“Build what we need, and your path to the Logistics Minister will be smooth.

This is a promise given to you by the World Government.

Tie Zhui smiled. He didn't like the CP organization in the first place. Now that such a great thing was placed in front of him, how could he refuse it.

Don't worry Wulaoxing, I will start preparing for the production when I get back, but I hope the government can provide me with some corresponding materials.

After all, it is arranged for the CP organization. The quantity will definitely not be small. I guess it will be difficult to support the materials of the headquarters.

He stretched out his hand to ask for money without being humble or arrogant, and his words directly made Wu Laoxing laugh.

How many years? They can't even remember.

This is the first time someone has asked for money in front of them, which is good.

Sage Izanbalon V. Nasthurō, what do you think?

Topman Wuchuli smiled and handed this question to the God of Finance. Who told him to be in charge of finance?

Wearing a white robe, bald head, and wearing glasses. And he is holding a katana in his hand. The katana should be the first generation of demon sword Kitetsu, one of the twelve skills of the supreme sword.

This is Saint Izanbalon V. Nassurang, who is specifically responsible for finance.

Hehehe, kid, even though you are quite talented, don't you think you've gone too far by just asking us for money?

The awe-inspiring aura radiated from Saint Izanbalon V. Nasshoulang.

But the hammer remained unmoved, and the hammer of his mind never stopped hammering on his chest.

It's just that there is no sound at all from the hammering. The hammering has been helping him to clear his mind.

Faced with the financial Martial God's attack, Iron Hammer looked very shocked.

You are joking. After all, I am working for the government. I believe the government will not let its subordinates work in vain, right?

Hahahaha! Good boy, that's right. Logically speaking, the auction going on now is still being held by the descendants of my family.

Saint Izanbalon V. Nasthurang stood up with a smile, looking at the hammer with a hint of appreciation in his eyes.

I will order CP0 to give it to you personally and establish contact with you for the funds you want. She will also complete the subsequent handover of items, but I hope this matter will not alarm your superiors, do you understand?

Understood, I will definitely finish this work privately.

Seeing that Iron Hammer took over the job, the Five Old Stars were all very satisfied.

Very good. As for the other special weapons you made, Kong should have told you that you need to register them. Of course, if there are suitable ones, we will recycle them at a price that satisfies you. You can give the rest to Yi The Zambalon family conducts the auction.”

Iron Hammer nodded. Old Man Kong had already told him about this situation, and he also registered many of the exposed weapons and gave them to Old Man Kong.

Of course, there are still many hidden ones. He will not expose all the weapons foolishly, they are all his trump cards.

Okay, step back.

Okay, bye, Wulaoxing.

Wulao Xing: Bye is a word I haven’t heard in decades.

After walking out of the conference hall, Old Man Kong was waiting outside the door. When he saw Hammer coming out, he grabbed him and walked out.

Only after walking out of Pangu City did Old Man Kong stop.

How is it? Hammer, Wulao Xing is difficult to serve, isn't he?

As an old man who has been dealing with Wulaoxing for many years, he is very aware of Wulaoxing's virtues.

Tch, Old Man Kong, if you make a surprise attack on me next time, be careful because I'm really on strike.

I'm just a junior lieutenant general, and you actually asked me to face a big guy like Wulaoxing. I'm scared to death.

Old Man Kong laughed, and the two of them walked toward the auction while talking and laughing.

The auction at this time has come to an end.

The entire Tianlong people in the venue were blushing and their necks were thick.

The last treasure! I believe you will be extremely satisfied!

Comed from the hand of the Hammer Master, it will definitely surpass all the treasures in front of it.

It's the gravity gun!

Old Man Kong and Tie Zhui looked at each other. They left for a while and took the last photo?

Marshal Kong and Lieutenant General Iron Hammer, the auction is still in progress. Please go to the lounge to rest first.

Later, Saint Izanbalon V. Ori will come to see you two in person.

The two followed the waiter to an extremely luxurious lounge, with a variety of food and drinks on the table.

Tsk tsk tsk, it is indeed the territory of the Tianlong people. This wine and snacks are good. Eat more.

Tie Zhui sat on the sofa without caring about his image and started drinking and eating. Old Man Kong couldn't bear to look at him.

You are a lieutenant general after all. Can you be careful about your image?

Image? Can it be eaten? Can it be drunk? Why do you want that thing?

Old Man Kong was instantly furious.

Say, old man Kong, how old are you? Why haven't you understood the truth yet?

What's the point?

Iron Hammer suddenly sat upright and looked very serious.

“I laugh when the house is on fire, and I sleep when the world is destroyed.”

Sora: I actually believe what good things you can say about Iron Hammer!

Hahahaha, that's a very good statement. He deserves to be the leader of the navy's rookies.

Suddenly there was a burst of laughter, and a young man wearing a white robe walked into the lounge under the protection of two CP0s.

Marshal Kong, Lieutenant General Iron Hammer, I am Izambalon V. Orli.

Old Man Kong and Iron Hammer looked at each other and both stood up.

Goodbye, Oris Saint.

Not to mention anything else, this is from the Izambalon family, which is the family of the Five Old Stars. If you don't serve me well, report it to Izambalon V. Nasshouro Seiichi. Tsk, tsk, tsk, the navy's military expenditure will increase. It has to be cut down a lot. They don't dare to offend.

Hahaha, no need to be polite, Master Aoun, oh no, Master Hammer, your forged objects are really all kinds of weird and strange.

More than a dozen props were sold for more than 20 billion beli. Gee, even I, who deal with money every day, am a little shocked.

Ten billion? So many?

Both of them were shocked, obediently, if you want to be rich, you have to be a Celestial Dragon.

According to the agreement, I will charge a 20% handling fee. This is what Marshal Kong has agreed with me before. After deduction, it is 18.7657 billion Baileys. Does Marshal Kong want cash or a check?

Old Man Kong said without hesitation: I want cash.

Izanbalon V. Orisheng nodded: Hehehe, okay, then cash, I will arrange for someone to send it directly to the Navy Headquarters later.

Master Hammer, I hope we can cooperate next time. For the things you build, I will 100% help you sell them at a reasonable price.

Iron Hammer: Hey, I asked you to take the photo, can I still get the money?

Just when Iron Hammer was silent, Izanbalon V. Orisheng slowly walked up to him and said lightly:

Hydra Club

Tie Zhui was shocked when he heard this, and saw Orisheng smiling slightly but saying nothing.

Darling, this guy's hand can be stretched out long enough.

Even the Hydra clubhouse belongs to him?

Or did this guy directly acquire the Hydra Club? ?

Sure enough, for Tianlong people, anything that can be done with money is nothing.

Hey, I'm envious.

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