Bashi Kingdom, Youle Town.

Old ghost, you should pay the protection fee, otherwise the goods in your village will be lost along the way.

This little brother, please be tolerant for two more days. I will pay you in a few days.

Tch, how many times have you said this?

In front of a house, two fierce-looking young men in suits and sunglasses were warning an old man.

But the old man obviously couldn't pay the money.

Hmph, then don't blame me for not reminding you. No one in the Bashi Kingdom dares not to give face to our Flence family!

The Florence family is one of the five major mafias in the West Sea, with its minions spread all over the countries in the West Sea.

The old man was even more panicked now.

Damn it! Don't bully the village chief uncle!

Qiaoyu threshold.

Suddenly, two black fence-like iron branches appeared on both sides of the two people.

Then he clasped his hands together and turned into an iron prison to trap the two of them!

Damn! He actually carried out a sneak attack!

What is this!

The two mafia gangsters who were locked in the black cell suddenly became furious and tried to break free. Unfortunately, no matter how hard they tried, they could not break free from the black iron branches.

The person who made this move was a little girl with pink hair.

You mafias have gone too far!

If Brother Lance is still here, he will definitely arrest you all!

Upon hearing the word Lance, a look of panic appeared on the Mafia's face, but it quickly disappeared and was replaced by a look of severity.

Hmph, who do I think she is? It turns out to be that bastard sister of Lance. If I remember correctly, your name should be Tina, right?

I'm telling you, Lance has left here! No one will protect your town anymore!

Sooner or later the Ferrance family will rule here!

The girl named Tina listened to the mafia's clamor, with a trace of anger on her face, and wanted to take action again, but was stopped by the village chief on the side.

Let them go, Tina, and be obedient.

Tina looked at the village chief in disbelief.

Uncle the village chief, them!

It's okay, Tina, let them go.

All right

In desperation, Tina dispelled the fruit's ability. Yes, Tina is a devil fruit user, a superhuman-type threshold fruit user.

It can create a fence from anywhere on the body to imprison the enemy. The fence is even harder than steel.

Hmph, I guess you are wise! Just wait, the Florence family will definitely want you.

What do you want them to do???

Just as the mafia put down his harsh words, a somewhat lazy voice suddenly interrupted his words.

A three-meter-tall, iron-tower-like black-faced man appeared behind him.

want to want

The surging momentum was like a huge wave, sweeping over, as if it was going to swallow up the entire world, so that the little Karami were so frightened that they were speechless and unable to speak.

With such qualities, you still want to imitate others and become a mafia? Just wait and see.

The person who came was none other than Iron Hammer. He stretched out his hands to grab the collars of the two little Karami, and threw them behind him. The two of them left parabolas in the air and flew away.

The disappearing figure still left two shining stars in the sky.

Lance, your hometown doesn't look peaceful.

It's different from what you said.


The village chief and Xiao Tina's eyes lit up respectively.

I saw two people slowly walking out from behind Iron Hammer, it was Lance and Shirley.

None of the three were wearing military uniforms. Hammer and Lance were wearing very casual shorts and short sleeves, while Shirley was wearing a short-sleeved skirt.

Wow! Pink-haired girl!

Shirley's love for beautiful women has increased significantly since she saw her. When she saw the pink-haired lolita, she exploded instantly.

A white light flashed by, and the pink-haired loli was already in her arms.

Let me go! Who are you! Brother Lance, save me!

Ouch? Brother Lance?

Or pink hair? Look at the black iron branches over there.

Is this the future Black Cell Tina?

Iron Hammer narrowed his eyes, looked up and down at Lance next to him, and looked only embarrassed to Lance.

Tina, it's okay. This is Lieutenant General Hammer, Lieutenant Colonel Shirley.

When Tina heard the word hammer, she was instantly surprised.

One of the legendary navy star monsters, Lieutenant General Orn Hammer? Wow! So you look like this!

But why is it so dark?

When Tina heard Iron Hammer's name, she was very excited at first and then her expression became a little depressed.

Hammer:? ? ? ?

No, sister, what's wrong with the black spots? That's not the color of my skin, it's the result of blacksmithing.

It's decided. I'll go find Lieutenant General He when I get back.

As soon as these words came out, Shirley and Lance became curious.

Why are you looking for Lieutenant General He?

She is a person with the ability to wash away the fruit. If I ask her to wash my face, I promise to wash away my dark face!




What he said makes sense, but why does it always feel so weird?

The moment the village chief saw Lance, his face was full of excitement.

Lance, you're back.

Village chief, I'm back.

Good boy, you are stronger, good, good!

Lance also looked at the village chief excitedly.

Under the leadership of the village chief, the group walked into the town where Lance was raised, Youle Town.

So, after I went to the headquarters, these bastards started to exploit the village?

After listening to the village chief's account of what happened over the years, Lance's muscles bulged with anger.

His whole body began to tremble with anger.

Tina on the side was even more angry. Although she was only ten years old, she was an esper, but she was still too weak to protect the safety of the village.

But as soon as she saw the hammer sitting upright, Tina's eyes lit up again.

But with Master Hammer here this time, even if the leader of the Florence family comes, he will definitely not get any favors! Isn't that right, Master Ornn!

Iron Hammer: I have an extra fan inexplicably?

Well, am I that powerful? I'm just a little lieutenant general and I can't stand on the stage.

These words made Lance and Shirley's mouths twitch.

Still a young lieutenant general.

This is the backbone of the navy. Is it so worthless in your opinion?

Forget it, since we are here, let's deal with this matter. Lance, Shirley, we will go to the royal capital later to find the patriarch of the Florence family.

Bashi Kingdom, Bashi King City.

I have to say, this country is quite prosperous.

Tie Zhui, who was walking on the streets of Wangcheng, couldn't help but show a hint of surprise when he looked at the bustling things around him.

Of course, the Bashi Kingdom is a very wealthy country in the West Sea.

Even the Kingdom of Flowers is not as good as the Kingdom of Bashi in some aspects.

Lance is still very proud of his hometown.

But when faced with a vicious tongue and a hammer, his pride was shattered in an instant.

Yes, it's all the mafia that prospers.


Tina and Shirley on the side looked at Lance being embarrassed and immediately covered their faces and smiled.

Hey, Lance, let's search like this. How long and in what month can we find the Florence family?

Well, I haven't met their person in charge, so I don't know either.

Tie Zhui rubbed his forehead feebly.

My first mate, you have betrayed my lieutenant general's trust in you.

Hey Lance, look at those two people, are they the little Kalami who just went to Youle Town?

Lance looked at it intently, hey, it's true.

Hey Hey

A sinister laughter sounded.

The next second, Hammer and Lance grabbed the two little Karami one by one.

Hey kid, do you still recognize me?

Little Karami was so frightened that he was still walking on the street, but a gust of wind passed by and he was roughly picked up and taken to a corner.

Looking at the person in front of him, he was scared to death. Isn't this the three-meter-high iron tower?

Brother, I was wrong, don't hit me.

Iron Hammer showed a smile that he thought was very kind.

Don't worry, kid, I'm just here to ask you a question.

But who would have expected that his smile looked like a devil's to little Karami, coupled with the ferocious aura given by the hammer's years of forging.

This little guy fainted from fright.

Hammer: New Achievement +1

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