"Hey, you're distracted!"

"Overlord: Overlord Split!"

Rocks keenly caught this great opportunity, grinning evilly, and swung his right fist like a cannonball. The bright red overlord aura rolled up a gust of wind and waves, accompanied by the bright red lightning of the overlord color, as if symbolizing a gorgeous death.

"Damn it! Damn it!"


A punch was thrown, and Lei Long couldn't react in time. He immediately turned his body slightly to avoid Rocks's attack.

However...Still too slow!

Rocks' right fist hit the left shoulder muscle of Thunder Dragon like a sledgehammer hitting a nail!

If Thunder Dragon hadn't dodged quickly, this punch would have hit the heart below!

Soon...Blood gushed out like a fountain!

"General Thunder Dragon!"

"Mr. Lei Long...are you okay?"

At this moment, the navy suddenly discovered that Admiral Lei Long's body was pierced!

Moreover, he was unable to dodge by elemental transformation, and a lot of blood flowed out!

Obviously, this blow injured him badly!

"Damn it!"

The Thunder Dragon, whose left shoulder was pierced, wanted to transform into an element and leave, but Rocks's Armament Color held its entity tightly, and it couldn't break free at all!

"it's over!"

""Die! Thunder Dragon!"

Rocks grinned, and his body instantly burst out with terrifying momentum!

The Conqueror's Haki·Entanglement began to be fully infused into his right fist!

Not only that, in this Conqueror's Haki Entanglement, Rocks also infused the Armament Haki·Ryu Sakura that can destroy the opponent's body from the inside!

Once Rocks's domineering aura is released, the Thunder Dragon whose body is captured will undoubtedly be defeated!

The worst result is that the internal organs will be shattered by the domineering aura and die on the spot!

"You lunatic!"

Lei Long's pupils suddenly dilated, and a breath of death quickly filled his heart.

If he didn't make a decision, he would really die!


Lei Long was worthy of being the admiral of the navy. He immediately cut off his right hand without hesitation, and finally succeeded in getting himself out of Rocks' control!

With a flash of lightning, Lei Long appeared again dozens of meters away.

At this time, Lei Long's left shoulder and the entire arm were gone!

The arm that had just been cut off was still twitching on the ground, very alive.

Lei Long was also a ruthless character. Even though he cut off one of his arms, he didn't say a word, but just stared at Rocks.

"Mr. Lei Long...He actually cut off his own arm!"

"What is going on?"

"Why did things turn out like this!"

The navy was already frightened!

The admiral was dispatched to capture a pirate with a bounty of 400 million, but the admiral was beaten to the point of breaking his arm!

This action was completely beyond the expectations of all the navy present!

"It seems that this Tianlong man is quite useful."

I didn't expect that I caught the Tianlong man and unexpectedly helped my brother break the arm of the Thunder Dragon. Luo En also said with interest.


Lei Long also secretly regretted that he cared too much about the Tianlong people!

This led to the passive situation now.

"Hahahaha, what is there to regret!"

"The Navy Admiral is the dog of the Celestial Dragons"

"Of course the dog will be anxious when its master is beaten."

Locks seemed to see through Lei Long's heart and couldn't help but laugh.

"Give me back the Celestial Dragons!"

By now, Lei Long had figured it out and set his sights on Loen!

The Celestial Dragons must be rescued by himself.

As for Rocks, he could only let him go for now.

Even if he slaughtered the navy, Lei Long would not care.

Two bottles of poison, only one can be chosen!

If Lei Long was asked to choose between the navy and the Celestial Dragons, he would certainly choose the Celestial Dragons!

Otherwise, he would not have lost an arm because of caring too much about the Celestial Dragons.

"You want the Celestial Dragons, right? Come on, I'll give it to you."

Without saying anything, Loen threw the Izramani Saint in his hand into the sky.

"What? ?"

Lei Long did not expect that Loen would do such a thing. He subconsciously turned into lightning and rose into the sky, catching Saint Izramani steadily in his hand.

Then, thunderous roars that were loud enough to break a person's eardrums appeared in the sky above Fishman Island!

"What the fuck?! You bastard! Are you kidding me?"

"Draco....Already dead!!!"

The angry Thunder Dragon looked at Luo En with red eyes, full of murderous intent, wishing to cut Luo En into pieces!

That's right, at this time, the Tianlong man had no breath and was a dead body!

"Hahaha....Losing an arm for a dead man, you are indeed a loyal lackey."

Lorne didn't care about Lei Long's look and sneered.

The knife he swung at CP9 just now was too powerful, piercing through CP9's body, and naturally piercing through the body of the Celestial Dragon.

The Celestial Dragon, who was originally dying, of course died.

After Lorne caught the Celestial Dragon just now, he immediately found that the Celestial Dragon was dead, but he just subconsciously deceived the navy.

I didn't expect to have such an unexpected gain, it's really interesting!

"Death of the Celestial Dragon....died?"

"Doesn't that mean the mission failed?"

After hearing Lei Long's words, the navy officers present also understood why Loen threw Saint Izramani over without saying a word.

It turned out to be a dead man!

"In that case, proceed to the second mission!"

"Completely destroy Fishman Island and the Rocks Pirates!"

Lei Long was close to losing his mind at this moment.

After all, the Celestial Dragons were the gods of the world he respected!

In front of him, a navy admiral, the Celestial Dragons were killed. How could he face the Celestial Dragons and the Five Elders in the Holy Land in the future?

He was too incompetent as a navy admiral!

Even the position of the Navy Marshal in the future, I am afraid, will have to be found by someone else!

Due to various factors, Lei Long's pupils began to turn red, and his body was shaking because of excessive anger!

The whole person seemed to be shrouded in a faint black mist, which gave people a very violent and ominous feeling!

It can be said that the current Lei Long seemed to be crazy. Like a mad dog about to have a canine attack!

It's about to start biting people!

Boom, boom, boom!

The next moment.

Hundreds of thunder pillars fell directly on the already shattered Jilong Code Square!

The Thunder Dragon was completely furious!

Since the Celestial Dragons were not here, he would start a killing spree!

Boom, boom, boom!

The ruthless thunder fell as densely as raindrops, and Jilong Code Square was suddenly filled with thunder and lightning!

Now the Thunder Dragon could no longer care about so many things, and began to bomb indiscriminately!

The target was the fishmen of the Royal Guard and the Rocks Pirates!

But if any navy got too close to the enemy, the Thunder Dragon would still ruthlessly drop thunder pillars.

Never......We must not let any fishmen or members of the Rocks Pirates escape!

Even if it means sacrificing some marines, it doesn't matter!

War always involves sacrifices!

This is what Lei Long is thinking now.

In a short time, many fishmen from the Royal Guards, and even marines, were hit by the lightning and fell to the ground on the spot, unconscious, with their lives in danger!

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