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"Guji Guji……"

"Guji Guji……"

The chewing sounds came in waves, and were particularly clear under the dim lighting.

"What a poor tour group, there is only this much meat, the rest are some fruit without nutrition"


Bonnie lazily leaned against the wine barrel, threw the empty cooked meat aside, and continued to grab the fruit basket beside her. It was only half an hour since she got on the boat, and Bonnie had already swept up all the delicious cooked meat, still looking for her favorite fruits unsatisfied.

Bonnie, who already had an amazing appetite, ate more than three times as much as before after she became pregnant, but she still often felt hungry.

Even though the baby in her belly has not been born yet, Bonnie can roughly judge that this little guy must have inherited her fine traditions, otherwise he would not have tripled his appetite.

"hissing boom……"


A chaotic airflow of energy was released uncontrollably from Bonnie's abdomen, overturning all the fruit baskets surrounding her.

Bonnie frowned, pressed her abdomen with one hand, and said painfully:"Are you being naughty again, little guy? You were fine just now... uh, what happened?"


Just as Bonnie was in agony, the door of the cabin opened from the outside, and the light fell directly on Bonnie.

"This, this is not the bastard we are looking for!"

"He's not here.……"

""Hey! It's a beautiful pregnant auntie!"

The voices of three girls came from the door.

Taotu's tone was obviously angry, and Dashiqi seemed to be relieved. The naive Yanyan didn't understand the world of adults at all, and only cared about the source of the same breath as her.

"You... who are you?"

"Pregnant woman? Little kid?"

"This combination... I always feel... Ugh!"

In just one minute, Bonnie's head was covered with sweat, and she had no strength at all.

Thinking about how she became what she is now, it was all after she met Tiantian in the food forest.

Such a familiar scene, replaced by another little devil with the same aura reappeared in front of her, Bonnie subconsciously connected the two together.

It's a pity that the current situation did not give her time to think. Giving birth to a devil fruit daughter is like a storm, coming quickly and without any signs beforehand.

Originally, Bonnie's daughter was born one or two days earlier, but because of the approach of the little girl Yanyan from the same origin, it directly stimulated Bonnie's daughter in her belly, bringing the birth time forward by nearly thirty hours.


Yanyan raised her little nose and sniffed the air twice, the brilliance in her eyes was clearly visible.


"Auntie Peach Rabbit!"

""Oh! This beautiful aunt is going to give birth to a little sister!"

Yanyan was as excited as if she had found a favorite toy, and she spoke more excitedly than the person involved.

Originally, she came here with the mentality of denouncing Jin Yi, but she didn't find the unfaithful man. Needless to say, the scene in front of her was that she met a woman with the same experience as herself.

The scene of meeting and giving birth made the two women extremely embarrassed.

Dashiqi and Taotu looked at each other, exchanged opinions, and then ran quickly into the cabin to the side of Bonnie who was in pain.

Bonnie's experience on the sea made her very alert.

When Dashiqi squatted down and approached her regardless of the danger of energy airflow, Bonnie grabbed Dashiqi's wrist.

"You... who are you?"

"Uh... why did you come here?"

Bonnie's IQ is not low, and she immediately determined that the other party was definitely not just passing by.

Dashiqi patted Bonnie's hand to calm her nervous mood.

Especially at this time, the mood of pregnant women should be taken extra care.

"There is no time to explain who we are."

"I can only say that I also gave birth to a daughter. And my daughter is here"

"The sister next to me will soon be like you."

Tashigi said all the important things one by one, saving the troublesome time of explanation. Bonnie couldn't sort out the complicated things now. At least she was sure of one thing, that the other party didn't want to harm her, on the contrary, there was a possibility that she could help her at the moment.


A violent energy stream rushed out horizontally when Dashiqi approached, brushing against her arm and directly piercing through the rice bucket behind her.

"Dashiqi, Xiao Yanyan, I leave this to you two."

"I'll take care of what's going on outside."

Taotu held her stomach and slowly walked out the door.

""What's going on? Who is making trouble in the food warehouse?"

As soon as they reached the door, the sailors in charge had already surrounded them.

The noise just now was so loud that it was impossible not to be heard.

Taotu suppressed her impatience, took out most of her belongings, handed them to the sailors, and said,"The child is hungry, let her find something to eat in there, she will be out soon."

The sailor stared at the thick purse in his hand with shining eyes. You know, even half of the food in the food warehouse may not be worth so much money in front of him.

Faced with such a generous nobleman, the crew immediately nodded angrily,"It's understandable for the child, just look for it, I'll help you watch it!"

At this moment in the warehouse, after Dashiqi was almost injured by the chaotic airflow, her little daughter Yanyan had already stepped forward and fearlessly put her little hand on Bonnie's belly.

""Little guy, be good and don't make trouble."

Yanyan said softly.

"Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh!"

""Thump, thump, thump!"

Yanyan's words not only failed to weaken the power, but made the energy-like airflow even more turbulent.

……_Feilu reminds you: Three things to do when reading - collection,

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