One Piece: Marinfando, the Max-Level Blacksmith

Chapter 42 Garp’s “Patch Number”

What is craftsman spirit?

This is a kind of professional spirit, constantly carving out your own products, constantly improving your own craftsmanship, and enjoying the process of product sublimation in your hands. ׺°”˜˜`”°º×

Even though Hammer is just a blacksmith, the craftsmen know each other well. As long as he holds the hammer in his hand, he dares to try any craft.

The hammer was useless, the iron hammer and even the six moves were used, and he was very skillful in using it.

Superman's observation ability allows him to remember all the damaged locations in his sight one by one. With every flicker, his figure will appear at the damaged location of the warship.

With the bonus of Sage Mode, Iron Hammer now seems to have become a famous shipwright.

Vice Admiral Garp's dog-headed warship was repaired at an extremely fast speed with the help of the hammer.

Dear me, my work efficiency is so terrible, I was so scared that I even forgot to eat donuts.

At some point, Garp's figure appeared in the repair shop, looking at Hammer's frantic work.

When Dorag saw his father appear, he jumped onto the high platform with his legs strong.

Dad, are you ready to sail?

Well, we will set off once the warship is repaired.

By the way, isn't Iron Hammer a blacksmith? He's also good at repairing ships?

Dorag shook his head. He had never seen Hammer repairing a ship before, and it was the first time he had seen this skill of his.

Sure enough, a hero comes from a boy.

Hey, why isn't my son an all-around talent? As a result, we have to go to the branch to repair the ship.

Dorag's head was full of black lines after hearing this.

I am a soldier who wants to be a general, not a soldier who wants to be a famous craftsman.

Hey, you don't know how to repair ships or blacksmith.

I am a natural ability user!

You don't know how to repair a ship...

I can fight with Jabba, the third leader of the Roger Pirates!

You don't know how to repair a ship...

Can you please not mention ship repairs!

You don't know how to blacksmith...

I 1@#¥!%! # %

The fairy-like dialogue between Garp and Dorag made all the soldiers laugh.

But the hammer was not affected at all and continued to work quickly.


Finish hammering and call it a day!

As the last hammering sound ended, the hammer clapped his hands in satisfaction and stepped aside.

The originally scarred dog-headed warship had been repaired at this time.

But when everyone looked over, they were dumbfounded for a moment.

I saw that all the original holes were blocked by steel plates one after another.

All the broken parts were re-welded and reinforced with steel plates.

Various steel plates are like band-aids one after another, covering all the wounds on the warship.

That gesture was like a piece of tattered clothing that was mended when it was broken, torn when it was mended, and mended again and again.

But Hammer was very satisfied with his masterpiece.

When he saw Lieutenant General Garp who was completely dumbfounded on the high platform, he immediately stood in front of him.

Lieutenant General Garp, your warship has been repaired!


A clear voice sounded, and a soldier stationed at the branch couldn't help but take out a camera from his arms.

He took a photo of the majestic warship in front of him.

Iron...Iron hammer, are you right? This is my warship???

Garp really couldn't believe that the warship in front of him was his car, if it weren't for the familiar dog head on the bow.

He didn't want to look at a warship at all.

Iron Hammer dismissed his expression as nothing, and still looked at the Patch warship in front of him with great satisfaction.

Yes! Lieutenant General Garp, I see that your warship was seriously damaged. I specially repaired it with high-strength steel plates to ensure that every damaged place has been repaired.

As for the strength of these steel plates, you can rest assured that after my hammering, these steel plates are definitely thicker than ordinary steel plates, and there will definitely be no problems.

Garp was speechless by what Iron Hammer said.

Is that what he means?

Is it a problem with the steel plate?


Hammer, don't you think this warship doesn't look like a warship anymore after you've repaired it like this?

Dorag on the side couldn't bear it anymore and complained.

Sure enough, Tie Zhui frowned when he heard this and looked at the warship very seriously.

Originally Dorag thought he understood, but his next words made Dorag completely give up.

Why isn't this a warship? No, Dorag, you can't ignore its performance just because it becomes a little ugly.

Let me tell you, if I put these steel plates up, ordinary pirates would not dare to approach you, do you believe it?


It’s all broken down like this, who would come and cause trouble?

Robbery? Robbery for what? Steel plate?

Dorag was completely speechless.

Lieutenant General Garp, don't hesitate. Now that the Roger Pirates have appeared, you must understand that time waits for no one and set sail as soon as possible!

Before Garp could speak, Hammer couldn't wait any longer and began to urge him.

Oh, oh, oh, okay, let's set sail! Dorag, hurry up and set sail!

It's important to chase Roger!

No matter how reluctant Garp was at this time, he could only admit it. After all, the damaged warship would not be able to pursue Roger.

Hey, it just looks so embarrassing.

It's embarrassing that he even forgot to ask Hammer to help chase Roger.



177 branch port office.

Lieutenant General Garp, I wish you good military luck!

With Iron Hammer's sincere blessing, Garp and Dolag boarded the Patch and set off towards Geelong Island.

Many soldiers on the side were holding back their smiles as they looked at the patched dog-headed warship because they had hammers.

After all, Iron Hammer's expression was really serious at this time.

Wait until the Patch number disappears from everyone's sight.


A wild laugh sounded at the port.

All the soldiers were stunned and were about to see who was the first to laugh out loud.

But when everyone found the source of the laughter, they were stunned.

Because the one who was laughing was none other than Hammer, the creator of Patch.

Iron Hammer, did you deliberately make Vice Admiral Garp's ship look like that?

Seeing him smile, Captain Lance, who knew him best, immediately reacted.

Yeah, don't you think it's very interesting for a dignified naval hero to drive a warship full of patches?

Ha ha ha ha!

Under the surprised gazes of many soldiers, Iron Hammer still laughed.

Looking at Lance who wanted to say something else, Iron Hammer reached out and patted his shoulder.

Don't worry, although it looks very ugly, it has indeed been repaired.

I took care of all the damage caused by the previous battle.

And some of those steel plates are endowed with certain properties, but I don't know if they will be triggered.

Speaking of attributes, Iron Hammer's eyes flashed.

Even he didn't expect that an ordinary steel plate could trigger that kind of property.

Tsk tsk tsk, it really opened his eyes.

Okay, now that Lieutenant General Garp has set off, we don't have to stay around.

Otherwise, when he comes to his senses, we will still have to meet the terrifying Roger Pirates.

Lance: .....

You seem to be right.

Set sail!



Asking for collection, asking for bookshelf, asking for likes, asking for everything! ! !

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