One Piece: Marinfando, the Max-Level Blacksmith

Chapter 163 Finally arrived at the battlefield! Completely split!

King Riku felt a little ashamed after hearing Scarlet's words, and helplessly raised his forehead.

My daughter has been completely stunned since she saw the iron hammer. The only thing she is happy about is that she has awakened the domineering domineering energy.

But it also caused this disaster.

Kid, you said you are the hammer's wife? What do you mean?

Sakaski narrowed his eyes slightly, with a hint of questioning in his eyes.

Facing the scorching aura of Sakaski, Scarlett didn't care at all. She slowly raised her Western sword and straightened her entire body.

It is rare to see a hint of kingly style.

It is unimaginable that a child less than ten years old can display such momentum.

That's what it means!

This answer, which seemed like there was no explanation, made Sakaski frown slightly.

Forget it, I'll ask Iron Hammer myself later.

Now, let's deal with you!

Sakaski no longer dwelled on Scarlett's question and looked coldly at Captain John and his three officers.

Huh, shameless navy, when I am galloping across the sea, you don't know where to drink milk!


The tyrant also had a fiery temper. He had long been impatient with Sakaski's cold words and immediately launched an attack.

The whole person rushed towards Sakaski like a chariot.

Hmph! Big fire-breathing!

Sakaski, who is known for his toughness and brutality, will certainly not let his enemies show off their brutality in front of him.

Hot magma suddenly erupted from his right fist.

The first confrontation between the two broke out instantly.

I saw that even the Tyrant could not resist the high temperature of the magma. Under the light of the fire, the Tyrant's figure began to change.

It's just magma! I'm afraid of you?


I saw scales appearing on the tyrant's body instantly, and soon his whole body was wrapped in scales.

His hands were extended, and sharp claws replaced fists.

And grows a scaly tail.

Coupled with his four-meter-high body, he instantly turned into a terrifying monster.

A veritable tyrant.

Seeing that his lava was blocked, Sakaski couldn't help but look down at his opponent.

I am also a person with abilities!

Human-animal form! Mountain-piercing tyrant!

Yes, the tyrant is also a person with abilities, animal type, rat fruit, and pangolin form.

The super defense combined with the stabbing damage caused by the scales is the origin of the name Tyrant.

Huh, just a pirate!

Dog bites Guren!

Sakaski curled his lips in disdain and launched another attack.

His arm instantly turned into lava, and then he turned the molten arm into the shape of a dog's head and extended his molten limbs to attack the enemy. The dog's head made of lava would bite the enemy when attacking.

The tyrant was instantly entangled by the dog transformed from the magma.

The scales all over his body were burned red.

Damn it!

Even with armed Haki for defense, the high temperature still cannot be completely isolated.

The tyrant fell into passivity in an instant.

Hahaha, tyrant, you are about to turn into a braised pangolin!

Faced with the plight of their companions, Scorpion and Viper had no intention of helping, but instead laughed at them.


The tyrant's unwilling roar came from the magma.

Captain John began to frown and placed his hands on the sword.

Scorpion, viper, go help him.

With Captain John's instructions, the two moved reluctantly.

Scorpion, as its name suggests, is a killer.

Speed ​​and assassination are her strengths.

Hehe... Assassination Style... Scorpion Tail!

I saw Scorpion, who was still standing in the distance, suddenly came to Sakaski with one step.

His right leg was covered with armed Haki and he kicked Sakaski's head violently.


It can be said that Sakaski has experienced hundreds of battles. During these years of fighting in the New World, he walked on the edge of death every day.

This made his domineering power grow very rapidly.

Scorpion had just raised his right leg and he had already reacted.

The whole person instantly turned into lava and exploded.

Seeing this, Scorpion could only retract his offensive, took another step, and this time appeared behind Sakaski instantly.

Speed-type abilities...

The two displacements made Sakaski wonder about the scorpion's fruit ability.

At the same time, due to the intervention of Scorpion, Sakaski had to interrupt the release of Dog-Zhao Honglian.

The tyrant suddenly jumped out from the surrounding magma.

The tyrant at this time was extremely miserable.

There were burns all over his body, and he grimaced in pain.

Lieutenant General Sakaski, we are coming!

While the two sides were confronting each other, Sakaski's generals finally arrived.

Ghost Spider and Dauberman led a group of soldiers to stand ready.

Hmph, are there any reinforcements?

Come together, fight quickly, and get that little girl back for me!

Captain John felt vaguely uneasy, which made him directly issue an attack order.


The pirates immediately swarmed forward, and all three officers joined the battle.

Leave no one behind!

Upon seeing this, Sakaski also issued an order. For pirates, his purpose has always been to annihilate them all!

At the same time, a nest of Q, the divine axe, is also in hand.

He decided to kill the opponent with the force of thunder.

Assassination style! Xie Ao!

Scorpion activated his ability again and rushed to Sakaski again.

Hmph! Magma erupts!

This time Sakaski, with a nest of Q in hand, exploded instantly.

The battle ax suddenly sprayed out red energy. Scorpion was shocked and quickly retreated. She took a step back and flew dozens of meters away.

But how can a nest of Q charge a single blow with a range of just a few dozen meters?

The terrifying energy blasted into the distance like a ray tearing through the sky.

Cut, two-sword style! Divide the sea!

I saw the purple-haired man finally taking action, and swung out two sharp swords covered with armed domineering force.

The lavender slash instantly met the magma jet from below.

Captain John joins the fight.

Lava Boy, let me play with you!

Two-sword style! Split the ground!

The two sharp swords were waved again, and dozens of slashes shot through the air.

Hmph! Dog bite!

Dog bites! Sakaski holds the divine ax and a combat skill invented by Q!

With the power of charging, the energy is turned into flames all over the sky, and the sharpness of the ax blade is used to swing the flaming blade like a slash.

Although it is not as powerful as magma jet, it is faster and consumes less.

Suddenly, the slashes in the air collided with the flames, and the sound was very powerful.

King Liku, please take your soldiers back and leave the rest of the battle to us.

Dauberman gave a cold command, and then rushed into the battlefield with Tang Hengdao in hand.

Faced with Scorpion for the first time.

The Ghost Spider faced off against the Tyrant.

Little did they know that as soon as Dauberman left, a pale figure had already arrived in front of Scarlett and King Riku.

Hehehehehe... No one will protect you now.

Your Majesty Princess, please come with me, otherwise...

A sinister smile appeared on the viper's pale face.

As he spoke, he reached out to grab Scarlett.

King Liku and Cyrus just wanted to rescue him.

The viper's arm instantly stretched out and swept the two men away under the cover of the armed color.

The other hand continued to grab Scarlett.

Just as he was about to catch it, a roar sounded instantly.

Get out! Who are you?

Haotian Hammer!

A huge black hammer fell heavily with the power of destroying everything.


Viper instantly retracted his hands and flew back.

The huge hammer hit the ground like this, stirring up bursts of sand and dust.

Want to touch her? Have you asked me?

The smoke dissipated, and the iron hammer with red eyes and the air Haotian Hammer stood next to Princess Scarlet like a god descending to earth.

Hammer A: I don’t want to! When I get close to him, everything goes wrong! Totally irresistible!

Hammer B: No! That’s what you think! Follow your heart!

Hammer C: In fact, love comes from the heart!

Western Sword: credit!



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