"Damn World Government!"

"Don't attack my crew!"

"Guys, run as far as you can!"

"Warriors of the Amazon Lily, you must not be captured and taken to the Holy Land as slaves. That place is more terrible than hell. Run away with all your strength and don't worry about me!"

At this moment, Silver Axe, Wang Zhi, John, and the King of Amazon Lily, who had not completely lost consciousness, wanted to resist, but they were so seriously injured that they couldn't even stand up.

They could only hear the fighting sounds, the shouts of killing, and the screams of their own crew members!

Watching their subordinates being ruthlessly killed by CP0, Wang Zhi, Silver Axe, John, and the King of Amazon Lily shed tears at the same time!

Although they are pirates, they still have feelings for their companions.

These are companions who have experienced many battles and been through life and death together, but But now they are buried here!

Endless hatred rolled out from their hearts, and hatred for the world government and the Celestial Dragons filled the chests of these four people at this moment!

But they were powerless!

They could only fall to the ground and do this helpless hatred! For a moment, the four people hated their own insignificance and weakness!

After an hour, the battle was over soon. For a moment, the port of [Steel Kingdom] Waldrey was a river of blood, and the bodies of thousands of pirates fell on the ground in all directions. The scene of the mountains of corpses and the sea of bones made Wang Zhi, John, Silver Axe, and the Amazon Lily King unforgettable!

"Report to Lord Fegaland Trishen, the battle is over"

"According to your order, all male members of the four pirate groups have been annihilated, and all female members have been captured and will be transported to the Holy Land with Tenjo Jin to serve as slaves of the Celestial Dragons."

A CP0 commander came to Fegaland Trishen, knelt on one knee, and said devoutly

"right...correct...It seems that the four captains Wang Zhi, Silver Axe, John and Amazon Lily King are still alive."

"Are these four also going to be sent to the Holy Land as slaves along with Tenshang Jin?"

As if he remembered something, the CP0 said with trepidation.

After all, some Celestial Dragons are tired of playing with ordinary slaves. Sometimes they seek excitement and like to find pirates with bounties as slaves or mounts.

If there is a big pirate with a bounty of over 100 million, the Celestial Dragons will be even more excited.

Wang Zhi, Silver Axe, John, and the captain of Amazon Lily are all pirates with bounties close to 300 million. They must be liked by the Celestial Dragons!

"Didn’t I tell you about dealing with the results?"

"Do you want me to repeat it again? Rubbish."

Feigarand Trishen said angrily, which frightened the commander of CP0 so much that he fell to his knees and dared not look directly at him.

"male...Kill all the men and take the women back to the Holy Land as slaves..."

"I know......It's all my fault, Master Fegaland Trishen, please....Please calm down."

The CP0 said in fear, slapping himself wildly and asking for forgiveness.

Even if he was pointed at and called trash, he was not angry at all. Instead, he felt that he was indeed trash. He did not remember the order of the Celestial Dragon and almost angered the Celestial Dragon.

"CP0, listen to my order. Execute Wang Zhi, John, and Silver Axe, and bring the Amazon Lily King back to the Holy Land."

After the slap, the CP0 commander gave the order.

After receiving the order, the CP0 members used their razors to come to the four captains who had fallen to the ground and were lying in a pool of blood.


Except for the Amazon Lily King, the CP0s in front of Wang Zhi, John, and Silver Axe launched a fatal attack.

The three CP0s charged their finger guns and stabbed at the hearts of the three people!

"Kill all my crew members! You bastards of the World Government, I won't let you go even if I become a ghost!"

"You rubbish!"

The three captains roared with tears in their eyes, their tone full of reluctance and anger.

If they were given another chance, they would definitely make CP0 and the Celestial Dragons pay a bloody price!

Unfortunately.......No one gave them this chance!

The three simply closed their eyes and quietly waited for death to come.

At this critical moment, swish!

A fierce gust of wind suddenly swept up, and then in everyone's observation Haki, they instantly felt three very powerful auras suddenly appearing on the battlefield!

Not only that.

Snap, snap, snap!

The sound of someone falling to the ground was very clear to the ears of the three supernova captains.

On the battlefield, it seemed that a drastic change had taken place!

"I...Am I not dead?"

Then, the three captains felt that they seemed to still be breathing, pointing their guns, but they did not penetrate their bodies at all.

Out of curiosity, the three captains slowly opened their eyes.

The next moment, they were stunned by the scene in front of them! At some point, three tall and majestic figures suddenly appeared in front of them!

One of them was about 2.8 meters tall, with extremely exaggerated octopus-like long hair, and his facial features were full of domineering. Just looking at it was frightening, and his momentum was even more amazing!

The other person was also about 2.8 meters tall, and his facial features were a bit similar to the man just now, but the difference was that this man's facial features were very similar to the man just now. The officer was handsome and had an amazing aura!

The last one was about 6 meters tall, with flowing blond hair and a long-handled naginata in his hand. He was also amazing!

The appearance of these three people made Wang Zhi, John, and Silver Axe breathe fast, their eyes widened, as if they had seen something incredible!

That's right, these three people were Edward Newgate, a pirate with a bounty of 1.178 billion berries!

And Lorne Gibber, a pirate with a bounty of 2.365 billion berries!

And the pirate with a bounty of 2.985 billion berries!���The thief Rocks Gibek!

The three main forces of the Rocks Pirates, who have been very popular recently and defeated the navy to become the new [Overlord of the Sea], actually came to the [Land of Steel] Waldrey!

This shocked the three supernova captains Wang Zhi, John and Silver Axe!

Not only that, these three people seemed to have killed the three CP0s who were about to kill them just now, saving their lives!

This...What on earth was going on?

Not only Captain John, Wang Zhi, and Silver Axe!

The rest of the people, including the current king of Amazon Lily, and those members of the Amazon Lily Pirates who survived and were originally going to be transported to Marijoa to become slaves, as well as CP0 who was present, and even one of the members of the Knights of God, Fergaland Terry, all looked at the three people in front of them with incredible faces, standing there like a fool, as if they were cast into a spell of immobilization!

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