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At the moment when the body of the Thunder God touched the tiny body of Jin Yi in front of the Ark, the Thunder God with dazzling green light seemed to have hit a meteorite and was instantly disintegrated layer by layer. The lightning dissipated on the spot, leaving only dots of lightning around.

"One hundred million volts...completely disappeared?"

Enelu's pupils shrank, and when his mind realized the crisis in front of him, it was too late to make any adjustments and retreat. He could only watch as he and Jin Yi got closer.


The sound of bones colliding exploded in Enel's mind.

"You...what kind of...weird ability do you have?"

"Lei Huabu... uh... wow……"

Enelu tightly grasped Jinyi's wrist, trying to make his breathing smoother.

The moment he came into contact with Jinyi, not to mention the elemental lightning ability, even the fruit in his body could not communicate with Enelu.

The arrogant Thunder God of Sky Island became like a high-level warrior at this moment.���As for basic combat data, there is still a big gap between him and some physical masters.

"It's such a waste to use the Thunder Fruit on you. It doesn't bring out its full power."

"Since you don't know how to use it, why not give it to me!"

Jin Yi raised his mouth evilly.

Get the other party's devil fruit?

"What did you say?"

Enel had never imagined such a thing. He shook his head in fear, without any airs of the Sky Island God.


Jin Yi swung forward with all his strength, and the powerful fist hit Enilu's abdomen without any disguise.

From a height of a thousand meters, the sound of the fist wind bursting was particularly harsh, just like an invisible thunder!

With one punch, Enilu's mouth and nose bleed, and many ribs in front of his body were broken, directly injuring his internal organs.

In a state of losing consciousness, Enilu fell to the ground with white pupils, but was grabbed by Jin Yi's head.


【Congratulations to the host for defeating the natural ability user, Sky Island God Eneel!】

【Gain 2000 experience points!】

【You can extract the natural devil fruit from the opponent!】

"Very good... Come out, Thunder Fruit!"

Jin Yi exerted a little force on his wrist, and a gray-white light circle moved around in his palm, forming a terrifying attraction.

In order to avoid unnecessary trouble, Jin Yi blocked the view of the people below with his body, and did not show the process of extracting the devil fruit.

Seeing a green fruit gradually fall into his hand, the sound of the system was also transmitted.


【Congratulations to the host for successfully obtaining the natural thunder fruit!】

【Get 5000 experience points as reward!】

【The host can choose to sow the fruits worldwide, or recycle them!】

【Warm reminder: The host currently has enough experience points remaining to carry out large-scale world seeding!】

【Since it is the host's third-series devil fruit that is being sown, a random unused fruit can be sown together with the sowing!】

【High expectations……】

"Is it so difficult to be a system user now? Are you actively promoting it?"

"Randomly uneaten devil fruits? Doesn't that mean they probably didn't appear in the original novel?"

Jin Yi held his chin and fell into a state of thinking, and casually kicked Enelu, who was half buried in the ground, to the side. He had been counter-calculated by the system more than once or twice, and when such a good thing happened to him, Jin Yi had to think for a while.

"Forget it, I'll just trust you once more... Thunder Fruit, plant it!"

Jin Yi clicked the confirmation option in the system, and at the same time threw the devil fruit in his hand high up, casually waving it into the air.

Looking at the blue light spot disappearing in front of him, Jin Yi felt a sense of anticipation in his heart.

Thunder Fruit... From all the fruits obtained so far, this one is undoubtedly the most powerful one!

As long as my daughter develops it properly, it will be easy to use it in the next Qinghai, and it will be invincible.

"Daddy... Daddy……"

"The most handsome dad...the most powerful dad……"

Without giving Jin Yi much time to think, the little girls followed him one by one when they saw the battle was over, and surrounded Jin Yi.

Jin Yi opened his arms, easily held two of them with one hand, and caught the flying ghosts in mid-air.

"The lightning monster was smashed to pieces by my dad with one punch. Muah! My dad is the best!"

"Okay, then I’ll kiss this side, okay?"

"Tsk, if anyone scares me next time, I’ll tell my dad, ok!"

"Wow, Huahua also wants more kisses, muahmuah!"

The little girls offered their incense one by one without saying a word. Their admiration was beyond words.

Thinking of Tiantian and Luoluo's wishes when they came, Jin Yi raised his head and said with a smile:"Since you are all so obedient, I will give you one last gift... Look what that is?"

Several little girls looked in the direction where Jin Yi's gaze had gone. After the clouds were dispersed by the thunder and lightning just now, a three-person-high golden bell was suddenly erected above the clouds!

"Oh!! That’s it, the Golden Bell!"

"The big clock that Uncle Li Zi mentioned turns out to be really this big!"

"Is this the golden bell that Tiantian and Luoluo mentioned? Should we ring it together?"

"Huahua also wants to knock... Huahua will lead everyone over... The power of regeneration, let a hundred flowers bloom!"


The little girls were attracted by the golden bell, and they ran over impatiently without Jin Yi saying anything.

A small ladder was formed from the cloud where the girls were, connecting them directly to form two ladders, reaching the golden bell on the top of the dome.




"" Swish!"

The four little ones flashed and rushed towards the golden bell at the same speed.

Tiantian rushed to the front with her super physical skills. Looking at the golden bell that was gradually enlarged in her field of vision, she shouted like a big sister:"Sisters, adjust your pace with sister Tiantian, let's work together!"

"Yeah! I can keep up."

"Tsk! Qiqi can also"

""Wow, wait a minute, Huahua."

With constant communication, the four little ones were getting closer and closer to the golden bell.

"The golden bell of Shandora is still very romantic."

Jin Yi simply sat on the cloud, watching the children playing with a smile on his face.

"Suddenly, suddenly, suddenly……"

"Ring out, golden bell!"

"Ring out, golden bell!"

"Ring out, golden bell!"

""Ring, the golden bell!"

As the petite figure stepped into the golden bell cloud, four small arms simultaneously exerted force in mid-air, blasting the side of the golden bell with great force.



……_Feilu reminds you: Three things to do when reading - collection,

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