Holy Land, Marijoa

"Did they occupy Wano Country?"

After hearing the news from CP that the Rocks Pirates occupied Wano Country, the Five Elders' faces became more solemn.

Wano Country is a treasure land, and the Five Elders are very clear about it.

However, due to the long-term isolation of the country, the world government's intelligence on Wano Country is incomplete.

They only know that there are rumors of powerful samurai in Wano Country, so they have not taken any action against Wano Country.

I didn't expect that it would be captured by the Rocks Pirates?

Wano Country has a dangerous terrain and is easy to defend but difficult to attack.

If it is really occupied by the Rocks Pirates, then the difficulty of wiping out the Rocks Pirates will undoubtedly increase exponentially.

"Are you sure their defenses are lax?"To be on the safe side, the Five Elders asked again.

"Report to the Five Elders, judging from the scene, the people of Wano Country have gone to the banquet and have let down their guard."

"Now is definitely the time to relax the most. CP is very sure

"good...Immediately notify the Navy Headquarters and launch a surprise attack..."

After confirmation, the Five Elders also issued an order immediately.

The terrain of Wano Country is too difficult to attack. It is best to launch a surprise attack immediately while the Rocks Pirates have not reacted. This is indeed a good opportunity.

Otherwise, if the Rocks Pirates react, it will be difficult for the navy to invade Wano Country.

In other words, if you want to invade Wano Country, you have to pay a huge price!

After all, the terrain of Wano Country is too perfect, with only one waterfall entrance.

This time, the Rocks Pirates must be eliminated in one fell swoop!

However...Just as the Five Elders had just given their orders, the situation suddenly changed!


"That...What is that thing?"

CP's terrified voice suddenly came from the other end of the Den Den Mushi.....Boom, boom, boom!

On the other end of the Den Den Mushi...There was a roar of thunder and lightning!

Even the Five Elders in the Holy Land of Mary Joa felt that the thunder was about to break their eardrums!

Zilala~ Zilala~

The thunder resounded for several minutes before it finally dissipated.

"CP...What happened over there?"

""What's going on?"

The Five Elders suddenly felt something was wrong and quickly asked the Den Den Mushi.

Beep, beep, beep~~

However, the only response from the Den Den Mushi was a repeated busy tone.

Bulu~bru~bru~bru~bru~ bru~bru~bru~bru~bru~

Call back immediately.....

But no one responded!

""What happened?"

The Five Elders hung up the Den Den Mushi angrily.

CP would never dare not answer the Den Den Mushi that he personally called.

There was only one reason for this to happen -

CP might have exposed his whereabouts and was killed by the Rocks Pirates!

Not only that...What made the Five Elders feel even more dangerous was the roar of thunder and lightning coming from the Den Den Mushi!

This sound was too familiar to the Five Elders.....I know exactly what this is!

This is the sound of thunder and lightning.

Could it be....?

The Thunder Dragon's Thunder Fruit was obtained by the Rocks Pirates?

An ominous premonition rose wildly in the hearts of the Five Elders!.......

At the same time, at the banquet in the Flower Capital of Wano Country

"Brother...What happened?"

Seeing that Lorne fired a lightning column towards the only entrance to Wano Country,

Jiuli Waterfall, Rocks asked curiously.

"Brother, don't you know? The Thunder Fruit has another magical use"

"That is to cooperate with the Observation Haki, which can expand the range of Observation Haki to an incredible degree!"

"Now my observation Haki is combined with the Thunder Fruit, and the entire Wano Country is within the range of my observation Haki!"

"Everyone's every move, every word, every action, cannot escape my surveillance!"

Lorne chuckled and explained to Rocks

"In other words, there was a dog just now."Rocks understood immediately.

Just now, it was most likely the World Government's lackey CP who came to detect the situation of the Rocks Pirates.

After all, the World Government and the Navy Headquarters would not let it go after killing a Navy Admiral and a Celestial Dragon.

"That's right...But I've got the dog...."

Lorne smiled and raised his glass, which was as tall as a man, and drank the full beer.

"What are you talking about, brother-in-law, brother-in-law?"

Whitebeard looked at Lorne and Rocks blankly.

"Ha ha ha ha...Never mind, Newgate, come on, drink!"...........

The Navy Headquarters, Marinford.

In the Navy building, the largest conference room.

The Admiral, two Admirals, an Admiral candidate and sixteen Vice Admirals of the headquarters have all arrived.

The Navy is already in a state of readiness.

Everyone is waiting for that order - an order from the Five Elder Stars, the [world's highest authority].

Once the order is issued, except for the Admiral who needs to guard the Navy Headquarters, the rest of the senior generals, including the Admirals of the Navy Headquarters, will leave Marinford as quickly as possible to launch the largest raid in the history of the Navy on the Rocks Pirates!

Soon, the Den Den Mushi rang, and the Admiral answered the phone.

The Admiral and the Admiral candidate looked solemn.

The Vice Admirals swallowed unconsciously, quite nervous.

"Damn it! Is the operation canceled?"

Not long after, the admirals saw the Admiral's extremely unwilling look.

Immediately, that unwilling expression...Gradually evolved into stunned, shocked....In the end, it was incredible!

After a few minutes, the Den Den Mushi finally hung up.

""What happened, Marshal?"

As soon as the Admiral hung up the phone, a powerful admiral who was the commander of the Navy Headquarters came forward and asked

"Raid operation temporarily canceled...The CP sent out for surveillance has been completely wiped out"

"The Rocks Pirates have occupied Wano Country!"

The Admiral said irritably.

"Wano Country?"

"I heard that the terrain there is difficult and easy to defend.��"

"That’s right, there is only one entrance to the entire island, which is a very fast-flowing waterfall."

"You must cross the waterfall to reach Wano Country"

"But now the fishmen have joined the Rocks Pirates. As they are good at water battles, I'm afraid there is no way for us to break in so easily!"

"I didn't expect that the Rocks Pirates had captured Wano Country without anyone noticing!"

After hearing that the Rocks Pirates had captured Wano Country, the brows of the navy generals were suddenly furrowed.

With the geographical advantage and the racial advantage of the fishmen.

If a surprise attack is not possible, the only option is to force an attack!

The navy will pay a huge price!

"Not only that, the Five Elders said that the Rocks Pirates may have already seized the power of Thunder Dragon!"

Then, the words of the Navy Marshal immediately shocked the senior generals in the entire conference room!

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