World Government Alliance flag flying on the top of Judicial Island, and her palms tightened.

It was under such a powerful force that her hometown of O'Hara was destroyed, and she had to live a life of displacement for many years.

As if seeing through Robin's mind, Jin Yi raised his hand and waved, and a black evil light wave flew through the air, and with a"puff" sound, the flag was smashed into pieces.

"Jin Yi……"

Robin's eyes were bright and radiant.

Jin Yi pinched Robin's pretty face and said,"What's there to be afraid of if you are against the world? From now on, I will protect you in this sea... Let's go and see what rewards we have for our prey!"

Robin's nose was sore and she felt much more relieved.

At this moment, Robin did not let her tears flow, but nodded heavily and followed Jin Yi's footsteps.

……_To read the ununderlined version of the novel, please download Faloo

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