One Piece: Marinfando, the Max-Level Blacksmith

Chapter 137: No, why don’t you try to please Iron Hammer?

New world.

Navy, you can't forgive us for killing our family!


On a pirate ship that resembles an egg tart, a pirate with his tongue sticking out and a fierce look on his face is none other than Charlotte Perospero, the eldest son of Charlotte Lingling of the Big Mom Pirates.

There were two tall figures standing behind him, one was Charlotte Dafu and the other was Charlotte Owen.

In front of the egg tart boat was a warship.

Sakaski's right arm was glowing red and he was holding the divine ax Q. He looked at the several cadres of the Big Mom Pirates in front of him, with a hint of joy and murderous intent flashing in his eyes.

Pirates should be killed!

Those five little novices are not even qualified to open a Q attack for the Divine Axe.

The indifferent tone with a hint of disgust made the third son of Charlotte immediately feel angry.

you wanna die!

Kill him!

The battle started immediately.

At the same time, Marine Headquarters Marinevando.

Old Man Kong, tell me where Morgans is! I'm going to kill him!

This is not the first time that Iron Hammer has been tricked by this bastard birdman Morgans. He has always been the only one to trick others, and no one can trick him!

Calm down, Hammer. Warring States hurriedly comforted him from the side, Morgans is floating around. He is very slippery and his whereabouts are almost impossible to know.

Damn it! Damn Birdman! How many times! Do you really think someone like me is easy to bully! Iron Hammer smashed the table angrily.

On the other hand, Old Man Kong and Counselor He looked at him with smiles.

This made Tie Zhui very angry, and he immediately said: No, what do you two mean by your smiles?

Hammer, this is the fame you deserve. Why are you so excited?

I wish that bird man could report more of this kind of news that can increase the momentum of the navy.

Old Man Kong's very casual words made Tie Hammer furious.

You elders are all very powerful, so of course you are not afraid!

I'm not. I'm just a young man. I'm not very good at controlling Haki, I'm not very good at developing fruit abilities, and I'm not very good at physical skills.

You know how to forge an iron. If you are caught by those cruel pirates in the New World, just go cry!

Old Man Kong: This bastard actually says the word coward so confidently.

Warring States Period: You have to suffer the loss of Zefa, otherwise you will be angry to death.

Crane: Hey, why do some of the navy’s top brass have some serious illnesses?

But the three of them thought about it again and seemed to think that there was nothing wrong with what Iron Hammer said.

He is a blacksmith, and a famous craftsman, no, a master craftsman. It is better to protect such a treasure.

At this time, a navy soldier came in and reported: Report to the marshal, Lieutenant General Garp has sent news that he is ready to go to Qingjiao and ask Lieutenant General Hammer if he wants to go with him.

Old Garp is going to take action? Where is he? Iron Hammer's eyes widened, a hint of joy flashing in his eyes.

I thought to myself: I can finally take revenge!

Lieutenant General Garp is currently on his way back to Malinfando. It will take half a day to reach the headquarters.

Upon hearing this, Tie Zhui turned around and was about to leave, but was stopped by Old Man Kong.

Wait for the hammer!

Seeing Tie Hammer stop, Old Man Kong showed a treacherous smile. Tie Hammer instantly understood that this old man was going to set him up again.

For a moment, Iron Hammer suddenly became serious.

Iron Hammer, Garp is the one who contributed the most to defeat Qingjiao this time, so Baoyu Bingshan's stolen money should belong to our headquarters.

As soon as these words came out, Warring States and Staff He nodded in unison.

really! This old man Kong is becoming more and more proficient at making money, and it seems that the old man Warring States and Counselor He are also on his side.

Unfortunately, he was facing none other than Iron Hammer, the richest man in the department, who was also a money-grabbing slave.

Yes, as long as old man Garp can break the jade iceberg without using my things, I will hand them all over to the headquarters without saying anything.

Huh, do you really think that ice coffin is so easy to break?

Garp's fist is indeed powerful, but after all, it is not a cone head and lacks the ability to break the surface.

He didn't believe that Old Man Garp could collapse the Baoyu Iceberg with his fists.

Seeing that Tie Chui was so talkative this time, Old Man Kong suddenly felt something was wrong and quickly recalled all the words Tie Chui had said to Baoyu Bingshan.

Hammer, are you so confident that Garp can't break that jade iceberg?

Old Man Kong, who couldn't figure out the reason after much thought, could only ask one question.

But all he got was a contemptuous smile from Iron Hammer.

This smile made Old Man Kong instantly feel uncertain.

After looking at each other with Sengoku and He, Old Man Kong fell into deep thought.

Finally decided to give in.

Headquarters wants 70%.

When the bidding process entered, Iron Hammer did his job.

50%. Old Man Kong, without my tools, Old Man Garp has no chance!

65%! Hammer, giving you so much money is a waste. Why not let this department get more resources!

55%! Why can't you just give it to me? I'll use it to buy rare materials and special steel, and when the time comes, you'll all wear divine weapons and use divine weapons!

60 percent! No more!

make a deal!

Old Man Kong felt that his blood pressure was about to explode. He was so angry that he gasped and gasped. Warring States' eyes were twitching as he watched.

He felt a little confused about his future. After all, when he became the marshal, he had to contact Iron Hammer. You must know that Iron Hammer is already such a thief even if he is not the Logistics Minister. If he becomes the Logistics Minister, oh my god. Can you still live your life?

Okay! I won't accompany you guys, I want to see old man Garp hammering green peppers with his cone head!

Jie Jie Jie, that scene must be beautiful!

Leaving behind a sinister smile, the hammer broke through the door, leaving the three elders looking at each other.

Old Man Kong held it in for a long time and said: You should take it easy after the Warring States Period, otherwise I feel that this bastard will really deduct your pension from you.

I don't care. After all, I will go to Mariegio in a few years, but you still have to stay for a long time.

And there's a letter from Marie Joa, you know about the auction?

Warring States Period: My star is an iron hammer, and the future is even more confusing!

Staff Officer He also felt that there was nothing wrong with what Marshal Kong said: If that doesn't work, Warring States, could you use your own money to buy him some gifts? Let him improve your senses?

After all, you were marked with three stars by him.

Warring States was sweating coldly and pushed up his glasses unconsciously. He was already calculating in his mind what to buy for Iron Hammer.

There is no way, for the sake of financial freedom in the future, sufficient funds.

Isn't it just to please the bastard Hammer? He endured it during the Warring States Period!

It's just a pity that his wallet is shrinking!

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