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"Who is Mr. Jin's favorite? No wonder he came here from so far away."

"That's true, who knows which girl is so unlucky this time."

Weiwei and Robin were obviously jealous when they talked.

Jin Yi scratched his head awkwardly and said,"Not one... but three."



The two women's expressions looked even more exciting.


Fifty-five kilometers away from the central town, in a remote attic


Strong energy swept across the first floor of the attic in waves.

Tashigi and Bonnie stood outside the attic, looking at the attic filled with frantic noises, each with an anxious look on their faces.

At this time, Taotu had entered the final stage of reproduction.

What Tashigi and Bonnie never expected was���The energy impact generated by the birth of the peach rabbit was several times stronger than that of the two girls before, making it impossible for the two girls to get close.

The two little girls, Yanyan and Niannian, forcibly suppressed the energy impact in the attic.

If it weren't for the two little girls, I'm afraid the attic would have been unable to withstand the impact and would have been completely destroyed by the energy.

Even so, the residents living nearby also felt something was wrong and went out one after another to watch.

"What the hell is going on here? Why is it beeping all the time?"

"Who knows? Look at those two good-looking girls outside. Could they be people of unknown origin?"

"The noise is making me unable to sleep. I don't know why they came here to rent a house. I should quickly persuade them to leave."

"That's right, if they keep making such a fuss, how can anyone sleep?"

Dashiqi was so flustered that she didn't dare to look at the eyes of the people around her. If they continued to make such a fuss, they might not be able to stay in this place anymore.

Taotu had said yesterday that she wanted to temporarily live in the woods on the edge of the island and choose another place after giving birth.

Dashiqi couldn't bear to let Taotu be treated like this, so she insisted on letting her stay.

At this moment, Dashiqi felt that she seemed to have made a very irrational decision.

"Hungry Hungry……"

"Hungry Hungry……"

Just as Dashiqi and Bonnie were getting anxious, Nian Nian ran out quickly, with her overalls obviously torn.

"Year after year!"

"What's going on in there now?"

Bonnie leaned over anxiously, turned Nian Nian around, and checked if her daughter was injured.

"Mom, Aunt Taotu is so awesome... No, it’s the baby in her belly that is so awesome!"

""My sister Yanyan and I are about to control it!"

Niannian said, while dancing with her hands.

With the power of the smoke fruit, Yanyan was able to temporarily block the space.

But no matter how hard she stared at the white smoke, it was not a steel-like entity.

In addition, she had been controlling it for nearly two hours in a row, which was a terrible consumption for little Yanyan.

""Have you ever used age reversal?"

Bonnie said thoughtfully.

At the moment when Nian Nian was born, Taotu rushed in from outside the warehouse and saw the first scene of age reversal.

Tashigi and Yanyan in the warehouse seemed to have their ages swapped. Tashigi became a child, and Yanyan became a beautiful girl of twenty years old.

Under the ability of the age fruit, the daughter of the devil fruit is not just as simple as growing older. What changes along with it is the intensity of the use of the fruit ability and her own strength.

At present, Nian Nian is equivalent to a propeller for the youngest daughter to make her strength leap twenty years! After hearing Bonnie's question, the expression on Nian Nian's face became more melancholy, and she nodded slowly,"Growth has been used a long time ago, hungry hungry hungry...even because of excessive consumption, the effect of the ability on sister Yanyan has become invalid."

"Damn it!"

"Why is there such a big reaction?"

"Obviously, your and my reproductive reactions are not that strong!"

Bonnie rubbed her palms anxiously.

"Ageing has become ineffective……"

"Now Yanyan... isn't she in danger?"

Dashiqi immediately thought of her daughter's safety, especially after seeing the scars on Yanyan's body, this feeling was magnified.

The house was damaged... the whereabouts were discovered by the navy... the days of wandering began again... compared with Yanyan's injury, these things seemed so insignificant!


"We must not let Yanyan continue!"

"I'll take her out, and we'll personally check on Sister Gion outside the building!"

Dashiqi said in a serious tone, and walked towards the attic.

""Swoosh, swish, swish...whoosh!"

Before she had taken two steps away, a strong gust of air pushed Tashigi back to her original position.

Bonnie reacted and grabbed Tashigi's arm tightly,"We can't go in now, it's too dangerous!"

"But my daughter is in there!"

Dashiqi shouted out of control.

When facing other things, Dashiqi could keep a calm mind and make a decision after calmly analyzing the pros and cons.

But when it came to Yanyan's matter, Dashiqi simply didn't have the ability to think calmly.





Four petite figures came at high speed from the same direction and landed on the attic where Taotu was, immediately attracting the attention of everyone around.

"Wow! What a strong aura! The little guy I'm meeting this time seems to have a bad temper!"

"Yeah, that’s what I meant. Should we join forces to help the auntie inside?"

"Oh! Didn't Dad tell us not to interfere?"

"Did we run too fast? Why hasn't Dad come yet?"

The four little ones around Jin Yi felt the atmosphere in the attic with confused expressions and arrived at the scene as soon as possible.


"Are you hungry?"

Niannian sniffed the air, slowly raised his head, and stared at the four little ones with shining eyes.

At the same time, the four little ones' gazes gradually shifted from the attic to Niannian.

"The same breath!"

"The same breath!"

Both sides spoke at the same time.

……_To read the ununderlined version of the novel, please download Faloo

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