They drifted on the sea for three days.

During these three days, more than a dozen people were squeezed on a small raft, which made the members of the Rocks Pirates suffer a lot.

Fortunately, the Rocks Pirates finally saw the target island -

Raltak Island.

From a distance, they could see the flag of the [Hungry Wolf] Pirates flying on the island.

This is a complete pirate island.

"This island is so rich."

"It is much richer than our hometown."

"As expected of a large pirate group with a captain offering a bounty of over 100 million, even the most ordinary crew members are wearing gold and silver, so impressive!"

On the simple raft, the member of the Rocks Pirates who was in charge of lookout was drooling.

As soon as these words came out, the other members stretched their necks and looked desperately towards the island.

The pirates on Laltak Island were all wearing big gold chains, hugging beautiful women, looking majestic and generous, very desirable. The members of the Rocks Pirates were all stunned!

You know, the members of the Rocks Pirates have always lived on a poor island where they can't even afford the gold from the sky.

Where have they seen such a magnificent scene?

In addition, for the past three days, more than a dozen of them have been crowded on a raft, eating fish caught from the sea.

Backache, plus malnutrition, compared to the [Hungry Wolf] Pirates, the Rocks Pirates at this time are the real [Hungry Wolf] Pirates.】!

"Hahahaha, guys, charge forward!"

"Destroy the Hungry Wolf Pirates. This is the first step for my Rocks Pirates to become famous!"

At this moment, seeing that scene, Rocks also became excited and gave a pre-war speech to boost morale!

After all, with so much money and so many women, it would be great to snatch them for his brother to have wives and children!

"Take their money, take their women!"

"Charge! Warriors of the Rocks Pirates!"

"Let's do a great job!"

Lorne was even more direct. After all, having lived two lives, he knew how to boost morale to the maximum extent.

That is to show them the benefits!

Especially for poor guys!

Sure enough, when the members of the Rocks Pirates heard about money and women, their eyes lit up, and they looked like ferocious"hungry jackals."

"Follow Lord Rocks and Lord Loen, charge!"

"That's right, we also want to ride on a big ship! We also want to eat well and wear good clothes! I also want women to surround me!"

"Let the name of the Rocks Pirates resound throughout the sea!"

"Kill the [Hungry Wolf] Pirates!"

The morale of the Rocks Pirates suddenly reached its peak!

At the same time, this big commotion also alarmed the [Hungry Wolf] Pirates on the island.

"Has someone hacked?"

"I... am I seeing right? Just a small raft?"

"A dozen people crammed into a small raft? Where did this lunatic come from?"

"Are these people really pirates?"

After seeing the Rocks Pirates, the members of the [Hungry Wolf] Pirates were stunned.

Then they burst into laughter!

After all, such shabby pirates have extremely high morale. This is the first time they have seen

"There is no need to report this to the captain. Just waste a few cannons and sink them."

A pirate who looked like an officer next to him teased the woman in his arms, and was too arrogant to even raise his eyelids.

In his opinion, it was a waste to use cannons against such poor pirates.


Two shells were fired in response, attacking the raft.

The next moment, boom!

The two shells flew back to the island intact!

"null...Catching a cannonball with bare hands?!"

The members of the Hungry Wolf Pirates who saw the scene just now were all stunned!

They just saw with their own eyes that on the raft, a ferocious man with red hair like octopus tentacles caught the two cannonballs and threw them back!


The cannon that Rocks caught and threw back was several times more powerful than ordinary cannons! The bombs thrown back fell heavily on the port, and several unlucky members of the Hungry Wolf Pirates died in the explosion immediately.

"Damn...Which bastard is this?...."

Seeing this, the cadre-like man started to curse.

However, before he could finish, a figure like red lightning suddenly descended on the island.

Like covering the sky and the sun, the ferocious red-haired man with devilish muscles has now come in front of the cadre-like man.

A big hand completely covered the cadre's head.

With just a little force, the cadre's head would instantly burst like a watermelon.

At the same time, click, click, click.

With the arrival of the red-haired man, all the surrounding [Hungry Wolf] pirate group members fell to the ground with white eyes and fainted.

"Tyrant.....Tyrant...Tyrant...Tyrant...king...Sex Tyrant...Tyrant...."Angry?"

The cadre was so frightened that he couldn't speak clearly.

"Hey, tell your captain to get out."

Rocks smiled widely, but in the eyes of the cadre, this smile was as terrifying as the god of death!

"Bro, why are you scaring this guy?...."

"I was scared to death by you."

At this time, Loen and others also walked onto the island and saw that the officer's crotch was completely wet and exuded an unpleasant smell.

Loen couldn't help but pinch his nose.

His brother was looking for"fun" again.

After all, Loen knew that with his brother Rocks's observation Haki, it would not be difficult to find the captain of the Hungry Wolf Pirates on an island.

His brother just liked to play such tricks.

He got fun from such tricks.

"hey-hey...Isn't this too exciting?"

"This is our first time going out to sea!"

Locks' excitement was beyond words, and he gently exerted force on his wrist.

With a"bang" sound, red liquid like watermelon juice splashed everywhere - the cadre's head was instantly crushed.

"vomit...So disgusting!"

"Brain matter was splattered everywhere!"

"I want to vomit...I'm going to vomit my dinner!"

The newcomers who had just joined the Rocks Pirates quickly fell to their knees upon seeing this bloody scene, unable to hold back their vomiting.

However, Rocks and Lorne looked calm and composed.

The cruelty of the Celestial Dragons was world-famous.

The two, who had been slaves since childhood and grew up in the Holy Land, had seen countless scenes that were dozens of times bloodier than this. They had long been accustomed to it.

A mere head being crushed was nothing new to them, and they didn't even feel a little bit of emotion in their hearts.

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