Swish, swish, swish!

Following the order, some murloc warriors who were ambushing in the deep sea decisively launched attacks in dark places such as reefs and corals after seeing the warship. For a moment, dense projectiles came from all directions of the warship like a tide.

Most of these projectiles were pointed weapons such as bows and arrows and giant crossbows.

They did not seek to cause casualties, but only to puncture the bubble coating.

Although this is the deep sea and the water pressure is very huge, the firing speed of these bows and crossbows is still very fast.

After all, this is the home court of the murlocs.

"There is an ambush!"

"Shoot down these arrows and crossbows immediately. If the coating is broken, it will be over!"

The commander on the warship said excitedly.

This is the deep sea. Without the coating, even the generals can't move.

Soon some soldiers raised their guns and prepared to shoot down these arrows.

"No..."Don't shoot!"

The naval officer in charge of navigation immediately stopped the soldiers' actions.

If they rashly launched an attack inside the bubble coating, before the opponent's arrows could pierce the coating, their own people would pierce the coating first!

"So..what should I do then?"

"Are we just going to watch these arrows fly towards us?"

"want...It's going to sink!"

Seeing the arrows coming closer and closer, the navy soldiers were helpless and terrified.

If the coating was damaged in this ten thousand meter deep sea, the whole ship would die without a burial place.

"Look at me knocking them away!"

"I'm with you, Garp!"

At this moment, Garp and Zefa, two non-fruit users who followed General Lei Long as the vanguard, were ready to dive directly into the deep sea to block these weapons.

""Be careful, Garp, Zephyr!"

Sengoku and Tsuru, who had already eaten the fruit, could only remind them.

In the sea, their fruit abilities could not be used.

"This year's recruits are very motivated."

"But let me do it."

At this moment, Lei Long spoke up to stop Garp and Zephyr.

"30 million volts, Thunderbird!"

Unlike Enel, who needs to hit the drum behind him to activate his ability, the admiral-level Thunder Dragon has already mastered the Thunder Fruit to perfection.

With a wave of his hand, he launched a terrifying Thunderbird.

The Thunderbird spread directly in the sea.

Although the ability of the devil fruit will be ineffective when it touches seawater.

But the ability of the admiral Thunder Dragon will not be ineffective too quickly even if it encounters seawater.

The terrifying lightning spread everywhere with the conductivity of seawater.

For a time, the arrows and crossbows fired by the fishmen were all shot down by lightning.

Not only that, the range of lightning directly spread to dozens of miles around!

Zila, zila~!

For a time, the deep sea was full of lightning, dazzling!

After a few seconds, the lightning dissipated.

These fish warriors, including the sea fish and other creatures floating in the sea, all had white eyes, and their lives and deaths were uncertain!

"As expected, he is General Lei Long!"

"The devil fruit can actually work in the sea!"

"After all, it is the highest combat force of our naval headquarters!"

"It's only natural that we can do this."

"What Rocks Pirates? We must capture them all this time!"

After Lei Long made his move, the morale of the navy suddenly rose.

"That's amazing!"

"As expected, Mr. Lei Long!"

"" So handsome, Mr. Lei Long!"

Zefa, Zhan Guo, and He looked at Lei Long with admiration.....So handsome!

"I will surpass Mr. Lei Long one day!"

Garp clenched his fists and was full of energy!

In addition to Crane, from the first day of joining the navy, Garp, Zephyr, and Sengoku's goal was to become the admiral of the navy!

"Go full speed ahead, I can already feel the breath of the Celestial Dragons!"

"Although it was very weak, the Celestial Dragons were not dead yet."

Thunder Dragon's observation Haki combined with the Thunder Fruit can release a long distance.

He immediately sensed the breath of Saint Izramani.

This made Thunder Dragon very happy.

As a navy admiral, Thunder Dragon is a loyal supporter of the World Government.

His justice is similar to that of Green Bull in later generations. He believes that the Celestial Dragons are everything.

Other non-World Government member countries are"inferior" species.

This is also the biggest reason why he can become a navy admiral and a strong candidate for the next navy marshal.

Boom boom boom!

The warship increased its horsepower and entered Fishman Island in a blink of an eye.

"The fishmen began to flee in all directions."

"The Celestial Dragons are in Gironcord Square."

After getting off the warship, the navy maintained their formation and began to enter the hinterland of Fishman Island. Gironcord Square

"I saw it! Saint Izramani!"

After arriving at Gironcord Square, the navy immediately found Saint Izramani, who was dying.

After all, the Celestial Dragon was tied up in the most conspicuous position in the square, so it would be hard not to notice him.

"Oh my God, the Celestial Dragons were tortured like this?"

"Their hands and feet were broken, their faces were covered in blood, it was really horrible!"

Seeing the miserable state of the Celestial Dragons, the navy soldiers were shocked!

It was the first time they saw the glamorous and arrogant Celestial Dragons being tortured into such a miserable state. It was even worse than the slaves of the Holy Land.

"Hahaha, that's really interesting......"

Garp smiled, as if he didn't care at all about the Celestial Dragon being beaten up.

Crane beside him quickly pulled Garp's clothes, signaling him to stop talking like that.

"navy...The Navy is coming!"

"That is...that is Admiral Lei Long!"

"Retreat quickly!"

"Wait for me, don't leave me!"

The navy was also discovered by the fishmen at the first time.

After seeing the admiral of the navy, the fishmen accelerated their retreat.

The reason why the Celestial Dragons are lawless is because the admiral of the navy stands behind them.

People are not afraid of the Celestial Dragons, but the admiral of the navy!

"Damn fishmen, damn Rocks Pirates"

"How dare you torture the Tianlong people like this!"

Seeing the miserable state of the Tianlong people, Lei Long was immediately furious.

You must know that the Tianlong people are the gods of this world!

They are the descendants of the Creator!

Without the Tianlong people, there would be no world government!

Treating the descendants of the Creator like this cannot be forgiven.

"The crime is unforgivable!"

"Thunder Dragon: 60 million volts!"

The angry Thunder Dragon raised his hand and created a lightning dragon with a diameter of hundreds of meters.


Thunder roared, the dragon sounded, and the entire Jilong Court Square was raging with electricity!

The next moment, the Thunder Dragon raised his hand and waved, and the giant dragon attacked the fishmen who were evacuating in an orderly manner.

"Wait, Mr. Lei Long, shouldn't we verify who attacked the Tianlong people?"

"Actually facing ordinary people!"

"Are you sure?"

After seeing General Lei Long attacking ordinary fishmen,

Garp, Sengoku, Zephyr, Crane and some new recruits were all shocked and their worldviews were shattered!....They actually attacked ordinary people!

Is this really what the navy should do?

At least they should verify who is the murderer who killed the Celestial Dragons and punish the murderer.

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