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Women's minds are like needles in the sea. Jin Yi could not guess what the two women were up to for a while, so he had to get up and follow them.

Weiwei looked in the direction where the others left, resting her chin on her knees in depression, as if she was thinking about something.

"Don't be depressed. If you want to follow him for a long time, you should be prepared to accept this in the future... It should be a compulsory lesson."

Robin saw Weiwei's performance and took the initiative to speak.

Originally, Robin followed Jin Yi only because she was pregnant and had no place to stay at sea.

Under various conditions, she had to resort to this last resort.

As a result, after following him, the perverted villain that Robin expected had a side that she didn't understand at all.

Especially during the entire process of giving birth, Jin Yi's patient company and care made Robin, who had been in the dark, see a glimmer of hope in life.

When a desperate woman finds hope in a man, that is when her heart is truly opened.

Weiwei glanced at Robin, tried to put on a smile, and said,"I understand this in my heart, but it still takes a process to adapt."


On the other side, Jin Yi followed the two girls and walked a full kilometer away.

The two girls stopped only when the sound of the bonfire party could be heard faintly.

Hancock and Tina turned around one meter apart, staring at Jin Yi with two pairs of bright eyes in the dark night.

"Still want to take action?"

"If this is why you asked me to come, I advise you to forget it."

Jin Yi put his hands behind his head and asked himself if the strength he showed was enough to let the two women see the difference.

Hancock put his arms behind his back, looked at Jin Yi calmly, and said:"I asked you to come to this place because I have a few questions and notices to tell you."

Jin Yi frowned. He could understand the questions, but what did the notice mean?

Tina continued Hancock's words and said:"First, how did you manage to make us... make us pregnant? Are you... the user of the Pregnancy Fruit!"


"Are you trying to make me laugh to death in the middle of the night and avenge yourselves?"

"Of course my ability is innate. How about having a second child?"

Hearing the conclusion drawn by the two girls' super minds, Jin Yixiao spurted out tears.

Sure enough, in the pirate world, everything incredible is related to the devil fruit.

The pregnancy fruit! If this fruit really exists, the person with the ability would have had hundreds of children and grandchildren and established a great empire.


Hancock spat lightly, and as expected, she didn't get any useful response.

Instead, Jin Yi's joking"giving birth to a second child" reminded her of the difficult experience of giving birth, and the tension in her heart became even stronger.

"Stop laughing!"

"I'll ask you again……"

"My daughter has the power of a devil fruit, can we get our fruit powers back?"

As powerful as the Empress is, without the power of the Sweet-Sweet Fruit, her strength will instantly become the lowest among the Seven Warlords of the Sea.

Sweet-Sweet can be the future Empress and guardian of Nine Snake Island, but after all, she is still too young, and there are many things and opponents that she cannot do herself.

For Hancock, taking back the ability of the Sweet-Sweet Fruit means shouldering the responsibility of the entire tribe. If it were her turn, Jin Yi really couldn't do it, but it happened that the"new skill" that had just passed could fulfill Hancock and Tina's wish by just moving his fingers within the system.

Jin Yi tilted his head and said carefully:"It's very simple to return the fruit power to you. As long as you can take care of your husband and children in the future and follow me honestly, it's not impossible to return it to you."

Now they fell into a brief silence, and the two girls seemed to have accurately judged what they were thinking... Jin Yi has the ability to extract their fruits, and also has the ability to return them again!

Seeing that the signs were emerging, Jin Yi continued to strike while the iron was hot, and said meaningfully:"My daughter is still so young, and only when her parents are reunited can she have a happy childhood. You are very clear about their abilities. Neither you nor I can stop them from rushing towards the bustling sea."

Tina looked hesitant and glanced at Hancock, as if she had already wavered in her heart. When they were chased by a flying squirrel in the village, her daughter defeated the flying squirrel with her ability and successfully escaped.

Whether the flying squirrel was killed by Lolo in the battle, Tina, who was unconscious at the time, didn't know. She only knew that her daughter's final answer was that she knocked away a middle-aged man with a purple Mohawk.

Tina was very familiar with the headquarters' working style. She could successfully escape after being captured once, but if she continued to face the pursuit of other officers in the future, she would not only fail to be a supporter of her daughter, but would also become a burden to her.

As if seeing the doubts in Tina's heart, Hancock shook her long hair and said without thinking:"Only this matter is not negotiable."

"The questions have been asked, and there is no need to ask the last question."

"And the most important notice... After tomorrow, I will take my daughter away from Sky Island and return to Nine Snake Island."

The cool and cold character of the queen can bring out Hancock's charm in every aspect.

When Hancock walked past Jin Yi, Jin Yi once again issued a heavy bomb in a voice that only the two of them could hear.

"I can remove the burn on your back.……"


Hancock was stunned and her head seemed to explode.

The secret that she didn't want to be known was revealed by Jin Yi, who met her for the first time.

Nervous, terrified, stunned, uneasy...

Jin Yi could clearly feel the woman's movements getting stronger and stronger. He gently put his hand on Hancock's shoulder.���He continued in a low voice:"After the battle is over tomorrow... come to my room at 11 o'clock in the evening."

……_Feilu reminds you: Three things to do when reading - collection,

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