"CP0, you bastard!"

Seeing this, the Admiral of the Navy became a little impatient, and directly grabbed the collar of the CP0 leader, questioning with bloodshot eyes.

Just in those two moves just now, at least hundreds or even thousands of sailors were killed by the CP0 leader!

Death at the hands of the enemy is a worthy death for these sailors.

But death at the hands of CP0 is too unfair.

"Admiral, due to your incompetence, we are now at a disadvantage against the fishmen."

"Don't forget, this is a war, and it's a war against the Rocks Pirates. This war can only be won, not lost! I believe you know this better than me."

"If you don't completely eliminate the Rocks Pirates in this war, you won't be able to report to the Five Elders, and your position as the Navy Admiral will be over."

"When the time comes, you will be tried in the military court."

Although the Navy Marshal held his collar, the tone of the CP0 leader was still full of sarcasm.

His face under the mask was full of disdain.

This group of cowardly navy couldn't even deal with the extremely rubbish fishmen!

With the strength of the Navy Admiral, one person was enough to deal with these tens of thousands of fishmen warriors.

In the end, he didn't dare to take action, so he had to do it himself.

In the end, a mere Navy Marshal dared to question him, which was simply outrageous!

After this battle, no matter the result, I will report the situation to the Five Elders and give this group of useless navy a good lesson!


The Admiral of the Navy had already raised his fist, but he didn't dare to attack CP0.

Because CP0 was telling the truth!

If this war was really lost, the Five Elders would definitely not be able to explain it.

By then, I, the Admiral of the Navy, would probably be affected! After so many years, he finally became the Admiral of the Navy, but he was replaced before he even had time to warm up his seat?

"Haha, look at how incompetent you are, Admiral"

"If you want to keep your position, quickly get rid of the fishmen here and head towards Wano Country."

"Don't forget, I am the supreme commander of this war, Mr. Marshal."

CP0 said in a tone of"I just like to see you dislike me, but you can't kill me".

Especially the way the Navy Admiral raised his fist but didn't dare to hit it, almost made CP0 laugh out loud. What the Five Elders said was indeed right, the Navy is a bunch of incompetent trash!

"Damn it!"

After a brief mental struggle, the Navy Admiral put down CP0's collar.

Then he jumped and came to the side of Navy Admiral Black Hawk!

"Go ahead, Black Hawk, get rid of these fishmen quickly!" The Admiral said firmly.

"Marshal, is this true?"

"Of course it's true! Do it now!"The Admiral urged again.

Hearing this, Black Hawk's eyes widened, and he couldn't believe his ears.

A total of 30 navy ships were shot down, and more than 30,000 people fell into the water. Although there were heavy casualties, at least 20,000 people were still fighting against the attack of the fishmen.

Now if the admiral-level strongman forcibly intervened, the casualties of the navy would be very heavy!

His title of"World's No. 1 Swordsman" was not given by others.

"What about this? Are we just going to wait here?"

"Don't forget, this is a war! Our goal is to completely destroy the Rocks Pirates! Failure is not allowed!"

"To uphold justice, bloodshed and sacrifice are inevitable. As an admiral, you should understand these principles very well."

The tone of the Admiral became more resolute.

In fact, the Admiral himself did not believe this principle, but he blurted it out.

After all, on his way to becoming the Admiral, he had done a lot of disgusting things for the Five Elders in secret.

You know, every time the Navy launches a demon-killing order, an island will disappear.

As for how many civilians and innocent people there are on the island, the Admiral has completely given up thinking about this issue.

Thinking will only make you hesitate!

Hesitation means weakness!

This is how the Admiral convinced himself, although it was shameless, it was quite useful!

"call...I...I see."

Black Hawk nodded at this moment. As a general and a direct subordinate of the Celestial Dragons,

Black Hawk certainly understood what the Admiral of the Navy said.

However, it was indeed very difficult to attack his compatriots.


After only a few seconds of embarrassment, the crisp sound of drawing a sword was heard.

Black Hawk drew out the black sword [Demon Slayer], one of the supreme swords, and kicked his legs hard, flying high!

Immediately, he swung the sword at the sea!

Black Hawk had practiced this simple action tens of millions of times.

The strong domineering aura once again enveloped the Demon Slayer. The blade, which had been tempered in an extremely black color, seemed to add a bit of black at this moment.


The blue sword energy broke through the air and surged towards the disordered battlefield below where the fishmen and the navy were mixed!

The diameter of this sword energy was several thousand meters, and it was so fierce that it felt like it was enough to flatten a mountain in an instant!

If this sword really fell, it would at least take away the lives of nearly ten thousand fishmen warriors!

Of course, the price was that at least several thousand navy soldiers would be sent away together!

"Mr. Black Hawk...it turns out?"

"There are so many navy soldiers down there!"

"How many sailors will die if this sword is cut?"

"Why do you do this!"

"Why did you attack us, Mr. Black Hawk?"

Seeing this scene, the admirals and major generals did not speak, but looked calm.

However, Garp, Sengoku, Zephyr, Crane and other low-ranking officers of the navy, as well as the ordinary navy who were fighting with the fishmen on the sea, were all very confused and shocked at this moment!

The cost of the admiral-level strongman forcibly inserting into the chaotic battlefield will be heavy!

Although many people will die in this knife, many navy will also die!

"The admiral of the navy actually took action?"

"Aren’t they afraid that it will affect the navy?"

"I didn't expect it at all!"

Feeling the suffocating pressure, the fishmen looked up and saw that Admiral Black Hawk had made a move. They were also shocked!

They didn't expect that the Admiral would dare to make a move under such circumstances!

"Gulala, the navy is really a bunch of crazy guys"

"He actually attacked a fellow navy man? How interesting!"

"It seems that the navy is just a group of hypocritical"justice" people."

At the same time, Newgate, Neptune and Rocks, who were standing on the edge of Wano Country, could not help but laugh at this scene.

Although they were pirates and had nothing to do with the so-called justice, they would never do such a crazy thing to attack their own people.

It is an iron rule that pirates cannot attack their companions. In the eyes of lawless pirates, attacking their companions at will is an unforgivable evil!

The navy can trample on such rules at will, which is really ridiculous.

"What's so strange about this? The navy is just like that."Loen's face was unusually calm.

In the eyes of Loen, a time traveler, it was completely expected that the navy would do such a thing. After all, the navy did a lot of such things in the original novel.

In the Judicial Island Demon Slayer Operation, Vice Admiral Ghost Spider directly shot at ordinary soldiers.

Ohara Akainu directly bombed the civilian refugee ship.

And the movie version【RED】The Chinese navy attacked civilians, but the Red Hair Pirates protected them.

This farce keeps happening. In the final analysis, the navy is nothing but a dog of the world government!

"But we can't just watch our men being slaughtered. If we do that, people will lose their morale."

"It's time to make a move, bro."

At the same time, Lorne leaped up and prepared to make a move.

PS: I'm sick, sorry, now I'm back to normal updates.

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