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Fire Fist Ace! The captain of the second division under the New World Four Emperors Whitebeard, and also the user of the Natural Flame-Flame Fruit.

Among his peers, Ace's ability is absolutely the best.

At the same time, he also has an extra secret... the posthumous son of the former Pirate King Roger!

The original amount for three people was eaten up in the blink of an eye, and the remaining was obviously not enough for lunch for two adults and a child!

Ace also noticed the gazes from the girls, temporarily stopped eating, raised his head and looked over here

"Hey, how are you!"

"I don't know who put the smoked meat on the roadside. Do you want to try it together?"

Ace held the hot smoked meat in his hand and looked at the women innocently.

For single-celled organisms, food a few meters away is equivalent to not knowing who put it there.

Even if you know that the food has an owner, you can still sneak over to eat a few bites. Ace has done this before. But this time, it doesn't seem to be so smooth.……

"Yo what!"

"Who are you anyway?"

Dashiqi glared at Ace, staring at him intently, as if she had seen this face before somewhere. It would have been fine if she hadn't eaten anything, but Ace had eaten up all the lunch for Taotu, who was expecting her baby, and her daughter Yanyan. How could she not be angry?

"Navy? I didn't expect to see the Navy here."

"You guys can't recognize me. It seems I've been too honest recently, hahaha."

Ace saw the navy uniform on Dashiqi and slowly stood up from the ground.

"It's him……"

Taotu's eyes froze, and she walked close to Dashiki, whispering Ace's identity in her ear.

Taotu often hangs out in the New World, and has seen many pirates, big and small. Taotu was deeply impressed by this young and powerful man who was once selected by the World Government to join the Seven Warlords of the Sea.

After hearing this, Dashiki's eyebrows twitched obviously, and she put the Shigure sword in her hand back into the scabbard, giving up the initiative to attack.

"The smoked meat over there is ours, put it down immediately and leave here!"

Tashigi said, turning sideways.

Judging from the current situation, Momosa has reached the final stage and may enter the production period at any time. It is not suitable for an outbreak of battles with strong men.

If Momosa was in her prime, she would definitely take down Ace under such circumstances, regardless of Whitebeard.

Tashigi is not an irrational woman. It is obviously not a good choice to become an enemy of Whitebeard's captain because of a grill of smoked meat.

"It seems like you are not going to catch me... I didn't expect that this delicious smoked meat would be yours, sorry!"

"By the way, have you ever seen a man with a big black beard?"

"About this tall... and this fat……"

"Someone said they saw him on this island, and I'm looking for him too!"

Seeing that the two women were afraid of him, Ace, with his carefree personality, not only did he not leave quickly, but he also asked questions on the spot.

"I haven't seen it before, please leave here immediately!"

Dashiqi said unhappily.


The sound of a sharp sword being unsheathed rang out, and Taotu and Dashiqi looked behind them in fear.

While the two women were not paying attention, Yanyan, who had been silent for a long time, suddenly pulled out the Shigure Sharp Knife from Dashiqi's waist.

"Yanyan! Come back soon!"

""Yan Yan! Listen to your mother and come back to her!"

Taotu and Dashiqi shouted nervously. Dashiqi stepped forward and prepared to pull Yan Yan back to her.

Yan Yan, who was always well-behaved, had a stern face at this moment. She suddenly turned her hand and slashed behind her.


The sharp sword energy swept across the ground, directly cutting off the ground between him, Dashiki, and Taotu.


"What's wrong with this kid?"

When Yanyan walked towards him, Ace didn't think anything was wrong. Seeing such a terrifying and fierce performance, he was stunned.


"Sorry mom, sorry Auntie Peach Rabbit……"

"You stole the smoked meat that Yanyan prepared for you, it is totally unforgivable!"

Yanyan raised her head with a cold face, as if she had completely changed into a different person.

As Yanyan's mother, it was the first time that Dashiqi saw her daughter's reaction like this. The little girl in front of her seemed to have another personality sleeping inside her!

"Hey, hey, hey, what's wrong with you, little devil?"

"Are you going to fight me?"

Ace squatted down and stared at Yanyan suspiciously.

Yanyan's behavior looked like a child who was angry. Although this appearance was indeed a bit scary, Ace didn't think Yanyan posed any threat to him.



Yanyan took a deep breath, and under Ace's gaze, she suddenly turned into a puff of smoke and rushed towards Ace.

"Fruit ability user!"

Ace was frightened by Yanyan's behavior again and shouted loudly.

……_To read the ununderlined version of the novel, please download Faloo

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