One Piece: Marinfando, the Max-Level Blacksmith

Chapter 134 That’s stolen money, it needs to be recovered!

Sakaski was completely attracted by the battle ax in front of him.

The golden-red tomahawk radiated a wave of heat, and he felt that he had been completely attracted to the tomahawk.

Sakaski couldn't help but reach out his hand, wanting to touch the tomahawk. When his hand was about to touch the tomahawk, he suddenly felt a powerful force coming from the tomahawk.

He looked at the battle ax in surprise. He clearly felt that this energy was very close. It was the same power of magma, as well as this high temperature.

This is obviously the most suitable weapon for him!

Sakaski's performance was noticed by everyone, especially the Hammers, who were very satisfied with the appearance of Brother Gouzi.

How's it going, Brother Dog, are you satisfied?

This is a weapon made specifically for you using the magma you gave me before!

A nest of Q!

Everyone: What the hell is this name?

Sakaski: What does the name mean? What is it?

Don't be stunned. Pick it up and try it. Make gestures.

Sakaski nodded upon hearing this and directly grasped the handle of the axe.

Taking the battle ax into his hands, the surging heat and weight instantly spread to his right hand.

But who is Sakaski? That's a monster.

I saw his right hand exerting force, and the battle ax was slowly lifted by him.

The golden-red battle ax was like a wild horse, bursting out with a burning breath.

As expected of the weapon you made, Iron Hammer. I can feel its power just by holding it.

Seeing Sakaski's satisfied look, Iron Hammer said proudly: Of course, it doesn't matter who made it. By the way, the special ability of this battle ax is the absorption and release of heat energy.

I saw Sakaski's right hand turn red instantly, and the natural rock berry was activated instantly.

At this moment Sakaski is magma, and magma is Sakaski.

Feeling the energy of the magma, the battle ax began to absorb this energy.

The ax body began to glow slightly, which was a manifestation of charging.

Absorb the energy of magma?

Then I'll let you absorb enough!


Surprised, Sakaski increased the properties of the magma. The pungent smell of sulfur and high temperature made Iron Hammer and others take a few steps back unconsciously.

With the influx of magma power, the light emitted by the ax body became stronger and stronger, and soon reached its limit.

At this time, the whole body of Tomahawk Q is already red, and the ax blade is even more illuminated with a golden halo.

Is charging completed? Hey, Sakaski, don't be stunned, release it.

Sakaski, holding the red light battle ax in his hand, was stunned for an instant. Release? How to release?

He couldn't help but look towards the hammer, his eyes full of questions.

Why are you looking at me? The only one who can charge it is you. I just built it, I didn't try it.

If it doesn't work, why don't you just try to chop it out with all your strength?

Iron Hammer was telling the truth. This ax was completely modeled after Sakaski. To use it, you must have magma energy. Iron Hammer didn't have it, so how could he test it?

In desperation, Sakaski could only change direction, find an open space and strike down with an axe!

An amazing scene happened instantly.

The terrifying magma turned into a red light and shot out suddenly, swallowing everything in its path.

Just hearing a loud boom, a gully was blasted out in the open space in front of them, mud and rocks splashed, and smoke filled the air.

Sakaski stared blankly at the ax in his hand, his heart filled with shock.

Is this its power?

Iron Hammer and others were also shocked from ear to ear.

Awesome, Brother Dog!

The power of this blow is not inferior to that of a great swordsman's flying slash, or even exceeds it. After all, magma is a powerful elemental energy with its own burning effect.

Sakaski tried swinging the ax and found that it became extremely light and brought out a stream of fire with each swing.

Haha, what a good ax! Sakaski laughed excitedly.

Iron Hammer couldn't help but said: Even if it doesn't accumulate energy, with the energy of rock berries, this ax can convert it and increase its power?

Iron Hammer, this battle ax is great! With it, I feel that next time I face Big Mom or Kaido, I won't lose so miserably!

Yes, as soon as I have a weapon, I immediately want to fight with someone.

It seems that this forging was very successful, yes, but Sakaski, don't worry yet.

I have to settle the bill with you.

Sakaski:? ? ? ?

Warring States and Old Man Kong twitched their mouths, and they instantly understood that Tiebapi was about to come online.

Although the main material is your magma, the other auxiliary materials are all obtained from me.

I'll do the math for you. Ten pieces of Zhiyan Stone, ten pieces of diamond, and five kilograms of mithril. I won't ask you for more. Just give me the cost.

Sakaski was confused and asked unconsciously: How much does it cost?

Iron Hammer grinned: 300 million Baileys! As for the craftsmanship and labor costs, I won't charge you. How about it? That's fun!


300 million beli

Worthy of being a tough guy!

Okay, it's only 300 million beli. When I get back, I'll catch some pirates to exchange for money, and then I'll make up for it for you.

Sakaski is also a heroic leader. In his opinion, it is worth 300 million beli to exchange for such a good weapon!

Okay, I'm just teasing you. The materials I use are all from the headquarters. I don't need to pay you. If you feel bad, you will feel bad.

Just get me two Devil Fruits. You've seen a lot of them in the New World anyway.

Sakaski: I suddenly thought it would be better to give money

Oh, by the way, Old Man Garp, this is for you.

Suddenly Iron Hammer walked towards Garp who was watching the show and handed him the awl-like thing in his hand.

Huh? Hammer, what is this?

Huo, it's quite weighty.

Garp took the awl and found that it was quite heavy.

I made it with diamond and tin iron. It is extremely hard.

If I remember correctly, that bastard Qingjiao has a treasure trove called Baoyu Iceberg.

That's all the stolen money he got from robbery. Hmm, I think we need to recycle it.

Oh, by the way, when are you going to call me? I also have some thoughts about the jade iceberg. If I don't hammer such hard ice, I feel sorry for myself.

A hint of coldness appeared on Iron Hammer's face.

How dare you sabotage his Warhammer? I'd be sorry if you didn't strip off the bastard Qingjiao's old bottom.

Hahahaha, I feel a little sad for Qingjiao now. It's not good to offend anyone, but I have to offend you. Hey, poor Cone Head.

Zefa knows the temper of Iron Hammer well, and it is a villain's revenge from morning to night.

Warring States and Old Man Kong on the side looked at each other, always feeling a chill surrounding them, making them very uncomfortable.

Oh, by the way, Teacher Zefa, I have basically finished your weapon, but I need you to come over and help test it to see where it needs to be improved.

As soon as these words came out, everyone showed different expressions instantly.

Zefa: It’s broken! Why did this kid say it out loud!

Warring States:! ! New weapons! Exclusive?

Sora: Zefa's weapon? Why didn't I think of that! I also want!

Cap: Oh? There are weapons! OK, grab it and play!

Crane: Well, I’m a little embarrassed, but I also want an exclusive weapon.

Sakaski: Yes, I already have a nest of Q! I don’t like anything else!

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