Deep Sea Prison, LV6.

Because the crimes committed by the prisoners here are usually too serious, the prisoners on this level are either sentenced to life imprisonment or death.

At this moment, Director Jed led the deputy director, the prison warden, and a group of prison guards to this LV6.

Seeing the three people appear at the same time, the prisoners in LV6 also felt depressed.

They have been here for a long time and understand that the appearance of these three people means that another prisoner will be sentenced to death.

"Hahahaha, are these still Level 6 prisoners? They are so cowardly, what a bunch of idiots."

Looking at the pirates who were usually famous, they were all silent.

Suddenly, a loud laugh was heard in the Level 6 prison, and the laugh was full of ridicule.

Everyone looked in the direction of the sound, and the laughter came from a newcomer who was detained two days ago.——【[Golden Lion] Shiki!

At this time, Shiki had only been out to sea for less than half a year, but he had already caused quite a stir, with a bounty of over 300 million berries, making him one of the most watched supernovas in the same group of pirates.

Of course, like all supernovas, Shiki's personality was also very unruly, thinking that he was the biggest in the world, and he had also awakened his domineering aura, so he naturally looked down on everyone.

"What an ignorant kid!"

"Where did this brat come from? Why is he so arrogant?"

"This LV6 is really depraved, actually imprisoning such a brat who is still wet behind the ears."

"Be thankful that you are in prison. If you were outside, I would have to teach you a lesson!"

Seeing the person who laughed, the other LV6 prisoners also cursed angrily.

"Huh? What did you say? A bunch of old bastards!"

"Wait till I get out one day and kill you all!"

As a fledgling supernova, Golden Lion showed rare ambition.

Facing a group of LV6 pirates with long-established reputation, Golden Lion was not afraid to confront them.

""Shut up!"

At this moment, Director Jed roared with great momentum, instantly quieting the prisoners present.

The LV6 prisoners knew Director Jed's strength, and he was a genuine emperor-level strongman.

Moreover, the director also had the privilege of executing prisoners at will.

Therefore, some LV6 old prisoners knew that no matter who they messed with, they could not mess with the controller of the Hell Fortress, otherwise he might really kill them.

"Hahahaha, what a bunch of cowards!"

""Hahahaha, I'm dying of laughter!"

Seeing this, the Golden Lion's laughter became even more unbridled, and there was even a tendency for it to not stop.

At this moment, Jed also led the deputy director and the chief guard to the cell where the Golden Lion was imprisoned and stopped.

"Are you the Golden Lion?"

"Golden Lion Shiki, you have been sentenced to death, and will be executed immediately!"

Without any nonsense, Jed announced the sentence directly and ordered the jailer to open the door.

After hearing this, Golden Lion's originally laughing expression froze instantly, and he was stunned!

"Hahahaha! Stupid, it turns out that the guy sentenced to death is you, an idiot!"

"Hahahaha, are you still laughing? Can you laugh? Idiot!"

"Hahahaha, I'm dying of laughter, this ignorant idiot kid"

""It's retribution! Hahaha, it's what he deserves!"

At the same time, the LV6 prisoners just laughed out loud, and the prison was filled with a happy atmosphere.

This guy was executed after only being locked up for a few days, how funny!

Who made him talk so mean just now, it was retribution in this life!

"you...You are not mistaken!"

"I've only been in prison for two days."

Golden Lion said in confusion.

He had only been in prison for two or three days, and was still thinking about how to escape quickly. How could he be sentenced to death so soon?

And it was executed immediately. Are you sure there is no mistake?

Upon hearing this, Director Jed picked up the bounty order in his hand and looked at Golden Lion again.

Although Golden Lion was only about twenty years old at this time, he already had a head of extremely thick golden hair that was almost to the ground.

These long hairs were like the mane of a lion, making Golden Lion look energetic and majestic, so he was nicknamed [Golden Lion] Shiki.

"That's right, it's you, the supernova with a bounty of 319 million Baileys, the captain of the Flying Pirates, Shiki the Golden Lion."

Jed confirmed that the man in front of him was the man that the general marshal of the entire army had named and wanted to kill immediately. He nodded and ordered the jailer beside him to set up the torture instruments and execute immediately!

Snap, snap!

In a few seconds, dozens of jailers immediately set up a temporary execution ground on the spot and executed on the spot.

After all, the world government needs the power of the Golden Lion Floating Fruit too much, so everything should be done as soon as possible, the faster the better.

Not only that, some ordinary fruits were placed next to the execution ground according to CP's instructions.

It is rumored that at the place where the capable person dies, the"demons" lurking in the body of the capable person will attach to the fruit closest to the death of the capable person.

Using this ability, you can successfully collect devil fruits, but there is also a certain probability of failure.

The cell door opened, and the jailer began to enter, preparing to carry the Golden Lion out for punishment.

"Hey, are you guys serious?"

Golden Lion looked at the execution ground that had been set up in front of him and couldn't help swallowing his saliva.

Although he was a supernova, it was impossible for him not to be afraid of death.

After all, he was only twenty years old and had just awakened his Conqueror's Haki.

This sea was still waiting for him to conquer, how could he die here?

"Get out of my way!"

Not only was he wearing thick instruments of torture, but these instruments also contained the effect of seastone, which completely blocked the Golden Lion's ability.

But facing the desperate situation, the Golden Lion still resolutely resisted.

If he didn't resist, he would die, so of course he had to resist.

Snap, snap, snap, snap!

Not only did the Golden Lion kick the surrounding jailers away one by one, but he also took the two long swords from the jailers' hands and started waving them!


Golden Lion is not someone who relies too much on his abilities. He is a strong physique and a two-sword swordsman.

The two long swords wielded out amazing sword energy, which was extremely lethal in the narrow space of LV6.

"Wouldn't it be better to just accept death?" Seeing this, Director Jed took action.

Facing the sword energy wielded by the Golden Lion, Jed's 4-meter-tall, muscular body casually raised his hand and used his physical strength to block the two slashes of the Golden Lion!

After all, the Golden Lion is only a supernova now, and is far from his peak strength.

His current strength may be stronger than the supernovas Wang Zhi, Silver Axe, and John of the same period, but not much stronger.

Facing Jed, a powerful emperor, the Golden Lion could only be killed instantly.

Sure enough, after blocking the sword energy burst out by the Golden Lion, Jed instantly came in front of the Golden Lion and pressed the Golden Lion to the ground with his big hand!

The Golden Lion wanted to resist, but was suppressed by Jed and could not move at all.

"Since you don't want to die peacefully, I'll have to do it myself."

Seeing the fierce resistance of the Golden Lion, Jed's tone suddenly rose with murderous intent!...........


Deep Sea Prison....At the entrance, a huge sailing ship has been moored at the port, and on this sailing ship, the flag of the Rocks Pirates is flying!

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