One Piece: Marinfando, the Max-Level Blacksmith

Chapter 130 What a great hammer this knife is

Returning to the dock and looking at the damaged Warhammer, Iron Hammer felt heartbroken.

Immediately began arranging manpower to start repairs.

Hey, Lance, I have already reported to the logistics department. I will take the missing materials from the warehouse and let them repair the Warhammer quickly.

Especially that big hole, we must deal with it properly.

By the way, where are Shirley and Tina?

Lance took the approval slip from the logistics department handed over by Hammer. With this thing, he could go directly to the warehouse to get the items.

Shirley took Tina to apply for identification. Let me tell you that Tina will be staying at your house recently.

Tie Zhui nodded. He felt reassured about Shirley. With her taking care of Tina, there shouldn't be any problems.

Okay, I'll leave it to you on the Warhammer side. If Shirley and the others come to me and ask them to go to the arsenal, I'm going to go blacksmithing.

Yes, the hammer is striking again.

There are many things he wants to build in his head now, and he must return to the blacksmith's exclusive working place as soon as possible.

The next day, the arsenal

Tina, use your ability to make some iron branches and shape them? You can watch.

Okay, let me try!

Because of the special ability, Tina was taken directly into the arsenal by Hammer and became the first person who could enter Hammer's workshop.

The Superman-type Threshold Fruit can release iron branches from the body that are as hard as steel.

As Tina used her ability, the black material instantly transformed into a sledgehammer, which really stunned the hammer.

No, Tina, why did you turn into a hammer???

Tina chuckled and played with the hammer she had just created with her ability.

This is my own changed form. Originally, all I created were iron branches or iron guns, but I found that hammers are more useful!

As he spoke, he swung the hammer vigorously. Not to mention, the way he looked reminded the hammer of Poppy, a yordle.

And Tina's current appearance is very appropriate, with her small body wielding a huge hammer, tut tut.

Okay, a hammer will work too. I'll give it a try after I get one.

Tina created a hammer again, and after taking the hammer, she began to beat it.

While beating, he called out the system panel that he had not looked at for a long time.

Name: [Iron Hammer]


Devil Fruit: [Superman hammer fruit, 95% development level is close to awakening, please work hard. 】

Devil Fruit has developed abilities: [Normal hammering, air hammering, ring hammering, mind hammering, arrancar hammering, hammering flame, independent space, hammering hypnosis, hammering plasticity. 】

Armed Color Haki (Activated): [40%, hardened with good strength. 】

Wisdom and knowledge domineering (activated): [25%, prediction + perception (weak strength)]

Overlord color and domineering: [A salty fish with some strength, but this ability has no fate with you, so don't worry about it. 】

Ability: [Six Forms (Perfect Mastery), Six Forms Extended Technique (Mastery)]

System ability: critical strike grant (special grant, ability extension. Note: ability extension is uncontrollable.)

The fruit's ability has improved again and will be awakened soon, which is good.

The abilities granted by the system have also changed as the fruit's abilities improve. Random attributes disappear and are replaced by special grants and ability extensions.

Iron Hammer still hasn't figured out the meaning of these two abilities.

Instead, he felt a sense of emotion. Four years had passed since he traveled through time.

Tsk tsk, time flies.

Nowadays, hammer forging no longer requires the step of burning iron. Using the flame power of the hammer's spark, the hammer can heat the steel billet directly through the flame, greatly increasing the forging speed.

As the black sledgehammer was burned red by the flames, the hammer also began to reshape it.

Soon a long black knife was forged.

Just then, a familiar system voice sounded:

【Ding! It is discovered that the steel billet has a special composition, which is the product of the threshold fruit ability, triggering the extension of the ability, increasing the hardness and strength by 100%, while reducing the sharpness by 200%. The above attributes will be permanently retained for this fruit product. 】


What the hell? What I made is a sword, and you cut off the sharpness for me? ? ?

And what the hell is it permanently reserved? Does that mean that if he uses the products of the threshold fruit as a material in the future, this effect will be triggered? Will this thing never be able to be used to create weapons such as long swords? ? ? ? With 200% sharpness, even if he used a hammer to make a knife with all edges, it probably wouldn't be able to cut anyone, right?

Quenching is completed and the ability is completed.

A black sword appeared in Hammer's hand.

In order to test whether the sharpness was really reduced by 200%, the hammer instantly found a piece of wood and split it with force.

Seeing the hammer testing the weapon, Tina looked over curiously.

The sword struck the wood with great force as the hammer swung.

The next second, something unexpected happened.

There was no silky smoothness as expected, but a terrifying thumping sound.




The only thought in the two people's minds is, why can a knife make the sound of a hammer hitting iron? ? ?

Looking at the wood again, it was not split from the middle, but seemed to have been hammered. The entire wood was completely deformed, and the signs of fragmentation were very clear.

“Why does a knife become a hammer instead of chopping???”

The scene before her eyes completely shattered Tina's outlook.

Even Iron Hammer, who knew the cause and effect, was speechless for a moment.

Tina, I found that your ability is not suitable for handling knives. Swords, guns, or blunt weapons are suitable for you.

Look, this knife is such a good hammer. It has a unique shape and amazing effect.

Well, I have to take it to the old man from the Warring States Period. Maybe I can burn out the CPU for him.

Iron Hammer suddenly had a thought, and he decided to go back and tease the old man from the Warring States period to avenge his previous revenge.

But to be on the safe side, Iron Hammer decided to take another look.

Tina, get a few more hammers out and I'll try again.


Then Tina got a few more long black hammers, and the hammer still turned them into swords.

The result is still the same, the model of the sword, the abilities of the hammer.

When the blade fell, it was not silky smooth, but just powerful and heavy.

The hammer gave me a headache for a while. Although it was good that the strength and hardness had increased, it had lost its sharpness.

Alas, it seems that in the future we will really have to use the sill fruit to make hammers.

Even the meteor hammer will not work, because it loses its sharpness, and the meteor hammer that relies on spikes to output loses its power.

But Iron Hammer suddenly had great ideas about his new ability, and he casually took out the box containing the magma, with a glimmer of expectation in his eyes.

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