"Four groups have set their sights on Tenjo Kin!"

The Rocks Pirates' lookout reported the situation to Rocks and Loen.

In fact, there are more than just these four groups who have set their sights on Tenjo Kin. There are also some pirates who are ignorant of the world and have bounties of only a few hundred million.

However, facing CP0, these small pirates are far from enough.

The main ones that can threaten Tenjo Kin are these four pirate groups.

"It's really interesting. I didn't expect Wang Zhi, Silver Axe, and John to appear here."A smile appeared on the corner of Loen's mouth.

I originally thought that it would take at least ten years for these three to meet the Rocks Pirates, but I didn't expect to meet them here.

These three will also be captains of the Rocks Pirates in the future.

Their strength may be a little worse than that of Whitebeard, Roger, Golden Lion, Kaido, Charlotte Linlin and others in their prime, but to be able to become captains in the Rocks Pirates, the peak period of the three should at least have reached the threshold of the general emperor level.

I don't know if these three can be absorbed into the strength of the Rocks Pirates at this point in time. You know, what the Rocks Pirates lack most now is the middle-level combat power!

"Amazon Lily, isn't that the Country of Women? I didn't expect to run into it here."

Rocks was not interested in the three supernovas, he was simply interested in the Amazon Lily pirate group.

After all, Amazon Lily is known as the Country of Women, and it is rumored that the country is full of women, without a single man, and it is the dream place for all men.

However, due to the strong folk customs and everyone's warlike nature, most people dare not enter Amazon Lily to find out.

I haven't gotten married for a long time since Fishman Island, and I didn't expect to meet someone from the Country of Women here, isn't this a coincidence?

"But the guards sent by the World Government this time are not simple."

Newgate on the side also touched his chin, and his observation Haki detected that there were combat forces no less than the admiral level hidden in the World Government's guards!

At the same time, in the port of [Steel Kingdom] Waldrey, there was an extra-large transport ship flying the flag of the World Government.

Around the transport ship, there were at least 5 warships flying the flag of the World Government. On each warship, there were at least three or four CP0 members wearing masks constantly observing whether there were any unexpected situations around.

It is worth mentioning that there are no naval personnel here. After all, the current navy is like a lame toad and cannot move.

At the same time, many shirtless workers are constantly transporting huge boxes to the transport ship.

These boxes are loaded with gold and silver treasures for the Celestial Dragons to squander, and there must be many rare treasures and devil fruits and other treasures.

After an unknown period of time, the workers finally stopped and the warehouse door of the transport ship was closed.

"Report to the commander, this year's Tianshang gold has been transported, please take a look."

Soon, a senior official of Waldrey took a thick bill and handed it to the World Government official in front of him respectfully.

After taking the account book and taking a quick look, the World Government official confirmed that it was correct and nodded with satisfaction.

"Without further ado, let's set off and return to Marijoa!"

Without any delay, an order was given and the huge transport ship started moving, and the several warships surrounding the transport ship also started moving.

"Go ahead! Kill these guards, grab the gold from the sky, and we'll be rich!"

"Hurry up, or you’ll miss it!"

"Guys, go all out, this job will be enough for the rest of our lives!"

Seizing the opportunity, the pirates lurking around [Steel Kingdom] Waldrey rushed forward and attacked with all their might! At one time, at least a dozen pirate groups attacked from all directions, and the sound of cannons boomed instantly!

"Humph, I knew there would be a little thief who overestimates his own abilities."

"Combination of six styles, Storm Kicks, Wind!"

With a cold snort, several powerful CP0 members used the Moon Step to leap high up, and the four of them faced the shells flying from four directions and launched Storm Kicks to intercept all the incoming artillery.


Taking advantage of this opportunity, more than a dozen pirate ships quickly moved around the warship and landed on it.

"Finger Gun·Hualien!"

"Storm Legs·Sharp Blade!"

"Finger Gun·Break!"

Some weaker pirates were ruthlessly killed by CP0 the moment they boarded the warship.

Although CP0’s performance against the emperor-level strongman was disastrous, he was still very strong against some low-level pirates. Otherwise, he would not be called the strongest shield of the Celestial Dragons.】

"Humph, the strongest shield of the Celestial Dragons, I wonder if it is that exaggerated?"

At this moment, one of the supernovas, Wang Zhi, who was tall and at least 6 meters tall, sneered, picked up the five-meter-long giant sword in his hand and rushed forward!

""Iron Block!"

CP0, who was targeted by Wang Zhi, immediately launched the Iron Block.

Blood suddenly gushed out, and the CP0 who was chopped by Wang Zhi fell to the ground.

At the same time, the two supernovas, John and Silver Axe, also fought with CP0.

The warriors and captains of Amazon Lily also fought with CP0.

Facing the small pirates, CP0 might be able to kill them easily, but facing the pirates who will become legendary in the future, CP0 will not have much advantage.

In addition, there are many elite cadres under the command of these captains. CP0 is outnumbered and gradually falls into a disadvantage!

"Damn supernovas, have they actually united?"

A CP0 officer was beaten back step by step and couldn't help cursing.

He didn't expect that these arrogant supernovas would actually join forces?

""Don't get me wrong, idiot. I won't join forces with anyone. It's just that no one pirate group can take down Tenjojin this time. I'm just using the power of other idiot pirate groups."

Silver Axe laughed and even licked the silver-glowing long-handled axe in his hand with his tongue. The smug look on his face was beyond words.

As Silver Axe said, these supernovas did not unite, but they had a tacit understanding. They did not kill each other, but gathered their strength to deal with CP0 and Tenjojin's guards.

"Humph, if I can't even deal with these trashy pirates, do I need to do it myself? CP0!"

Just as CP0 was losing ground, suddenly, a loud voice rang out!


A cold light flashed, and then blood spurted out like an explosion!

With just one cut, the Silver Axe with a bounty of more than 321 million Baileys was killed instantly and fell in a pool of blood!

"Captain Silver Axe!"Faced with this sudden situation, the members of the Silver Axe Pirates couldn't help but exclaimed in worry.

"That guy Silver Axe actually?"

"Killed in one blow?"

"Who is that person?"

Hearing this exclamation, Captain Amazon Lily, Wang Zhi, and John all turned their heads in disbelief and looked at Silver Axe who was lying in a pool of blood!

Immediately, these people saw a strange scene.

When this person appeared, the other CP0s immediately knelt on one knee, extremely pious!

At the same time, these CP0s said respectfully:

"I have failed to perform my duties well, please forgive me, Master Feigaland Trishen!"

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