One Piece: Marinfando, the Max-Level Blacksmith

Chapter 69 Assessment Battle, Second Session vs. Hammer

On the dinner table.

It was only when my tired chest pressed against my back that I could sit down.

No, how many days have you not eaten? Are so many ingredients gone?

I finally get it. It doesn't matter that our top brass in the Navy are not normal. They still have huge appetites!

This is really not an exaggeration of Iron Hammer. Not to mention the ingredients sent over by Teacher Zefa, the type of Neptune meat that Garp brought is enough for several people.

Now only the bones are left, and all the ingredients have been turned into delicacies and eaten in everyone's stomach.

Stop talking nonsense and eat quickly. This is what I left specially for you. Otherwise, the old man and the bastard Garp would have made it for you.

Zefa quickly brought a plate of food to the hammer.

Tiechui-san! The food you cook is so delicious! I have decided that I will come here to eat every day from now on!


By the way, Garp, you did a good thing this time. Kuzan has a very good talent. He has a natural frozen fruit, which is great!

Zefa took a sip of sherry and felt very comfortable.

Tch, I met this kid when I was chasing Roger in the South China Sea. He was full of passion and insisted on joining the army with me, so I reluctantly accepted him.

Zefa: Ci'ao, you were careless! Forgot that this guy has no skin and no face!

Oh? Kuzan, right? Zefa and Garp both speak highly of you. Then tell me, what kind of justice do you pursue?

Report to Marshal Kong, my justice, I define it as: burning justice!

My blood, my passion will become my justice!

These words made the senior executives present very satisfied, and their eyes looking at Kuzan became softer.

Tie Hammer, look at me, then look at you.


Zefa looked at Tie Hammer who was stuffing rice into his mouth with a troubled expression.

Hammer:? ? ? ?

The month of the second elite training camp assessment passed quickly.

Very good. Although there are no monsters like Sakaski in this class of students, the overall strength is still very stable.

Zefa looked at the person No. 89 in front of him with great satisfaction.

There were 89 people who passed the assessment smoothly, and only 11 people did not complete it. However, these 11 people all returned to the headquarters safely.

This result is already much better than the first one.

Now I announce the assessment rankings.

The first place is Zhuyuan, the reward for catching criminals reaches 77 million beli.

The second ghost spider, the reward for catching the criminal is 74.5 million beli.

Third place Dauberman, the reward for catching the criminal is 71 million Baileys.

The rest of you are also pretty good. I hope you can continue to work hard at sea after you graduate!

The entire phalanx did not become chaotic because of Zefa's words.

Zhuanyuan came out of the queue alone and came to Zefa.

Huh? Zhu Yuan, what can you do?

Zefa looked at Zhu Yuan who was out of the queue and couldn't help but ask.

Teacher Zefa, although I have completed the assessment, I still have another assessment for myself.

These words made Zefa feel a little curious.

What test?

I hope I can fight Major General Hammer again!

Oh why?

I want to know how far behind he is after all my hard training this year!

Zhu Yuan's sonorous and powerful words made Zefa a little stunned.

And me! Teacher Zefa, I also hope to have another fight with Major General Hammer!

Me too!

Then you definitely can't leave me out!

Yes! Me too!

I saw several figures coming out one after another, all shouting that they wanted to fight the hammer again.

Zefa is increasingly satisfied with this batch of students.


Commander! Go and call the hammer!


After the old arsenal exploded, the new arsenal was built a few days ago under the joint supervision of Hammer and Major General Lisk.

In the new arsenal, a very strong single room was specially built for the hammer.

It is surrounded by steel plates up to 20 centimeters thick, for fear of being blown up by a hammer.

At this time, Iron Hammer was drawing blueprints.


After finishing the last stroke, Iron Hammer looked at the drawing in his hand with great satisfaction.

On the drawing, there is a Fangtian painted halberd.

Fang Tian draws a halberd and fights fiercely unparalleled.

Hailou Stone and Zhiyan Stone combined with Mithril and Binite

Hammer! Hammer! Come out quickly!


This shout made Tie Renren's hands tremble in fright, and he almost threw the flame-weaving stone in his hand.

Tie Hammer hurriedly caught the Zhiyan Stone, and then carefully placed it on the table.

Then he changed into an angry look.

What bastard is crying like a ghost!

Be careful, I will send you to see the Lord of Hell!

It’s so irritating, it scares him every time at the critical moment!

Iron Hammer! Don't be ridiculous! General Zefa sent a message, asking you to go to the recruit training camp.

No! I'm at a critical moment!

The person shouting was none other than Major General Humanisk, the person in charge of the arsenal.

Hammer, hurry up! Otherwise, I'll stop your fire!

There was nothing Lisk could do with the hammer. After all, such a great blacksmith was the treasure of the navy.

But now it was General Zefa's request, so he could only rise to the challenge.


No, why are you in such a hurry?

It seems that the second class of students has returned. General Zefa called on you to come over.

I'm so annoyed. Old man Zefa summons me if he has something to do.

Iron Hammer reluctantly put down all the materials and walked out of the forging room covered in dust.

Teacher Zefa, I beg you, can you summon me if you have nothing else to do?

My forge is busy! Do I have to blow up an arsenal?

In order to go back to forging as soon as possible, Iron Hammer directly shaved + Yuebu, and came to the training ground non-stop.

Uh, pay attention in the future, pay attention in the future.

Zefa also felt a little embarrassed when he looked at the hammer that was covered in gray stains.

Tell me, why did you call me here?

Iron Hammer didn't feel there was anything wrong with his attitude at all.

Here, these guys want to fight you again.

Looking at their resolute attitude, I can only call you here.


Seeing the fierce fighting spirit flashing on those familiar faces on the stage, Tie Zhui knew that this matter could not be solved again today.

Okay, okay, one or two, you really have nothing to do, right?

Want to fight? I'll fight with you!

Iron Hammer was really angry. As a blacksmith, the most irritating thing to him was to drag him out of the forge.

Last time, Teacher Zefa made an appointment with him in advance so that he would come to the training ground.

It was a good thing this time, just for a fight, he was called out of the forging room.

He was so angry that he was so angry.

Qui Yuan, Ghost Spider, Dauberman

Flying Squirrel, Shirley, Dalmecia

Stoloberg, Jiaqi, Burning Mountain

It's just the nine of you, right?

Tie Zhui looked at the nine people standing in front of him, showing a rare hint of fighting spirit.

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