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TảTime: 0.060s Scan: 0.066sThe whole banquet hall was suddenly plunged into a strange atmosphere.

Kalifa, who was always calm, wanted to reach out and take back her tiny Den Den Mushi.

But Kiki's reaction was much faster than Kalifa's. She quickly retreated, went behind the iceberg, and ran to Jin Yi lightly.

Jin Yi looked at the tiny Den Den Mushi that Kiki handed over, and said jokingly:"The secretary of the minister is different. He is equipped with such high-tech things."

Kalifa's brows tightened, and she said in a daze:"But... it's just a Den Den Mushi. What's so strange about it? Mr. Jin Yi, please give it back to me."

""This Den Den Mushi should have been on hold, right?"

This time, Jin Yi didn't say anything. The wise Iceberg stared at Kalifa with his sharp eyes.

As the chairman, Iceberg was also the legal representative of Carrera Company. Many people were watching his every move.

Living in such an environment all day, Iceberg's alertness was much higher than that of ordinary people.

"Mr. Iceberg, I... I'm just on the phone with the guards around me."

"After all, the person you are going to meet is not an ordinary citizen."

Kalifa found a reasonable reason for herself, trying to get away with it temporarily.

If it were any other time, Bingshan might not have too much suspicion of the people around him.

There was a problem with the company's employees, and this time it was Jin Yi's daughter who discovered Kalifa's call on the spot. Bingshan didn't plan to be vague this time.

He turned around and picked up the communication bug on the table and handed it to Kalifa.

"Which guard team were you in contact with just now?"

""Call again right now in front of me!"

Bingshan shouted sternly.

Kalifa took the Den Den Mushi tremblingly, and was still thinking of a reason to exonerate herself. After such a long period of undercover work, she finally gained Bingshan's trust, and she didn't want to fail.

As a result, Jin Yi's words made Kalifa completely fall into despair!

"I don't know which guard team it is, right?"

""Daughters! Get ready to work!"

Jin Yi shouted, and the eight little ones quickly stood in a row beside Jin Yi from their mothers.

The ignorant look of them standing in a row immediately became the most beautiful scenery in the banquet hall.





"We are ready!"

"We are ready!"

"We are ready!"


The eight little ones responded to Jin Yi loudly, and their faces were full of expectations.

For them, staying at home like this is a disguised bondage.

Devil fruit daughters are born to yearn for interesting things... fighting opponents with the same devil fruit abilities!

Jin Yi squatted down, held the leader Tian Tian in front, and whispered in her ear where Bruno was hiding. He also reminded Tian Tian to be strong and to bring him back alive.

"What are you doing?"

"Could this guy really know Bruno's location?"

Kalifa's mentality was completely lost, and Bingshan saw all her nervous expression.


"Don’t worry, Dad!"

"Sisters, follow me!"

"Swish swish swish……"

Tiantian shouted with great momentum and waved to the sisters behind her.

A few streams of light flashed through the banquet hall, and they didn't even need to go out the door, and disappeared directly at the window.

"Damn those little devils!"

"Damn you, stinky man!"

Kalifa's eyes darkened, and she took out a whip that had been prepared long ago from her arm and swung it at the nearest iceberg.

Iceberg, who had been on guard for a long time, kicked the chair next to him and used the gap to flash out of the safe area.


With a loud thump, the chair could not withstand Kalifa's blow and broke into two pieces in the air.

Seeing that she could not directly kidnap the iceberg, Kalifa did not dare to stay for too long and went to plunder behind her. Stunned!

"Where are you going?"

"Secretary Khalifa……"

"No, no, I should call you... the commander of CP9!"

Kalifa dodged for a moment and saw Jin Yi's figure behind her. Jin Yi was still in front of her eyes when she attacked. Before the attack was completely landed, he had already run behind her! With such a speed, anyone who was an enemy would feel palpitations!

"You can't stay here any longer...get out of the way!"

Kalifa's ruthlessness completely replaced her previous rationality, and with no other options left, she swung the whip at Jin Yi.

"Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh!"


The whip was only halfway through when the solid black iron fence wrapped around Kalifa's wrist.

"What is this?……"

Kalifa's breath was stagnant, and then she thought that besides Jinyi and her little daughters, there were also women from the navy and pirates gathered around her.

"What a woman with no manners at all"

"What do you want to do to him in front of me?" A dignified pressure came from behind Kalifa.

Jin Yi secretly smacked his lips and stood aside easily.


When Kalifa turned her head again, a kick accompanied by a pink energy wave hit Kalifa squarely on her body.


"Bang Bang……"

Kalifa, who was hit perfectly, turned into a stone statue and flew several meters away before falling to the ground silently.

Bingshan couldn't help but break out in a cold sweat when he saw this scene.

It was not until now that he realized that in addition to his daughter with strong fighting ability, Jin Yi also had a large number of women with equally amazing fighting ability!


Seven Water City, the main road of District 3!

Tiantian and her little daughters flashed and temporarily stopped near a crossroads.

According to Jin Yi's instructions, the target they were looking for was near here.




"This is it!"

"Hmm, I smell it too!"

The little girls, who have a natural sense of the devil fruit ability, have determined Bruno's hiding place.

……_Feilu reminds you: Three things to do when reading - collection,

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