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Gentlemanly wiped the water off Tina's hair, Jin Yi naturally would not waste the beautiful scenery.

He reached out and easily picked up Tina from the sofa


Tina, who was prepared, let out a long breath, closed her eyes, and obediently snuggled in Jin Yi's arms.

In the room, there was a big bed that was big enough for four people to sleep, giving them enough space to display their skills.

Jin Yi easily removed all the obstacles between them and started the second round of conquest of this world!

The daughter who existed and was released in the form of energy did not affect Tina's fact that she had never been in love. Everything was as beautiful as the first time they met.

In the pain, there was also the joy of being a wife.

Unlike her past battle experiences, Tina, who had completely removed her disguise, gave Jin Yi an absolutely unusual feeling...

In the secret base that no one had ever set foot in, it seemed that there was a military style and appearance everywhere.

Jin Yi was the only soldier who opened the door of the base, and he was also the lone hero who entered with a rifle.


The shotgun fired, aiming at the fixed bull's eye in the base, and shot straight through.

""Hmm... Uh!"

The base owner's soft cry lingered in Jin Yi's ears.

After the resolute exterior was broken, what was revealed was a fragile gentleness.

The moment the lone hero opened the gate of the base, the war had already begun, and there was no way it would stop.




The continuous firing of hunting rifles made it difficult for the small military stronghold to withstand Jin Yi's tyranny.

After several expeditions, it was almost dawn.

Jin Yi contentedly dropped the flag on the top of the base, and it became a solo expedition!


The next morning

"Are you really going out like this?"

"Tina should go back and clean up. If the waitress sees her, she will be embarrassed."

Tina, who was being carried out by Jin Yi, couldn't help but glance at the bed in the inner room. She felt very uncomfortable when she walked.

"How can I let my wife do such a thing as cleaning the room?"

"What haven't the people who work here seen?"

"This battlefield is not a big scene, hahaha!"

Jin Yi pinched Tina's nose and opened the door playfully.





The moment the door was opened, several pairs of small eyes and several pairs of big eyes fell on the two of them.

Usually, when being stared at directly, Tina had no intention of dodging.

But today, the looks of the mothers and daughters seemed a little strange, so Tina didn't dare to look them in the eye at all.

"Good morning!"

"What day is today?"

"Why are you up so early?"

Jin Yi didn't think there was anything wrong. He remained calm and greeted everyone present.

Lolo walked out from the group of little girls and stood in front of Tina. She looked like she hadn't woken up yet, holding Tina's big legs aggrievedly.

Usually, the daughter always looked sleepy, but the expression on her face had never been so unhappy.

Jin Yi also noticed that something was wrong with Lolo, and asked,"Did someone bully our little Lolo? Why are you unhappy today?"

Lolo hung firmly on Tina's big legs and said to Jin Yi,"Dad, did you hit mom last night? Sister Huahua said that mom looked like she was about to cry."



Jin Yi and Tina were both speechless at the same time.

The little ones present were fine, but many of the women who had become his wives or would become his wives in the future stared at Jin Yi with strange eyes.

After Huahua heard what Lolo said, she turned around and ran to Robin, sticking her little head behind him to observe Jin Yi's reaction.

Originally thought that the sound insulation effect of the room was good enough, but who knew that Huahua's natural observation Haki ability was overlooked.

This also explains the doubts in Jin Yi's heart. No wonder everyone looked at him very strangely.

Tina blushed and lowered her head without answering. She protected Lolo to her side, and pinched Jin Yi from behind without leaving a trace, secretly cursing Jin Yi for what he did.

Jin Yi scratched his head, then thought of something, and continued:"All of you are guarding my door, is it just for this matter?"

"Cough cough!"

"I said to Captain Jin Yi who was sleeping in, it’s already ten o’clock in the morning!"

"The mayor of the Seven Waters City, who is also the owner of Dock No. 1, prepared a banquet for us in the banquet hall on the first floor."

Weiwei looked helpless and took the initiative to explain to Jin Yi what everyone had done.

The mayor of the Seven Waters City, the owner of Carrera Company, was the eldest apprentice of Mr. Tom, the master shipbuilder who invented the first sea train...Iceberg!

"We helped him find the undercover agent in the company. This guy should treat us well."

""By the way... is he here alone?"

Jin Yi asked the girls suspiciously.

Bonnie said in an unconvinced tone,"How could a person like the dean travel alone? Of course, he was accompanied by a lot of guards, and... a pretty good-looking female secretary."

"Besides, it was the little goddesses in the legend who were invited to the banquet to express their gratitude, not you, the great captain." Robin also added in a strange tone.

Jin Yi didn't care who was invited to the banquet. He cared more about the last sentence... a pretty female secretary!

In yesterday's battle, Kaku and Lucci were successfully captured.

Jin Yi temporarily saved their lives and imprisoned them in the dungeon rented by the hotel.

According to Jin Yi's understanding, there are not only two undercover agents in the Seven Water City, but also two other undercover agents, one male and one female, who are not boatmen!

Instead of taking the wide road, they delivered themselves to the door at this juncture. Of course, Jin Yi had no reason not to wait for a while.

He walked to the group of daughters, tapped the heads of several little girls, and said with a smile:"Let's go, little princesses! Daddy will take you to eat a free meal!"

"It’s time to eat!"

"Long live Dad!"

"Wait for me!"

The little girls shouted happily in cooperation.

……_Feilu reminds you: Three things to do when reading - collection,

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