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""Ting ting!"

Yanyan paused for two steps and landed steadily five meters behind Ace.

Her petite body held the blood-stained Shi Yu and crossed the sword that was longer than her height.


Behind Yanyan, Ace knelt on one knee with one hand on his shoulder. The wound on his shoulder was covered with burning flames, and one arm had been cut off and lay on the ground.

Dashiqi, who was about to step forward, was horrified when she saw Yanyan's sudden counterattack.

Taotu also stood in front of Dashiqi in fear, preventing her from getting closer to the battle circle in front of her.


Yanyan turned around again, and the sword drew a sharp shadow in the air.

In the prop card rewards opened by Jin Yi, the daughters improved their own exclusive skills.

In this process, Yanyan, who was thousands of miles away from Jin Yi, got the upgraded exclusive skills including swordsmanship.

It seems to be related to the smoke fruit.���The swordplay that was not in tune with the strength was displayed extremely fiercely by the little girl with dual personality.

Because the opponent was a child, the first attack was not very threatening except for the speed attack.

The explosion of the fire daruma gave Yanyan the opportunity to hide her position and breath perfectly underground.

Taking advantage of Ace's carelessness, Yanyan quickly grabbed Ace's body. The moment she was knocked unconscious by a punch, she was accompanied by awe-inspiring swordplay.

While avoiding the attack on the vital point, one arm was still cut off!


"This kid is so powerful!"

Ace's forehead was sweating. After feeling the murderous intent behind him, he supported his injured body and once again increased the distance between the two.

"Stealing the flesh of my mother and aunt... Yanyan will never forgive me!"

The gray-white energy in Yanyan's pupils flashed, and she tilted her head and stared at Ace with cold eyes.


The smoke, like a white snake, kept circling around Yanyan, and half of Yanyan's body was mixed into the smoke, which made people shudder from afar.

This time, Ace came out despite the opposition of his companions. His goal was to chase the black beard Teach who betrayed his companions. Before he met Teach, he didn't expect to provoke such a powerful little disaster!

"Damn seems like there's no way to escape."

"I've never heard of a scared kid in the navy before... It seems like we can only fight head-on."

Ace clenched his shoulders, gritted his teeth, and used the burning properties to block the broken meridians and stop the blood from continuing to flow.

As a natural ability user, although losing an arm will greatly reduce his combat effectiveness, it will not make him completely powerless.

However, if too much blood is lost, no matter how powerful a natural ability user is, he cannot escape the human body's instincts.



Ace didn't have much time to think. If he didn't use his killer move immediately, Yanyan would probably seize the opportunity and he wouldn't even have the chance to use his skills.

"Great Flame Ring……"

Ace quickly used his remaining arm to wrap around his body, mobilizing enough elemental energy to form a continuous ring of fire in front of him.

Feeling the opponent's fighting spirit of a decisive blow, Yanyan calmly raised the sword diagonally in front of her.

"White Smoke Blade……"

Thick and swift white smoke gushed out, winding upward continuously, firmly magnifying the sword tenfold.

Both of them used their killing moves against the enemy almost at the same time!


""Crack, crack, crack!"

The fire rings gathered in front of Ace and floated up, eventually condensing into a huge fireball, which he lifted up high with one hand.

The surrounding trees could not withstand the intense heat, their skins turned black, and they fell one after another in the woods.


"Hiss, hiss, hiss!"

The characteristics of white smoke are not as aggressive as flames, but because of the unique properties of gas flow, after being compressed around the sword body, it has a terrifying explosive force that erupts, causing a hissing gas explosion around it.

In terms of fruit properties between the two, Ace may be stronger than Yanyan, but the fatal difference is the ability to use domineering!

"Emperor Yan!"

"Gale Slash!"




Two surging fruit energies, one red and one white, collided in the woods.

All residents and tourists on the island witnessed the red fire and white smoke columns at the first time.

After being shocked by their daughter twice in a row, Tashigi and Taotu did not slack off in their avoidance this time.

The two women ran to a place two hundred meters away at the fastest speed, and they could still feel the strong excitement of the aftermath. The fierce nature of the devil fruit ability users all have extremely strong combat capabilities, and it is not uncommon for them to split mountains and crack the earth with a flip of their hands.

The horror caused by the collision of the two energies The effect caused half of the island to fall into a violent tremor, which attracted the attention of many combatants.

In this fatal collision, the white smoke quickly swallowed up and extinguished the flames, leaving Ace no chance to fight back, and completely ending the battle in front of him.

The information that Jin Yi received from a distance about his daughter's victory was also transmitted at this moment, and a fiery red Flame-Flame Fruit was delivered to the hands of Jin Yi's father.

When the collision failed and the fruit was extracted in an instant, the unconscious Ace turned into a stream of light and was slashed by the spray of wind and sent to a town dozens of miles away.

……_To read the ununderlined version of the novel, please download Faloo

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