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"Are you crazy?……"

"The Seven Warlords of the Sea, like the Empress, can protect you and your daughters under the protection of the world government.……"

Seeing Jin Yi's actions, Tashigi, who already had a problem with him, couldn't help but question him.

Bonnie walked to Tashigi's side, pulled Tashigi's arm, and said,"You may not understand the feelings of a pirate. If it were me, I would not accept it either.""

"Tina felt that Jinyi's thoughts would not be that simple."

Tina, who has her heart set on Jinyi, can more or less understand the meaning of Jinyi's move.

Although Tashigi does not have a high rank in the navy, she has a sense of justice.

She still refuses to accept her current identity as a member of the pirate group.

This is why she said such a thing after seeing the invitation letter of the Seven Warlords of the Sea torn up by Jinyi.

Jinyi was not surprised. He turned his head to look at Tashigi and said with a smile:"This invitation letter is sent to me and my daughters. Do you think the navy and the world government will still feel at ease to welcome you back?"


Tashigi was stunned by what he said.

In fact, it was true.

When the invitation letter was turned out, the navy camp represented by Sengoku did not know that the female soldiers who had defected from the navy were also included in the team.

The navy, which has always been known as a righteous and iron-blooded team, will never accept such cooperation!

If he was just a lone ranger, there would be nothing easier than joining the Seven Warlords of the Sea to find the devil fruit. Of course, Jin Yi agreed without thinking.

Since he is the father of someone's children, he must be responsible for them to the end.

There is no need to say more about true preference, and the women can feel it in their hearts.

Aokiji calmed his mind and suppressed the anger in his heart,"It seems that I have made a wasted trip this time. I didn't expect you to refuse so straightforwardly."

If the invitation of the Seven Warlords of the Sea is broken, judging from the current situation, it seems that he can't catch any of the female navy soldiers in front of him.

Continuing to entangle will only make the danger rise again.

"Who said you came here in vain?"

"You've come all this way, so I can't let you come in vain."

Jin Yi's expression gradually changed, and he looked up at Aokiji with a greedy look, not intending to let Aokiji go so easily.

Natural fruits are rare, and being able to sit on the position of general with the help of the frozen fruit, in addition to his own innate qualifications, the terrifying strength of the fruit is also evident! A great opportunity is in front of us, if we miss it easily, it will definitely be a great waste!


Having seen the speed of his daughters, Aokiji did not dare to underestimate Jin Yi's strength.

Before he could show his strength, he took the lead in transforming his body into an element and watched Jin Yi's reaction.

"So...are you guys going to continue fighting me?"

Aokiji asked coldly.

"Don't get me wrong, the only one who will really attack you... is me!"

Jin Yi turned his head and gave a look, and his wife and daughters all understood and stepped aside. With so many powerful kids around him, why not use them?

Is this guy in front of him an extreme battle maniac?

"Sob, sob, sob!"

"Ice Age……"

No matter what Jin Yi's character is like, or what he is planning, there is nothing else to do except show his real ability at the first time.

"Wow! Didn't Uncle Ice Cube really want to fight us just now?"

"Well, it looks so hurtful, we were having so much fun!"

"Hungry, it turns out that Uncle Ice also knows how to use his abilities after awakening."

"What? It seems like we should continue playing just now!"

The little girls stared at Aokiji, and each of them had an extremely unhappy expression on their faces.

He was thinking about sending out the invitation letter to the Seven Warlords of the Sea. If it weren't for the little girls who took the initiative to provoke him again and again, he would definitely not take action, let alone use higher-level abilities.

As an admiral of the navy and a natural devil fruit ability user, Aokiji, who had already mastered the awakening ability, no longer dared to slack off.




The amusement park already covers a large area, and the scope of the Ice Age has expanded outward, directly covering an area twice the size of the amusement park, covering all of Jin Yi and his group.

Ice cones that occasionally rise from random places threaten the safety of the mothers and their daughters before the battle even begins.

"Shi Changshang!"

"You must not go over there!"

"The passers-by who just escaped have already said that, that is... that is the admiral of the navy!"

"Don't go any further, it's too dangerous ahead!"

Bingshan, who arrived a step slower, and Weiwei and Robin looked at the playground area that had turned into an ice field, and they all became nervous.

"Admiral of the Navy!"

"Could it be that……"

Robin's palms trembled slightly, recalling a similar scene he had encountered when he was a child.

Bingshan took a step back stiffly,"How could the admiral of the navy appear on this island? What on earth happened?"

"Jin Yi and his daughters are inside, we must go, we must go!"

Weiwei shook her head, not caring about the danger or not, and continued to run forward. Robin followed closely behind, leaving behind the fear in his heart, and followed closely in Weiwei's footsteps.

"Hello, you two……"

Bingshan wanted to stop the two of them. After all, he had never seen Jin Yi's strength with his own eyes. The other party was a naval admiral who was intimidating the world and had the power to destroy a side with a wave of his hand!


"Bang Bang Bang……"

Before the two girls could run out two steps, a crisp sound came from the ice playground in front of them.

Immediately afterwards, continuous explosions could be heard. The vast ice field did not even last for a few seconds before it all turned into bluish-white energy spots, disappearing one after another before their eyes.


"What's going on? What happened?"

"The ice cubes… all the ice cubes have disappeared!!"

The guards following the iceberg shouted out loudly, unable to understand the bizarre scene before their eyes!

……_To read the ununderlined version of the novel, please download Faloo

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