"It's the Royal Guard!"

Many fishmen hiding in the reefs immediately recognized the incoming ship.

"Who is it? You are right above my head, what an eyesore."

The Celestial Dragon was very unhappy when he saw this, and he picked up the pistol inlaid with jewels and diamonds and was ready to pull the trigger.

"Saint Izramani"

"It looks like King Neptune's ship." said the man in a black suit.

"Oh? Is it the king here? Call him down and ask him to send me some fishmen."

The Tianlong picked his nose and said after he flew away casually.

"Neptune, Saint Izramani is here, why don't you come to see him?"

The man in the black suit took out the Den Den Mushi loudspeaker and shouted to the giant ship in the sky.

Because they have been following the Celestial Dragons, these guards don't take the kings of the World Government member countries seriously at all.

They just called Neptune's name directly.

Soon the giant ship slowly landed on the ground.

Neptune led the left minister, the right minister and many soldiers of the royal guards to come down.

After seeing so many injured fishmen and corpses at the scene, Neptune and others looked very ugly.

At the same time, the CP0 and the guards present also looked a little angry.

Because Neptune and others seemed to have no intention of kneeling when they saw the Celestial Dragons!

Could it be that they did too much today?

Humph, no matter how much they did, they have to endure it!

The Celestial Dragons are the gods who created this world!

"Neptune, how dare you not kneel when you see a Celestial Dragon?"

Before the Celestial Dragon could speak, a man in a black suit asked in a condescending tone.


Neptune snorted coldly, and his huge body quickly moved in front of the man in the black suit.

"You came to Fishman Island, killed so many of my residents, and you still dare to make me kneel?"

""Go to hell!"


A scene that no one expected appeared!

Neptune took out a beautifully carved trident and directly inserted it into the head of the man in the black suit!


The head was instantly smashed like a watermelon, and the man in the black suit died on the spot!

"Dear fish people, the Celestial Dragons have always regarded us fish people as inferior creatures, suppressing us and forcing us to live miserably in the ten thousand meter deep sea where we cannot see the sunlight!"

"They also captured our compatriots and took them to the Holy Land of Marijoa as their slaves."

"What have we gained in return for our repeated tolerance?!"

"They even refused to let us live on land!"

"today...Today, he actually dared to bring people to our territory to kill people in a big way!"

"This is intolerable!"

"Warriors of Fishman Island, take up your weapons and fight back!"

"From now on, the fate of us fishmen is determined by ourselves!"

After killing the man in the black suit, Neptune raised the weapon in his hand high above his head and gave an impassioned speech!

Immediately, the fishmen hiding in the dark were completely stunned!

Is this still their king, the good old Neptune?

Why did he suddenly change his nature today and want to attack the Celestial Dragons?

However, even if there was a brief daze, these fishmen soon emerged from the dark!

Since the king has risked his life today, they have no reason to hide in the dark.


"Kill these bastards and avenge our dead compatriots!"

"They killed my son! I will kill them with my own hands!"

"My brother and my father were also killed by them!"

"And my sister and elder sister also died in the chaos just now!"

"Give me back my fiancée!"

"Give my daughter back to me, you bastard Celestial Dragons!"

There must be hundreds of thousands of residents on Fishman Island!

They all rushed out at once, and everyone was extremely angry. The scene was quite scary!

"how come??"

"Neptune, are you fucking crazy?"

"Are you going to take action against the Celestial Dragons?"

"You, Fishman Island, want to break with the World Government, right?"

Since the incident happened suddenly, things changed too quickly.

Several CP0s just reacted.

After all, how could they have imagined that the Fishman Island, which has always been honest and at the mercy of others, would actually have the courage to attack the Celestial Dragons?!

"Huh? Break up? That's too harsh."

"Just figured out some things."

"The world government has never treated us as its own people. In this case, we naturally have to rely on others!"

"From now on, the residents of Fishman Island will join the Rocks Pirates!"

"Warriors of Fishman Island, wipe out these scums who broke into Fishman Island!"

Neptune snorted coldly, picked up the trident and started fighting with CP0 in front of him.

Some elite members of the royal guards also went out.

The two sides started a fierce fight.

"Rocks Pirates?!"

After hearing this name, CP0 also understood.

No wonder Neptune has such courage.


"The fishmen and the Rocks Pirates have joined forces!"

"quick...Quickly inform the world's governments and navies of this news!"

"Have the navy dispatch the admiral immediately!"

"And immediately escort Saint Izramani to the ship and leave here"

"We will hold them off here first."

Several CP0s also showed their qualities as agents at a critical moment.

After understanding the situation, they immediately began to formulate countermeasures.

"Saint Izramanni, it is dangerous here, please follow us and leave immediately.

Several men in black suits carried Saint Izramanni's bloated body and ran to the boat.

"What are you running for, you bastards?"

"What's there to be afraid of?"

"With so many fishmen rushing over, it's just right to catch a few more!"

With Saint Izramani's intelligence, he still hasn't figured out the actual situation at the scene.

"Don't drag me���Go catch the fishmen, you idiots!"

Bang, bang, bang!

Being dragged so hard that he was really angry, Saint Izramani actually pointed his gun at the men in black suits for the first time.

Several men in black suits immediately fell in a pool of blood!

Even if the Celestial Dragons made such a ridiculous move, several other men in black suits immediately replaced them and took over the bloated bodies of the Celestial Dragons again.

These people have been brainwashed.

Even if they are killed by the Celestial Dragons, they will only think it is their own fault.

Soon these guards escorted the Celestial Dragons to the boat

""Hurry up and get out of here!" the black-suited guard quickly ordered.

But the boat did not move.

"What's going on?"The men in black suits looked around instinctively and found that the slaves, shipwrights, servants, cooks, helmsmen and others on the ship had all fainted on the ground with their eyes whitened!

"Hehe, interesting, the Celestial Dragons are actually so stupid"

"Brother-in-law, brother-in-law, how do you think they rule the world?"

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