One Piece: Marinfando, the Max-Level Blacksmith

Chapter 126 Green pepper, the pillar of the eight-treasure navy!

Tie Hammer, is it really okay for you to do business with the Flence family?

After walking out of the manor, Lance asked with a hint of doubt.

In his opinion, it is very inappropriate for a navy to conduct such transactions with the underground world.

Lance, you have to understand that the nature of this world is not black and white, but is in a state of chaos, filled with a lot of gray areas.

What is gray? It's a combination of white and black.

It's like pirates and navy.

Iron Hammer looked very casual in the face of Lance's inquiry.

Do you really think that Florence Linda just wants to make a deal with me?

Hmph, he just wants to borrow my current fame. This will give his Florence family a slight advantage in the confrontation with the other four families.

But what does it matter? After all, even if you eliminate one of these mafia gangs, there will be new ones popping up.

Lance nodded. He could understand what the hammer meant, but he still felt that it shouldn't be done.

Seeing Lance's tangled look, Iron Hammer didn't say anything else and just smiled.

Some things won't work just by what others say, they still have to depend on the individual.

Moreover, these mafia families will be eliminated by Capone Becky when he rises.

Is there any need for him to worry about it? Might as well take the opportunity to make a few more profits.

Haha, this Florence Linda is actually willing to use such a thing as a gift.

Iron Hammer chuckled and slowly opened the brocade box in his hand.

A fruit full of patterns appeared in front of everyone in an instant.

Devil Fruit!

All three of them were shocked.

Unexpectedly, the gift turned out to be a devil fruit.

Well, I just don't know what kind of fruit it is. When I go back this time, I have to ask Old Man Kong to apply to see the devil fruit illustrated book.

When the time comes, if this fruit is suitable, Lance, why don't you eat it?

Lance was in a trance while looking at the Devil Fruit. This extremely precious secret treasure of the sea, he actually saw two in a row in recent days.

Hearing what Hammer said, Lance nodded.

Although his goal is to become an excellent sniper, he will consider it if there is a suitable Devil Fruit.

After all, the improvement brought by Devil Fruit is undoubtedly huge.

Little Tina, do you want to come with me and become a navy in Marineland~

Suddenly Tie Zhui's tone changed and he extended an olive branch to the pink-haired Lolita.

Eh? Can I do that?

When Tina heard about joining the navy, she was excited at first, but also a little worried.

Of course, I am a lieutenant general of the headquarters, so I still have the power to recruit the navy under special circumstances.

You are still young after all. If you want to become a navy, it will definitely be a few years later.

But this doesn't matter. After all, I am a lieutenant general stationed in the headquarters. You can go to Marineland with me to experience naval life first.

In an instant, Iron Hammer transformed into the Emperor of Fools.

In his opinion, Pink Mao Tina is undoubtedly a talent with great potential.

A person with superhuman type and Threshold Fruit ability can also create a special weapon - a black gun, and create her own battle mode, the formation of the black gun.

Such talents must be brought into his loyal camp.

Moreover, the black gun and iron hammer she created also have ideas. If the material comparable to steel is used to forge weapons, will it have any novel effects.

Okay! I want to be a marine, and I want to go to Marinevando.

With the guarantee of the hammer, Tina was instantly in the net.

Lance and Shirley looked at each other. Although it felt like Iron Hammer was coaxing a little girl, when they thought about Tina's own potential, it absolutely didn't matter.

On the contrary, it was Iron Hammer who successfully unlocked a new achievement—Fooling a pink-haired lolita.

Just as everyone was laughing and laughing, a phone suddenly rang.

Polo Polo Polo Polo

Iron Hammer frowned slightly and took out the phone bug. If he remembered correctly, this phone bug was connected to the Warhammer alone.

Did something happen on the Warhammer?

Hello? What?

It's me! Steal my house!

Don't hesitate, immediately drive around the waters of Bashi Kingdom at full speed! Wait for me to come back!


The hammer that hung up the phone had its eyes spitting fire, and his face was full of anger.

Hammer, what's going on?

The Warhammer was attacked by the Babao Navy, led by Qingjiao!

Shirley and Lance were shocked when they heard about Babao Sailor and Green Pepper.

As students in our training camp, they all have a certain understanding of the famous pirates on the sea.

Qingjiao, the twelfth generation leader of the Babao Navy.

With a bounty of a terrifying 542 million berries, he is truly a great pirate.

Lance, Shirley, let's return to the Warhammer quickly.

I'm taking Tina, you two follow me, damn Qingjiao, if my Warhammer is damaged, I will definitely find someone to break his cone head!

The angry hammer then took out three long swords, which were the long swords with the ability to carry people flying.

Hand two of them to Shelly and Lance.

In Tina's puzzled eyes, Iron Hammer lifted her on his shoulders.

You know how to use it, right? Every time it's 100 meters, when it fails, use the moon step alternately.


Then Iron Hammer took the lead and swung his long sword, and the whole person jumped into the air.

Shirley and Lance looked at each other and followed closely, and the three of them flew towards the outer waters of the Bashi Kingdom.

Chief, that warship is the warship of Vice Admiral Iron Hammer of the Navy Headquarters. It is all silver and white and is very easy to identify.

Very good! I heard that that boy from Iron Hammer is very good at forging weapons. Sink his ship for me! I will snatch all the weapons he forged!

On a pirate ship that was comparable to a steel behemoth, a man with a cone-headed face looked fierce, and there was a tattoo of the number 12 next to his eyebrows.

This person is none other than Qingjiao, the great pirate with a bounty of up to 500 million.

The Eight Treasure Navy under his command is also the overlord of the West Sea, and its combat effectiveness is extremely powerful.

But the Warhammer is, after all, a warship carefully built by Iron Hammer. It travels extremely fast, and its entire body is made of special steel plates, giving it extremely strong defense.

This gave a boatload of soldiers a chance to breathe.

Of course, this is also the case if Qingjiao does not end up personally. Otherwise, with his strength of 500 million, even if the Warhammer's defense is amazing, it will not be able to escape the crisis of sinking.

Shirley, have you seen the Warhammer?

I see, it's ten o'clock!

Okay! Speed ​​up!

The three Hammers, who were still flying in the air, determined the direction of the Warhammer with the help of Shirley's extraordinary eyesight.

With the alternating use of the flying sword and moon steps, he quickly flew back.

Of course, the three of them were also seen by Qingjiao.

Is that kid a hammer? As expected, he is as black as a blacksmith!


Qingjiao's words made all the Eight Treasure Marines laugh.

When Iron Hammer returned to the warship, his face was as sinking as water.

Lieutenant General Hammer, Colonel Lance, Lieutenant General Shirley, you are back.

When the soldiers saw Iron Hammer and others coming back, they instantly had a backbone.

Tie Zhui first glanced at the Eight Treasure Marines behind him, and then immediately began to take command.

Shirley, send Tina to my forging room, which is the safest place.

Where's the helmsman? Turn the helm and head towards the windless zone!

Everyone has their weapons loaded! Lance, bring out all your firepower!

Since Qingjiao wants to fight, then I will fight with him!

At this moment, Iron Hammer finally had a hint of the air of a lieutenant general, and he was very handsome in guiding Jiangshan.

The little girl Tina instantly admired the man who looked like an iron tower in front of her.

As the warship filled its right rudder, the hammer standing on the deck came face to face with Qingjiao standing on the bow.

Hmph, Qingjiao, you are openly attacking the navy. I think you are seeking death!

Hahaha, now a brat like you can become a general? There is really no one left in the navy!

The two looked at each other, and several electric currents suddenly appeared in the air.

The next second, the two shouted in unison:

Sink him for me!

With an order, the two sides officially entered into battle!

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