One Piece: Marinfando, the Max-Level Blacksmith

Chapter 85 The majestic and invincible Warhammer!

Logistics department warehouse

Hammer, is it really okay for us to take so many things?

Iron Hammer heard this and said without looking back:

What are you afraid of? Mr. Tie has a special license, and I can choose the forging materials. This is the power given by the Warring States General.

Why are you standing there in a daze? Just pretend. Get more iron ore and black iron ore.

Lance looked at the several hills that had been emptied by the hammer, and the corners of his mouth twitched.

In the end, the hammer worked hard and took away nine-tenths of all the rare materials, leaving only a handful of each item.

When the two left pushing the mountain of materials, Major General Andre, who was in charge of the warehouse, was so angry that he fainted.

Yes! Yes, with these materials, I am confident to build a warship that can travel sideways in the new world!

Hammer returned to the dock with excitement in his heart and eyes.

He ordered Lance to put all the materials aside, then turned around and went to the arsenal to get his tools.

Modifying a ship is much harder than forging weapons.

First of all, the steel behemoth itself is of excellent quality. If you want to process it on this basis, you have very high requirements for the selected materials.

That's why Iron Hammer found a bunch of rare materials.

He was ready to go the extra mile and build upon the steel behemoth itself.

Just do it.


The sound of hammering left the arsenal and began to play in the dockyard.

As safety is the main priority, the collision resistance of the hull is definitely the key.

Therefore, the hammer chooses to temper the steel first. The combination of ferroiron + black iron ore + diamond gives the steel super hardness.

Although the special steel fused in this way is very strong and difficult to process, in the hands of a hammer that has mastered the power of flames and hammering, it is just a slightly harder toy.

These steel plates are processed twice and cut into long strips of uniform size.

This can cover the original hull very well.

As for wood such as decks, Iron Hammer reassembled it using high-quality Yarkman mangroves and some tin iron. Each wooden board was inlaid with an iron edge, which looked extremely beautiful.

Speaking of the Arqi mangrove tree, it was a treasure Tie Hammer found in the warehouse. The huge tree roots should have been collected by the predecessors from Shampoo. Everything is cheaper now.

While the hammer was processing materials, Shirley's recruitment was also successfully completed.

With the support of Marshal Kong and others, 400 people were quickly gathered.

These people all know the name of Major General Iron Hammer and come here because of his fame.

Brother, the soldiers have been recruited. What's next?

Iron Hammer had already thought about the arrangements for these soldiers.

After all, it would be impossible for him to handle such a huge steel behemoth by himself, and labor force was unavailable.

Shirley, ask all the soldiers to come over and help with the transformation.

Help with the disassembly first. Except for the ship's bones, I want to slim down the entire hull.

After hearing the hammer's order, the 502 people started to take action, and with a huff and a cry, they dismantled a luxurious steel behemoth into its skeleton.

Then Iron Hammer took action himself. Under the sparks of the heavy hammer, the skeleton began to turn red, and then he used powerful hammer blows to directly slim down the ship's bones.

And the hammer also reinforced the frame twice to make it harder.

Hammer, what next?

It has been broken down to this point and there is no way to retreat.

Did you see those steel materials? The soldiers were divided into five groups. Three groups of soldiers sent them to the deck and then installed them on the hull one by one.

Just install it, I will handle the subsequent processing.

The other two groups went to install the wooden boards, removing all the original wooden boards and replacing them with the wooden boards I prepared again.

Shirley nodded and began to greet the soldiers to work.

For more than ten days in a row, Iron Hammer and the soldiers have been making major changes to the warship.

Various rare materials are turned into various strengthening materials.

The ship has been reinforced and renovated from bow to stern.

Finally, on the seventeenth day, the warship was finally renovated.

This is the car I want!

Tie Hammer was completely black, showing his white teeth and smiling very happily.

All the soldiers were also dirty, but all of them had excitement and expectation in their eyes.

And the steel behemoth in front of them has changed drastically.

The warships, which were originally mainly blue and green, became silver-white.

It's still silver-white all over, and at first glance, the shiny silver-white color is made of special steel.

After all the steel plates are loaded, the hammer starts the hammering process directly.

After three days and three nights of hammering, that familiar and exciting voice appeared.

【Ding! Trigger critical strike grant. 】

[Grants the modified warship (steel behemoth) a 50% increase in defense, a 50% reduction in weight, and a 50% increase in power. 】

With this attribute, this silver-white steel behemoth was instantly transformed. Even though it looked heavy, it was powerful.

Iron Hammer, isn't this color too ostentatious?

Lance's tired eyes shone with excitement, but he was still a little worried.

Swaggering? Stop making trouble and just attack the steel plate of my warship. Those little Karami won't dare to step forward!

I also gave him a famous name!

As soon as these words came out, Lance was instantly curious.

what name?

The majestic and invincible Warhammer! I'll find some black paint to write on it when I get back.

Hammer is full of confidence.


The majesty of Shen Te Meow

Forget it, it looks good when it's all silver, but it won't look good if you paint it black.

What about weapons?

In order to prevent Hammer from doing something heinous, Lance quickly changed the subject

Speaking of weapons, Iron Hammer looked a little depressed.

Most of the previous weapons followed the small warship and became fragments.

Take your time with the weapons. If that doesn't work, let's go to Beihai to find Gaji. With my relationship with him, it won't be a problem to get him to support us!

Iron Hammer doesn't know yet that Gaji has recovered his memory, but one thing is that Germa's weapons are indeed advanced.

Besides, there's also Punk Hassad. The weapon craftsmanship on Bega Punk's side should also be very good.

That's it, Lance, get the soldiers on board! First drive the ship to the port, and then prepare to set off to Punk Hassad!

Just like that, a silver-white warship slowly sailed into the port of Marinefando.

Countless soldiers were attracted by this warship.

I'll go. It's silvery white and looks so luxurious.

It's so dazzling in the sun!

Whose car is this? So exaggerated?

Various whispers from the navy soldiers came and went.

This news also reached the ears of senior officials.

Okay, don't gather here anymore, go and do what you have to do.

Warring States was ordered to come for inspection and began to evacuate the gathered soldiers as soon as they entered the port.

Then he set his sights on this silver-white steel behemoth.

Just at this moment, Hammer came over from outside, holding a bunch of blacksmithing tools in his arms, which he had taken from the shipyard and prepared to put on the ship.

Hey, Sengoku-san, does my boat look good?

Warring States looked at the dirty hammer and took a step back unconsciously.

Is this your ship? How did it become like this?

I was afraid that I would encounter a terrible enemy next time I set sail, so I tempered the steel behemoth.

How's it going? Does it look good?

Warring States nodded. I have to say that the craftsmanship of the hammer is still very good. Every steel plate is very delicate and looks majestic.

But soon he showed a trace of doubt.

Renovating the entire ship requires a lot of materials, right?

I think these steel plates are at least made of iron ore. Where did you get so many materials?

Faced with Sengoku's doubts, Tie Hammer showed his white teeth and smiled.

It wasn't much from the warehouse. It only took away 90% of all the materials.

Sengoku's expression froze for a moment, and the next second he spat out a mouthful of red tomato juice.

At the same time, a roar resounded throughout the port.

Asshole Hammer! It's my warehouse!

That's the material for the entire Malinfando!!

Hammer! You loser!!!

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