68 The mission started off badly and suffered heavy losses!


With Rocks's order, the members of the Rocks Pirates raised their arms and shouted!

War!...here we go!

"Gulala la la la~~ Idiots in the navy, try this!"

"Shock the sea!"

Instantly, Newgate took a step forward, stood in a very solid horse stance, and suddenly tightened his hands.

His sturdy muscles bulged like a mountain, giving people a feeling of being extremely powerful.

Newgate, who was full of momentum, was surrounded by a frenzy of wind, and Newgate's golden hair also danced with it.

The next moment, a translucent energy shield suddenly appeared at Newgate's fists!

"Lord Newgate....Gonna show off your power!"

"Navy...Try this!"


At this moment, the members of the Rocks Pirates and the soldiers of Fishman Island showed smug smiles.

Even if they did not have the Observation Haki to foresee the future, after seeing the familiar posture of Lord Newgate, they also understood what was going to happen in the next moment!

Huff~ Huff~

Newgate took a deep breath, used up all his strength, and punched out hard with both fists, and actually hit the air directly!


The moment the two fists smashed down, it seemed that the whole world had quieted down......


Crack~crack~crack~crack~ sounds like some kind of glass breaking through friction, reaching everyone's ears.

As if the invisible air was a glass wall, the place where Newgate's fist hit, suddenly appeared spider-web-like cracks~~

The next moment....Air...No, it should be said that the space was shattered!


The airflow in the air suddenly accelerated, and the traces of the shattered space suddenly bloomed and began to spread continuously~

Then....After a moment of silence.


There seemed to be a lively commotion coming from the distant sea!

The sailors stared with their eyes wide open, not knowing what was happening....what happened?

"Everyone be careful....Edward Newgate, with a bounty of 450 million berries!"

"He is the user of the Tremor-Tremor Fruit, which can cause earthquakes and tsunamis!"

At this moment, a vice admiral who had fought with Newgate suddenly remembered something.

With bloodshot eyes, he screamed at the entire fleet!

As soon as he finished speaking, the next moment.


The heart-pounding sound like thunder is getting closer and closer...

"what is that?"

"Is that a mountain?"

"This sea...How could there be a mountain?

The navy suddenly discovered that....Two tall mountains suddenly appeared out of nowhere in the sea!

"That...That's not the mountain...."

"That is...That's a tsunami!"

Soon, a sharp-eyed navy officer recognized that the two high bulges in the distance were not mountains at all!

Instead,....A super-large tsunami as high as hundreds of meters!

For a moment, tens of thousands of navy officers stared at this super-large tsunami in unison, trembling incomparably!

If the tsunami was allowed to hit, I'm afraid these 45 warships would be swallowed up in an instant!


At this moment, CP0, who saw this scene, also showed a horrified expression under his mask!

Facing this huge wave, CP0 couldn't give any correct instructions at all, only a dry and correct nonsense such as"Everyone defend"

"this...How can we defend against this?"

Hearing this nonsense instruction, the navy was collectively confused!

Of course, they also knew that they had to defend....But this...How to defend?

"snort.....Everyone listen up, move forward, don't be afraid!"

"Black Hawk, White Horse....This tsunami is left to you....!"

At this moment, the Admiral could no longer tolerate CP0's incompetence and, regardless of his face, he gave the order directly:

"I see...."


The two men named by the Admiral nodded.

These two men were the other two admirals of the Navy Headquarters - Black Hawk and White Horse!

The man named Black Hawk was about three meters tall, with an amazing aura, and had horrible sword wounds on his face and body!

He was recognized as the world's number one swordsman of this era, holding one of the only twelve supreme swords in the world, the man who slew the devil - Admiral Black Hawk!

The other man looked a bit like Kizaru in later generations, with a lazy temperament.....Admiral of the Navy - White Horse!


White Horse looked lazy, but as an admiral of the Navy, he was very impressive.

He leaped high into the air, using the Moon Step to stay in the air, and simultaneously used both hands to perform

""Slow X Sword!"

The navy admiral named Hakuba, with his index fingers, emitted lavender rays of light.

A magical scene happened!

The giant tsunami hit by the rays of Hakuba suddenly became extremely slow....

It's like it's stuck in the air!...To be precise, it cannot be considered as stagnation, but the speed has become extremely slow, and it looks no different from being suspended in the air!

"It didn't take much effort....."

"You can only hold on for a minute~Black Hawk..."

After everything that happened last night, Admiral Bai Ma quickly landed and stretched, and lazily said to another admiral, Black Hawk.

"Can't you hold on a little longer? White Horse."Black Hawk said speechlessly.

"That would be tiring...."The white horse sighed, as if his strength was drained out.....

"knew...Leave it to me."

Black Hawk nodded and drew out the supreme sword [Demon Slayer] worn on his waist!

When Black Hawk drew out the sword, the swordsmen who were good at using swords in the navy held their breath and did not dare to stop for a moment.

After all, the world's strongest swordsman was about to take action.

"Cut it!"

Black Hawk turned his wrist and swung his sword.

The seemingly ordinary swing of the sword burst out with terrifying sword energy.

The huge sword energy was hundreds of meters long and broke through the air, giving people the feeling that it could cut off a mountain in an instant! Swish swish swish!

The next moment....As expected, the sword energy was like cutting tofu, and it cut the two"tsunami" peaks created by Newgate in half!

The sea water turned into heavy rain and rushed down in an instant.....

"have to...saved....!"

Watching the two"tsunami peaks" turn into rain, the navy soldiers present all had expressions of surviving a disaster.

"hey-hey....I never thought that a tsunami could take you away....navy!"

"The tsunami is just a feint, the real attack is on the seabed!"

Seeing this scene, the smile on Rocks' face became even more intense.

It is impossible to destroy the navy's warships with just a tsunami.

The Rocks Pirates have already laid a net on the seabed!

Rocks snapped his fingers crisply, and immediately, the fishmen understood.....

The next moment, the attack from the bottom of the sea was officially launched!

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