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The humans that he had always looked down upon now actually regarded all the fish people as toys, and anyone could attack each other!

Of course, this anger soon turned into deep fear.……

"……"Little Panda Queen Form!"

Xiong Xiong called out in a cute voice, and the black and white clothes on her body quickly changed.

A lot of panda fur filled Xiong Xiong's body, and in the end, except for her little face, which still looked like a human, the rest of her body turned into a red panda.

Little Panda Queen Form was a name Xiong Xiong gave herself.

After opening the special form of the mythical beast species, Xiong Xiong's transformation was like putting on a very cute panda doll outfit.

The focus is not Xiong Xiong's posture, but the ability after the fruit power explodes!




Xiong Xiong shouted again, and stepped heavily on the ground.

A special energy quickly spread out from Xiong Xiong to the surroundings.

Xiong Xiong's fur also shone, releasing black and white energy evenly on the ground, and the release range just reached the entrance of the Dragon Paradise.

"Boom boom boom!"

This time, all the fishmen felt an unusual feeling of being enveloped by white energy while rushing forward.���In an instant, a powerful shock rose from the ground.

"What's going on? Why is the gate getting farther and farther away?"

"That’s not right…it should be getting higher and higher!"

"The ground...the ground is rising!"

"It’s this white thing that’s causing all this trouble. What on earth is that?"

""Help! Let me go... Ugh!"

The screams of the fish people rang out again, and the scene sounded very terrifying.

Xiangxiang raised her little head with her palm covering her forehead, and saw that the courtyard, which was flat just now, was piled up like a small mountain in an instant.

Carefully observing the white energy that made the ground grow rapidly, and the black energy behind Xiongxiong that was as quiet as dead water, drew an S-shaped arc on the intertwined ground.

Between the energy fluctuations, a huge Tai Chi pattern was formed!

"That’s amazing, what abilities does Sister Xiongxiong have?"

"It doesn't look like an animal at all!"

Xiangxiang couldn't help but exclaimed.

Xiongxiong raised the corners of his mouth, his white ears moved slightly, and he said with pride:"Of course! Sister is not an ordinary animal, she is a fantasy beast Tai Chi Panda!"

"This Tai Chi Bagua formation can still be used!"

"The white one is the Yang side, the black one is the Yin side"

"The matter and energy covered by the positive side are released in a positive growth posture."

"The matter and energy swallowed by Yin will be used by my sister in the form of negative mutation!"

When talking about his own abilities, Xiong Xiong seemed particularly excited.

Regardless of whether Xiang Xiang could understand or not, he immediately introduced the use of Tai Chi Bagua Formation.


"Uh ah!"




"Let me go!"

The raised hill in front of him was the best manifestation of the Tai Chi Yang power transforming the earth's material.

In addition to transforming the ground structure, the strong energy impact brought by the growth of the ground bulge allowed Xiongxiong to directly use the ground vein fluctuations to knock the small fishes down from the sky one by one.

The evil dragon was close to Xiongxiong, and the ground did not change much.

After seeing the terrifying and shocking scene, the evil dragon could no longer think of anything else, and swung his sword towards Xiongxiong.

"Although it's not common, these two girls must be Devil Fruit users!"

"As long as I kill this little brat of yours, your weird abilities won’t be released!"


The evil dragon, which had been preparing to attack, had been accumulating energy for a long time, waiting for the moment when Xiongxiong lost consciousness.

Just as Xiongxiong was not worried about Xiangxiang's safety, Xiangxiang also knew that all the little fish in front of her were not on the same level as her sister.

During Xiongxiong's explanation, Xiangxiang only understood one thing...

As long as energy or other existing matter enters the black and white energy circle in front of her, strange changes will occur!

Xiangxiang was very expectant and flew to the side of the Bagua formation where the black energy was leaping, her little eyes flashing with anticipation.

Without any hesitation, she raised her little hand and murmured,"The ability that sister Xiongxiong said is so magical, what will happen if I put my lightning in it?"


If you dare to think, you dare to do it!

Taking advantage of the moment when Xiongxiong was not paying attention, Xiangxiang injected a trace of lightning power into Tai Chi Yin in a funny way.


"Lightning energy?"

Facing the frontal attack of the dragon, Xiongxiong was about to dodge and let the dragon plunge into the sunken and deformed land to suffer the consequences.

As a result, due to Xiangxiang's small action, a strange scene happened!

""Swoosh, swoosh, swoosh!"

Black, viscous substances sprang out from the Tai Chi Yin Gua plate.


""Sister, what is this?"

A strange energy like a small snake or earthworm appeared, frightening Xiangxiang who was concentrating on watching the changes. She dodged several times and ran to the safer area in the center.

"Go to hell, you little bastard!"



The dragon was halfway through its swing when the sticky black energy cleverly entangled its hands.

In an instant, two terrible wounds appeared on its arms, and before the blood could flow out, it was eaten by the terrible energy!

"My hand!"



The dragon fell heavily two meters in front of Xiong Xiong, looking at the terrible wound on his wrist with red eyes.

At this moment, Xiong Xiong raised his paw lightly, and the black clay-like substance dripped all over, slippery and slippery.

"Xiangxiang, this is the negative mutation of your lightning power."

"yin, dirty water thunder!"

……_To read the ununderlined version of the novel, please download Faloo

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