"You bastards of the navy, don't hurt my brother-in-law!"

Newgate descended from the sky, his golden hair flowing elegantly, and the tip of the large naginata in his hand was wrapped with a strong domineering aura, as if he was chopping down at the White Horse General with all his might!


The lazy eyes of the White Horse Admiral suddenly flashed with a sharp light, and his originally slack posture suddenly became stiff!

Just now, as the admiral of the Navy Headquarters, his powerful observation Haki immediately detected a very dangerous aura approaching him quickly.

"The pirate with a bounty of over 400 million, Edward Newgate!"


The next moment, Admiral Hakuba put away the fruit power that he wanted to shoot, and used his legs to jump to the side!


Newgate's sword chopped down and directly cut the warship where Admiral Hakuba was, and the cut of the warship was as smooth as a mirror!


Not only that, what Newgate just used was the high-level technique of Conqueror's Haki, Conqueror's Haki·Entanglement!

In addition to enhancing the power, Conqueror's Haki·Entanglement can also cause damage to the enemy without touching the opponent's body!

Because of this, Admiral Hakuba seemed to have avoided Newgate's attack, but a terrifying blood mark still appeared on his snow-white and flawless navy cloak!

"White Horse General!"

"Mr. White Horse...injured?!"

"What's going on? What's going on?"

"He clearly dodged it, what happened?"

The navy officers present all held their heads in confusion.

Admiral Hakuba had just dodged the attack of the great pirate Newgate, so how come he was still injured?

"hateful....Is this... Conqueror's Haki Entanglement?"

General Bai Ma glanced at his wound. The strong Haki still lingered on the knife mark, and the wound continued to deepen.

His tone was finally no longer so lazy, but became serious!

Conqueror's Haki Entanglement, this is a very high-level skill, it can be said to be the top-level skill of Conqueror's Haki! As we all know, Conqueror's Haki is an ability similar to [spirit] that only one person in a million can awaken.

The original function of Conqueror's Haki is [deterrence], which is the so-called clearing of miscellaneous soldiers. For masters, it has almost no deterrent effect.

In a 1V1 master duel, Conqueror's Haki seems to be very useless, far less useful than Armament Haki.

But that's just an appearance!

On the sea, there are always some strong people who are born with unparalleled talents!

These strong people, in the accumulated actual combat and training, have realized the Conqueror's Haki. The real ability of Qi is like Armament Haki. A strong person can wrap Conqueror Haki around his fist, sword or various weapons!

The power it explodes is several times stronger than Armament Haki!

If Conqueror Haki only proves that the person has the qualifications to become a [King].

Then Conqueror Haki·Entanglement is the formal path to becoming a [King]!

However, what shocked Admiral Hakuba was that Conqueror Haki·Entanglement is usually a skill that only the top strong men in this sea can learn.

He has also fought against many pirates with a bounty of 1 billion. Even among those pirates, not many people can use Conqueror Haki·Entanglement!

Edward Newgate, this supernova whose bounty from the last Fishman Island battle was only a little over 100 million Baileys, actually learned Conqueror Haki·Entanglement in just one month?

Is this guy's talent so terrible?

"Gulala! General Baima, die for me!"

Newgate showed a crescent-shaped smile, and after a chuckle, he held up the big naginata and started a fierce battle with General Baima on the damaged warship!

Swish, swish, swish!

Naginata, vibration, dull light, and domineering energy constantly intertwined. The warship had already become damaged and could not withstand the tossing of these two strong men. It completely sank and sank into the sea.

However, for the emperor-level strongmen, this is not a problem at all.

Both of them are masters of physical skills. They use the moon step to fight in the air. For a while, the two sides are evenly matched!

"Newgate guy...How could he be evenly matched with the White Horse General?"

"This guy has grown a lot, just like Loen!"

"Damn it!"

Garp, Sengoku, Zephyr, and Crane on the side were deeply shocked again!

A month ago, Newgate could only tie with Sengoku and Crane.

Now he can actually fight with the admiral!

This growth rate is simply a monster!

"hateful....It seems that I have to do it myself!"

The face of the Admiral of the Navy was extremely gloomy at this moment, and it seemed that water could drip out of it.

Lorne and Newgate, the two supernovas whose bounties were only about 100 million Baileys a month ago, actually possessed the strength to fight against the admiral-level strongmen after experiencing this month's battle!

This growth rate and potential really frightened the Admiral of the Navy from the bottom of his heart!

If the Rocks Pirates are not destroyed here, God knows what kind of behemoth this pirate group will grow into in the future!

They must be wiped out here!

"White Horse...Hold him, I'm coming!"

The Admiral shouted angrily, rolled up his sleeves, revealing his strong and muscular arms, ready to intervene in the battle between Newgate and the White Horse General.

"Hahahaha, Admiral, your opponent is me!"

As soon as the Admiral finished speaking, a heavy voice rang in everyone's ears.

The next moment....


Boundless darkness suddenly attacked, like a monster in the world of Crusoe, a ball of darkness quickly enveloped the warship where the Navy Marshal was!

"What is this?!"

The moment they saw the darkness, the Admiral, several CP0s and a Vice Admiral of the Navy Headquarters on the warship immediately used the Moon Step, one of the Six Styles of the Navy, to take off and escape.

"Want to run? Is it that easy?"

At this moment, at some point, Rocks had successfully landed on the deck of the warship.

Behind him, strange black smoke rose up and transformed into a shape similar to Satan's claws in the air, fiercely attacking the fleeing crowd in the sky.

"Damn it! Stop it!���"Kes!"

Seeing this, several CP0s were so scared that they used the Moon Step to escape, wishing their parents had given them two less legs.

""Let me stop it!"

Seeing this, the vice admiral's face was firm, and he stopped the moon step as if he had made up his mind. He drew out the navy saber in mid-air, trying to stop the strange darkness.


Almost in an instant, the vice admiral was swallowed up by Rocks's darkness!

After the battle with the navy admiral Lei Long, Rocks' strength has already tended to surpass the emperor-level strongman!

A mere vice admiral, he can only be killed instantly!

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