One Piece: Marinfando, the Max-Level Blacksmith

Chapter 120 Hammer versus Ivankov

Aboard the Warhammer.

First an angry voice sounded, followed by a scream.

Little girl, don't go too far!

Don't come over here!

The warship is now sailing on the sea, targeting Gaya Island in the first half of the great route.

Since Ke Luo Kodar agreed to the King's Qibuhai, except for wearing sea tower stone handcuffs, her movements are no longer restricted.

This is the privilege given to her by Hammer.

All the soldiers were full of curiosity about this person, and Shirley was even more exaggerated.

She was the only girl on the boat all this time, which made her very boring.

But with the appearance of Corcodar, although this guy was originally a man, after turning into a woman, his appearance is really unisex.

Shirley was instantly attached to her.

This also caused Keluo Kodar to collapse instantly.

Lance couldn't help but be a little stunned when he saw Cologne being ravaged by Shirley.

Sure enough, one thing is destroying another. This is too scary.

That's a big pirate with the natural Shasha fruit, and it was taken down by Shirley like that. It's scary, it's too scary.

The soldiers nearby who heard his voice also nodded.

What are you looking at! Hurry up and train!

Yes! Colonel Lance!

Gaya Island, Magic Valley Town.

A town populated by free-spending pirates.

Dorag, dressed in green robes, has already arrived here with his men.

Dorag, is that hammer really as powerful as you say?

Special forging ability? Why does it sound so unreliable?

Ivankov is curious about the hammer, but also skeptical.

After all, this ability sounds so unrealistic.

Ivan, don't doubt Hammer's ability. He made my robe. You should know the ability of this robe.

Ivankov nodded to this. When he put on that green robe for the first time, his whole body was about to fly.

The Hammer is my best friend and the one who knows my thoughts. Although he is a marine, this is not an obstacle to my friendship with him.

I believe he is the one who agrees with my point of view.

While they were talking, applause suddenly sounded.

Bah bang bang bang, Dorag, what you said made me burst into tears.

Dorag smiled and turned his head, looking at Hammer's face that was slightly darkened by long hours of ironing.

My money is here, no, my best friend is here.



Ah hahahaha, I made a mistake just now. Take it back. Just pretend you didn't hear it.

Iron Hammer: Damn it, isn't it Old Man Garp who has the ability to take back the fruit? Why don't you learn well, Dolag?

Humph, my ears are still very good.

Don't worry about it, Hammer. Why did you come here by yourself? Where is your ship?

You're stupid, I'm stupid. This is a pirate town, why should I just drive a warship over here? Although I'm not afraid of them, let's forget about unnecessary fighting. I'm lazy.

Dorag nodded.

Ivankov on the side looked at the hammer very curiously. He was three meters tall, quite tall, and his face was quite dark. He was very strong and very ordinary.

This is what he thinks of the hammer.

If Iron Hammer knew about it, he would definitely give him a hammer to make him tell the truth.

This must be Ivankov, oh, you have such a big face!


Hip! You are the hammer, you are so ordinary and dark!


Two electric currents collided in the air, and the two people looked at each other with big eyes and small eyes, full of gunpowder.

That's enough for you two.

Dorag shook his head helplessly.

When the two gossips met, he should have thought of it a long time ago.

Hmph, it means Dorag helps, otherwise I will stare you to death, believe it or not!

Hehe! You have those little bean-like eyes? Be careful, I will blow you away in the blink of an eye!

Wow, the current couldn't be stopped now, it turned into sparks and lightning.

Okay, you two! Stop!

Hammer, what on earth are you looking for Ivan for?

Iron Hammer retracted his eyes that fired lightning, showing a helpless expression.

I made a special dagger before and stabbed a person. As a result, he changed from a man to a woman.

Dorag:! ? ? ?

Ivankov: Oh? ? ?

The two people were in completely opposite states. The former was shocked on the spot, while the latter was extremely excited.

Shemale! Hammer, right? I'm optimistic about you!

Ivankov suddenly changed his mood and became very happy.

Hammer: I'm crazy

Dorag opened his mouth wide, and finally uttered: Iron Hammer, are you going to be a transvestite?

Get out! I made a mistake. I didn't expect it to turn out like this.

Then who did you stab?


Dorag was even more shocked

Sand Crocodile, isn't this a new pirate star who has become famous recently? It is said that he even had a draw with that reckless man Barrett.

Hip! So, Kroc boy has turned into a woman?

Hehe! This is great news, I want her to join me!

Ivankov was exposed directly to the prototype.

Ivankov, this may not work. He is the Shichibukai chosen by the World Government and cannot go with you.

Ivankov:! ! ! ! !

I know that your fruit power is hormones, which gives you the ability to change gender. I hope you can help me change Crocodile back.

As a reward, I will personally support your business with 1 billion Baileys.

Dorag:! ! ! !

Ivankov:! ! ! !

One billion? Hammer, are you serious!?

Tie Zhui nodded. Anyway, he had plenty of money and the gift was from Dolag, so he had nothing to be unhappy about.

Where did you get so much money?

Although Dorag was happy to have money soon, he was still a little worried.

Don't worry, Old Man Kong pulled the strings. I went directly to Mary Joa to hold an auction. I defrauded the Tianlong people of 20 billion, half of which was taken away by Old Man Kong.

The other half is mine.

Dolag and Ivankov looked at each other, speechless for a long time.

Half, 10 billion? I'm Ciao, Iron Hammer, you're such a wealthy person. Then you're going to support me with 1 billion Baileys?

Yeah, you still think it's not enough? This is my pension money, how can I easily do it? That's a Tianlong person, he accidentally killed me, and you still think it's not enough!

Looking at Tie Hammer's blushing face and thick neck, Dorag smiled awkwardly.

Yes, that's a Celestial Dragon.

Huh, just 1 billion, do you want love?

Yes! Must! Ivan, go and recover Crocodile!

Ivankov: I feel a little tired for no reason.

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