At this moment, the highest commander on the battlefield.

Topman Lestek fell into hesitation.

Now is undoubtedly the best time to eliminate the Rocks Pirates.

The Knights of God, together with several admirals of the navy, will soon be able to catch all the core members of the Rocks Pirates.

You know, this pirate group has only been at sea for a few years, and it has replaced the navy as the new [Sea Overlord].

If they are given more time to develop, they may grow into the greatest threat that can challenge the foundation of the world government's rule in the future!

There is no doubt about it!

After all, how many years have the Rocks Pirates been at sea? They have already successfully suppressed the navy!

Give them another ten years, and God knows how terrible they will grow into.

So getting rid of them here is undoubtedly the best opportunity to cut the grass and root them out!

But now, the opponent's second-in-command, Loen, has actually kidnapped seven or eight Celestial Dragons as hostages!

This is very bad.

Although he is the deputy leader of the Knights of God, he has the supreme power to execute, judge, and convict Celestial Dragons.

But that is internal!

In other words, there is no problem with executing these Celestial Dragons by himself!!

Even if someone from your own family has committed a heinous crime, as long as the family disgrace is not made public and handled behind closed doors, there won't be any problem.

But if they are killed by pirates in front of the whole world, that would be a big problem!

This would make the whole world think that [God] is nothing special, and the subtle influence of the world government on the people for hundreds of years would be destroyed in an instant. After all, as a Celestial Dragon, if he turns a blind eye to the death of his compatriots, and these Celestial Dragon families join forces to put pressure on him in the future, then it would not be easy for him as the deputy leader!

This matter is not something he can decide........

At the same time, in the Holy Land, Mary Geoise, the five elders in the Hall of Power also frowned and looked solemn.

Although they were the Five Elders, they had also worked hard to get to the position of the Five Elders. They had gone through many battles and made great contributions from ordinary Celestial Dragons. Of course, they knew the seriousness of this matter.

"Damn it, I didn’t expect that this guy Loen actually had this trick up his sleeve!"

"At that time, everyone's attention was taken away by Lockes, Newgate and others!"

"The Knights of God and the Admirals present at the scene had no time to care about the second-in-command of the Rocks Pirates!"

"What a mistake. Quite a mistake!"

"The last operation was also due to the bastard Loen's sneak attack on the Navy Headquarters, which led to the failure of the Navy's operation!"

The Five Elders stared at Loen at this moment.

If eyes could kill, then Loen would have been tortured dozens of times by the eyes of the Five Elders.

After all, the last war in Wano Country was because of Loen's X factor, who suddenly attacked the Navy alone.

Not only did he destroy all the Navy's supplies, but this battle also made the Navy completely embarrassed in front of the whole world and lost the title of [Sea Overlord]!

"Now is not the time to talk about this. Lestek was obviously in a state of hesitation, not knowing what to do."

At this moment, a man named Izambaron, wearing a kimono and holding the demon sword, the First Generation Kitetsu, appeared.·V·The Five Elder Stars of Nasujuro Saint [Financial Martial God] said

"To be honest, this matter is indeed very tricky. On one side are the Celestial Dragons, and on the other side are the Rocks Pirates....Quite difficult to choose..."

Next to him, the Five Elders, who had short blond hair, a burgundy suit, and dark skin, [Agricultural God] Shepard Ten Peter Saint, covered his head.

"Are we going to let the Rocks Pirates escape like this?"

The [God of Law], Topman Vulchuli, who has a bad temper and a map scar on his head, said excitedly.

The Rocks Pirates have brought shame to the Navy and the World Government many times!

If we don't seize this opportunity and let them escape again, God knows what kind of trouble they will cause to the World Government next.

"But if these Celestial Dragons are sacrificed, their families will definitely demand an explanation." said the [Environmental Martial God], Marcus Maz, who has a long white beard and long white hair.

In addition to the Nefertari family from Alabasta who have"defected", there are a total of 19 Celestial Dragon families living in the Holy Land.

These families naturally have some influence.

If they jointly express their dissatisfaction, the Five Elders will not be able to ignore it.

After all,....Many Celestial Dragons have died in this battle.

"Now is not the time to worry about these things. The battlefield is changing rapidly and we need to give orders as soon as possible!"

【[Scientific Defense God of War], said Jaygolucia Satan, who had a head of curly hair like a chief judge, a judge's hat, and a large scar on his right face.

The five elders looked at each other and understood each other's thoughts.

After all, they have been partners for quite a long time.

At that moment, the five elders understood from each other's eyes that solving the Rocks Pirates was undoubtedly a more important matter!

After all, if the Rocks Pirates were let go for these seven or eight Celestial Dragons today, the Rocks Pirates would still attack the World Government in the future. If the Rocks Pirates were let go today, the next war might cost more than seven or eight Celestial Dragons, but seventy or eighty Celestial Dragons!

At that time, not to mention the patriarchs of the major families, even Lord Im would be alarmed!

This is not what the five elders want to see.

Although the five elders are also Celestial Dragons, they do not want to see their compatriots die.

But this is a helpless solution. The Rocks Pirates, a pirate group that has only been at sea for a few years, are too dazzling and cannot be allowed to have any breathing space!

"So...It's decided, already."

"That’s right, destroying the Rocks Pirates is the most important mission!"

"It's settled then. If those old guys come to cause trouble after the war, we must stand together."

"No problem, this sacrifice is worth it to maintain the balance of the world"

"A plan for appeasement must also be thought of as soon as possible. After all, so many Celestial Dragons have died, and it is necessary to appease the major families."

The Five Elders said one sentence each, and they have decided the life and death of many people in the midst of chatting and laughing!

In order to destroy the Rocks Pirates, even the Celestial Dragons must make sacrifices!

Even if there will be joint pressure from the Celestial Dragons' families afterwards, this must be done!

In order to achieve great things, some necessary sacrifices must be made. This is the courage of the superiors!

The five of them can stand out from many Celestial Dragons and become the five elders with the highest power in the world. This courage is a must!

"Very good... Then, let's convey this message to Lestek as soon as possible."

The five elders nodded at the same time and immediately began to convey the message to Lestek.

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